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Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2013-7-10 18:04 | 只看该作者
Migrating Cadence Allegro Designs ; ~6 E$ ~5 j9 f5 D. Y% Y

. a" q3 `6 J, T8 i& v& h0 n$ m" cThe Cadence Allegro to PADS Layout design translator is one of a group of translators included with the PADS PCB Design Tools. It installs with PADS Layout.
' h7 l& t' ?$ W, Y7 a4 A
1 P5 {# K8 ^: m# ~8 f Tip: To find the version number of the translator, click the translator icon in the title bar, and select About Allegro Designs Translator. . l+ v: e4 K5 Y

3 h) R/ Y2 `9 mSupported Versions " S/ m. W/ D5 k% Z4 d9 x4 ]
1 m- H" s9 O/ o& R# v- D$ c
The translator supports up to version 16.3 of Allegro PCB. 7 D1 ]! W& S; O1 b0 Y9 X
# E! y' ?* l' l! y6 b+ F
6 `% Z4 O) ?4 V" Z4 [& J" `3 ^ •You must have access to both PADS Layout and to the Cadence Allegro PCB Editor in at least the XL version.4 ]2 S& {6 R( C
•Only the “electrical” type data is translated. ) @' d0 ]6 Y" C
9 p; Y' ?# ^3 K4 t4 K9 B2 ]- N8 E
Choosing a Method & @" g, X0 R5 f

6 i4 z8 h# [$ M/ N) ]If both applications reside on the same machine, use Method 1 to migrate the design. If they are on different machines, use Method 2. # z; Z0 V% E. A& o3 }

( R6 h6 X( p9 P- f8 A3 m% C! XMethod 1—PADS and Allegro on the Same Machine 7 H0 u  T3 H7 }. j2 M. g, Z
- q" h. _5 Q' j9 s
Perform the following steps to migrate an Allegro design to PADS Layout when PADS Layout and Allegro PCB Editor reside on the same machine. / J. I/ f0 ]; p- d* _

3 L( l- H+ z6 h# Q: ^6 ~7 FProcedure
6 J4 b6 B- A& w! n, O 1.To prepare the Allegro design(s) for migration, copy the contents of the <PADS install dir>\SDD_HOME\translators\skill_scripts folder to:/ b% h7 W5 |+ W& a# e
◦Unix—the $HOME\pcbenv folder.
  ?4 T5 t% |& Q* l3 ^ ◦Windows—the %HOME% folder. For example, C:\SPB_Data\pcbenv: u) n/ A! h& S
2.Verify that the following "System" Variables are set prior to running "skill load dfl_main.il" otherwise translator executable files do not properly generate correct output files and folders in the background.- H5 c; X: g+ ~5 v! @! g" `5 M
AEX_BIN_ROOT=%SDD_HOME%\translators\win32\bin( e, W4 Z- N3 K+ e2 A: x1 b

; e% D1 H4 v  gAEX_ENABLE_JOBPREFS_LAYER_FIX=1/ u) P. e$ ?4 e7 T* U/ o
% P: G. Q' W% [% Z- z: |% e
7 L( u  \% l& G4 C) ]: Q' L% {+ w
Tip: Some environments remove the above Variables when you run The MGC SDD Configurator. If this happens add them to "User" variables. , O/ {$ }* M$ {( L4 q5 d0 o
3.For each design you want to translate:( T6 |7 }6 v  q( t6 Z& o) H6 g1 |
a.Create a new folder (for example C:\SPB_Data\convert_1), and copy into it the Allegro design (.brd) file you want to migrate.
* J  ?2 B) d8 j2 x! A8 }- Y b.Open the .brd file, and in the Allegro command prompt window enter these command lines:
! T. Q0 `2 ^# A* T0 n; s) ICommand> skill load “dfl_main.il” (include quotes)- Z- N3 a. l8 y' [1 A& T: k* a

. C6 K8 k& \7 Q" |, o# j, t$ XCommand> main out
$ m) N& X8 m( f1 b* V6 c' H0 O
: @1 s) x9 B) ?9 s/ q9 e c.The “main out” opens the Allegro to Expedition Translator dialog box. Click the Start One Way Translation button.- \9 l2 ?  `$ d+ K0 H( {  ~
d.After the SKILL script has completed, any errors reported must be fixed, then rerun the SKILL script. The migration will not complete correctly if all errors are not fixed. When completed, numuerous folders and files are generated under the new design folder you created in step a.
; \2 Z$ D: f- H! D9 c# S. f 4.Migrate the prepared Allegro design(s) (for example C:\SPB_Data\convert_1) to PADS Layout using one of the following steps:
+ Q+ @7 ^, o# K# x1 c7 F3 S •A single design—In PADS Layout, use File > Import. This procedure automatically includes attributes. When migration completes, it is automatically opened in PADS Layout." b4 z/ `+ A2 T6 S/ E
•Multiple designs or to control attribute translation—Perform the following steps:
) Q) C$ Z  e+ D  r' h i.From the Start Menu, run the Allegro to PADS Translator.% ~1 J* }3 Q% U+ U% A
ii.In the Allegro Designs Translator dialog box:, Y0 W% m: t0 \2 W
a.Identify the location where you want the translated files placed." o4 V3 S: G* ?. d) q
b.Use the Add button to specify the files you want to translate.
. P, z  V7 {3 D) C( C c.Specify whether or not to translate attributes.' H' s( N- E7 T+ l) w! z( n
d.Click the Translate button. The output filename(s) will be in the format
1 s/ Q. D" i. t. z+ J) O5 D' ?/ l: _5 v$ ~/ }' P$ w& c
design_##########.pcb.7 u7 [2 `/ T+ b7 S( u: M3 c# P; v

