;------------ Cut Here and save to file as: show_library.il ---------------
;# #
;# Comment Section #
;# #
; Author: Larry Bowman - Technical Services
; Email: bowman@cadence.com
; Product: Allegro
; Version: 11.0
; Date: January 10, 1996
; Revision Date: Februrary 6, 1996
; Author: Joe Morrison
; email: joe.morrison@lmco.com
; Revision Description:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This revision will get a list of all padnames used in the design
; and searches for them in the directories specified in "padpath".
; This information is then written out to the end of the symbol report.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This program will find the library path of each Allegro
; symbol (for example, DIP14_3) and create a report showing
; its Name, Symbol Type, and Libary Path.
; This program will only find Allegro Symbols that are of the type
; This is because a DRAFTING symbol does not have a unix path name.
; This will ONLY report on those components already placed in the
; board layout and not on any that are unplaced. If you want a complete
; listing of the symbols, be sure ALL components are Placed.
; A listing of all Unplaced Components will be included in the report
; if there are some Placed and Unplaced components. If there are no
; Placed components or no Placed Mechanical,Format, or Shape symbols
; then the program will exit stating such.
; To run this program in the Allegro editor at the command line, you would
; type in the command, "show library".
; For example:
; Allegro> show library
; You may also modify an Allegro menu to include this command as a menu
; selection.
;# #
;# End Of Comment Section #
;# #
;# #
;# Main Program - show library #
;# #
axlCmdRegister("show library" 'lcbShowLibPath)
(defun lcbShowLibPath ()
prog( ()
; Create variables
d_name = axlCurrentDesign()
d_type = axlDesignType(t)
curdate = getCurrentTime()
; Get a list of symbol definitions
l_symdefs = axlDBGetDesign()->symdefs
if(l_symdefs == nil
printf("** No Allegro Symbols are Placed. **\n")
printf("** Place symbols and try again. **\n")
); endif
; Open a log file called show_library.log
logfile = axlDMOpenLog("show_library")
; Print Header Message to log file
fprintf(logfile "\n")
fprintf(logfile "#######################################################\n")
fprintf(logfile " Design Name is: %s\n" d_name)
fprintf(logfile " Design Type is: %s\n" d_type)
fprintf(logfile " Time Stamp is: %s\n" curdate)
fprintf(logfile "#######################################################\n")
fprintf(logfile "\n")
; Print out current library path settings
fprintf(logfile "CURRENT LIBRARY PATHS\n")
fprintf(logfile "=====================\n\n")
fprintf(logfile "PSMPATH = %s\n" axlGetVariable("psmpath"))
fprintf(logfile "PADPATH = %s\n" axlGetVariable("padpath"))
fprintf(logfile "DEVPATH = %s\n\n" axlGetVariable("devpath"))
; See if there are any unplaced components
l_components = axlDBGetDesign()->components
unplaced = t
fprintf(logfile "UNPLACED COMPONENTS\n")
fprintf(logfile "===================\n\n")
foreach(component l_components
if(component->symbol == nil then
unplaced = nil
fprintf(logfile "Reference Designator: %-10s Device Type: %-20s\n" component->name component->deviceType)
); end if
); end foreach
if( unplaced == t then
fprintf(logfile "No Unplaced Components\n")
); end if
fprintf(logfile "\n\nPLACED COMPONENTS and SYMBOLS\n")
fprintf(logfile "=============================\n\n")
; Find Placed Components and Symbols
; Find the longest name for each Symbol entry to format each column width
; to fit the longest character string.
name_length = 11
type_length = 11
path_length = 12
foreach(symid l_symdefs
; Find the longest Symbol Name
if( stringp(symid->name) == t
if( strlen(symid->name) > name_length
name_length = strlen(symid->name)
); end if
); end if
; Find the longest Symbol Type
if( stringp(symid->name) == t
if( strlen(symid->type) > type_length
type_length = strlen(symid->type)
); end if
); end if
; Find longest Library Path
if( stringp(symid->prop->LIBRARY_PATH) == t
if( strlen(symid->prop->LIBRARY_PATH) > path_length
path_length = strlen(symid->prop->LIBRARY_PATH)
); end if
); end if
); end foreach
; Create format from above calculations
sprintf(formatheader "%s-%ns %s-%ns %s-%ns \n" "%" name_length "%" type_length "%" path_length)
; Print Column Headers
fprintf(logfile formatheader "Symbol Name" "Symbol Type" "Library Path")
; Print dash character under the title of "Symbol Name"
i = 1
for(i 1 name_length
fprintf(logfile "-")
i = i + 1
); end for
fprintf(logfile " ")
; Print dash character under the title of "Symbol Type"
i = 1
for(i 1 type_length
fprintf(logfile "-")
i = i + 1
); end for
fprintf(logfile " ")
; Print dash character under the title of "Library Path"
i = 1
for(i 1 path_length
fprintf(logfile "-")
i = i + 1
); end for
fprintf(logfile "\n")
; Print out the Symbol Name, Symbol Type, and Library Path except for Symbol Type = DRAFTING
foreach(symid l_symdefs
if(symid->type != "DRAFTING" then
fprintf(logfile formatheader symid->name symid->type symid->prop->LIBRARY_PATH)
); end if
); end foreach
; jtm addition for pad paths -
(fprintf logfile "\n\nPADSTACK LIBRARY\n================\n\n")
(fprintf logfile "%-18s %s\n" "Pad Name" "Library Path")
(fprintf logfile "%-18s %s\n" "------------" "----------------------------")
paddir=(axlGetVariable "padpath")
padlist=(reverse (parseString paddir))
(foreach padname1 padStackList
pname=(lowerCase pname)
(foreach pdir padlist
(if (isDir pdir)
(sprintf fullname "%s/%s.pad" pdir pname )
(if (isFile fullname)
) ;
) ; if
); foreach
(if padname
(fprintf logfile "%-18s %s\n" pname padname)
(fprintf logfile "%-18s %s\n" pname "*** Not Found ***")
); if
); foreach pad
; Close log file
; Set the width of the form output to be the longest string printed.
; Make sure total width of all the columns is at least 66 characters long
xwidth = 66 ; Minimum width
if(strlen(axlGetVariable("psmpath")) > xwidth then
xwidth = strlen(axlGetVariable("psmpath")) + 15
); endif
if(strlen(axlGetVariable("padpath")) > xwidth then
xwidth = strlen(axlGetVariable("padpath")) + 15
); endif
if(strlen(axlGetVariable("devpath")) > xwidth then
xwidth = strlen(axlGetVariable("devpath")) + 15
); endif
if(name_length + type_length + path_length + 6 > xwidth then
xwidth = name_length + type_length + path_length + 6
); endif
; Make the width no longer than 200 characters long.
if(xwidth > 200 then
xwidth = 200
); endif
geom = list(xwidth 20)
; View log file
axlUIViewFileCreate("show_library.log" "Show Library Paths" t geom)
); end prog
); end lcbShowLibPath
;# #
;# End of Main Program - show library #
;# #