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发表于 2010-7-22 17:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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请各位大侠帮我看一下这个ibis模型怎么了,这是我从TI官网上下载的,在编译的时候报错:( V$ P' u) O3 H* o8 ]* m
ERROR - Model Model67: The [Rising Waveform]   p) z& {: t' H& j! M) N6 Y, J. k
      with [R_fixture]=50 Ohms and [V_fixture]=0V
! I3 V2 G9 O9 R4 o$ F1 C8 j' T0 X      has TYP column DC endpoints of  0.00V and  1.19v, but" q6 S. j% j7 Q7 ?; _+ w( L
      an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields  S. ]) X9 b- D9 h
      different voltages ( 0.00V and  0.98V),
$ H) Z3 `: J6 R6 }      a difference of  0.00% and 21.94%, respectively.) c2 }  M0 t: T: M
ERROR - Model Model67: The [Falling Waveform]
, f3 h& x5 D3 h+ P      with [R_fixture]=50 Ohms and [V_fixture]=1.8V
9 F/ ~; r( U/ X" J2 w      has TYP column DC endpoints of  0.63V and  1.80v, but
) s, ~$ Y$ c2 F+ W) ^" W      an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields
# w; x7 J. y- U) ]      different voltages ( 0.88V and  1.80V),
$ k0 |& D: Y8 U3 L/ O/ z- p2 i# v# ?; H      a difference of 27.06% and  0.00%, respectively.
" a; _  E1 d/ D; jWARNING - Model Model67 Pulldown Minimum data is non-monotonic
; b" X; j9 H( fWARNING - Model Model67 Pullup Maximum data is non-monotonic
* R# t( e2 [# D' Q, A% D, `0 AERROR - Model Model67: The [Rising Waveform] + u. b$ n* W( u; @* h0 f, _1 f
      with [R_fixture]=50 Ohms and [V_fixture_max]=0V- K. c5 n* X, T0 X. I2 v
      has MAX column DC endpoints of  0.00V and  1.38v, but
9 e! |5 K% t1 }      an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields8 f7 P7 P" V, B# z5 u% e
      different voltages ( 0.00V and  1.15V),
  T- l. p6 J% k% c+ `' [" Y  ]) m      a difference of  0.00% and 20.19%, respectively.3 r8 |9 h+ @. \5 S
ERROR - Model Model67: The [Falling Waveform] " C, H4 d0 E/ ?# ~4 K* n& _) O
      with [R_fixture]=50 Ohms and [V_fixture_max]=1.89V
& W7 O4 O% n" r( `      has MAX column DC endpoints of  0.53V and  1.89v, but
1 Z3 W) d1 V) a9 H8 X. L9 E- i      an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields( {( q0 L3 T* o3 B7 d( M$ u
      different voltages ( 0.84V and  1.89V),
. n; r4 v9 x$ p, q. V2 @! S      a difference of 29.38% and  0.00%, respectively.9 L1 Y. V8 [  T* x# A

9 p/ V2 N! H  U8 R& }哪位大侠知道的帮帮忙啊,不知道的也帮我分析分析吧。( K- ~: p2 a& i3 S! Q/ U5 O& u. L& U& G
我这有一段解释:This happens because the function acdc_VI_Given_VIC_VR() in acdc.c improperly
: j, K# t8 P# v6 U: M9 `9 ^0 Dreports the I-V/V-t intersection whenever it lies above the highest voltage in
- |: }0 `% ^( R7 D7 f* B: F! Pthe I-V characteristic.  This defect is likely to show itself in models lacking
2 u  A1 |1 X' q2 |, }4 ^clamp tables and in which either the [Pullup] or [Pulldown] table does not cover ( T$ s! R: O  J) n4 V4 t) w
the range from -Vcc to 2*Vcc.  Any open drain or open source model which lacks 9 ]# Y" m/ a% D* U4 m' I9 g
clamp tables is likely to meet these conditions because it is likely to lack
: E, l. {: Z- `6 @% heither the [Pullup] or [Pulldown] table.  In this test case, IBISCHK generates   `3 I- h' G1 V
error messages only for the MIN data because the highest voltage in the high-
, \7 V( T7 c  S( E3 f! Nstate I-V characteristic for the minimum corner lies below the 1.8 V V-T
0 j3 e; `9 R) }: w& uoperating voltage.2 }! M: ?9 A1 d/ [8 h+ T
4 L4 b, x6 w$ h+ v5 ]
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