. a5 K/ Y4 `; d8 ZMethod 2—PADS and Allegro on Different Machines
) a: [& t6 p! r# _5 \8 s0 H; C4 ]2 y* W
- Y4 i1 M8 Y6 K, sPerform the following steps to migrate an Allegro design to PADS Layout when PADS Layout and Allegro PCB Editor reside on different machines.
5 P; @1 Y! I1 {* I. l
8 g; Z7 i% s! ^% I$ ?Procedure ( I. o3 Q# b+ l
1.On the PADS machine, copy..
- `/ W: r  L) B3 S8 g •The contents of the <PADS install dir>\SDD_HOME\translators\skill_scripts folder 1 [5 D' D- H! X4 [+ x
•The <PADS install dir>\SDD_HOME\translators\win32\bin\tech_translator.exe4 q' c2 Q2 Z" z/ a4 [+ ^

1 ~+ v8 M5 C# ]- s..to the Allegro machine in the $HOME\pcbenv folder (for example C:\SPB_Data\pcbenv). ! l- G) \- h8 ?# i! |
2.Set the AEX_BIN_ROOT environment variable to point to $HOME\pcbenv.
5 r! l) x, ~/ y" O 3.Verify that the following "System" Variables are set prior to running "skill load dfl_main.il" otherwise translator executable files do not properly generate correct output files and folders in the background.
) r( G2 z& h6 H( \+ qAEX_BIN_ROOT=%SDD_HOME%\translators\win32\bin! h/ B" q% y' N( u) A6 q7 e

+ @2 }" x8 m: D
& A% q8 J/ Q0 N% N$ b% n7 f  {
( f. [5 r% V8 ~/ h3 G3 t0 m2 U& C Tip: Some environments remove the above Variables when you run The MGC SDD Configurator. If this happens add them to "User" variables. ! f& m- L2 W  v$ e! L; u  s
4.For each design you want to translate:) e  i5 Q* ^# t( X
a.Create a new folder (for example C:\SPB_Data\convert_1), and copy into it the Allegro design (.brd) file you want to migrate.' T6 ?& r7 R/ L  ~: u5 z, M
b.Open the .brd file, and in the Allegro command prompt window enter these command lines:; A) S7 s( j# @
Command> skill load “dfl_main.il” (include quotes)
6 ?5 Y" B8 d! m3 f0 I
0 l" U2 Z: C* T; T+ vCommand> main out
2 X) M# q1 ]  o, k- j2 W- x. |0 e7 n# F! t3 T: l! m6 {
c.The “main out” opens the Allegro to Expedition Translator dialog box. Click the Start One Way Translation button.
4 L& b) a  U$ J d.After the SKILL script has completed, any errors reported must be fixed, then rerun the SKILL script. The migration will not complete correctly if all errors are not fixed. When completed, numuerous folders and files are generated under the new design folder you created in step a.
+ N9 ^6 |% H3 T: _% ^9 v. U e.Zip-up and transfer the entire design folder (for example, C:\SPB_Data\convert_1) to the PADS machine., s1 H& u. Q3 K( w8 U
f.On the PADS machine, unzip to any location to migrate the prepared Allegro design(s) to PADS Layout.
- ?: M, D1 D) a0 Z$ @5 q 5.Migrate the prepared Allegro design(s) (for example C:\SPB_Data\convert_1) to PADS Layout using one of the following steps:& V! @: w' m- T& j# P- H2 B
•A single design—In PADS Layout, use File menu > Import. This procedure automatically includes attributes. When migration completes, it is automatically opened in PADS Layout.) V9 Z* ^( @3 V* x
•Multiple designs or to control attribute translation—Perform the following steps:4 ?. B6 f, q" I2 Q/ o7 S. K
i.From the Start Menu, run the Allegro to PADS Translator./ z! l. y% S; ^9 q$ l. U5 x
ii.In the Allegro Designs Translator dialog box:
9 p' m# f# _9 ^* h a.Identify the location where you want the translated files placed.
1 Z7 B/ e4 u0 D0 u$ `- y( Q$ b! L b.Use the Add button to specify the files you want to translate.
& w0 z% @* c, S2 e6 M5 J c.Specify whether or not to translate attributes.' ?/ S& b* Y0 g. ?& Y
iii.Click the Translate button. The output filename(s) will be in the format
8 L# R$ r9 D/ R- ~3 ?1 U
7 w) u+ [0 x4 |$ l2 ndesign_##########.pcb.5 X" q! d' y: f: ]* E








Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4Rank: 4

发表于 2013-7-22 16:58 | 只看该作者
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