懒的写,找了资料,是英文的,将就着看吧!!学PCB,建议还是要有一定的英文基础的,不然看不了资料,很难做到资深PCB的!!5 C7 t/ y3 w" ?8 q! K( k6 M. u$ {
" E& {) Y$ R2 c( E) |; E4 S, B) i
) G* d* v1 D+ `. P! g! E8 Z/ Q1. Choose Setup – Application Mode – Placement Edit. T- T1 d! G! s5 A# [! P+ r
' q- y0 K5 e+ \0 r- w* E
2. Create and place the initial (seed) circuit.
1 {4 t G8 R/ Y: a
G: p, b3 d' m# j3 F3. Preselect all components associated with the seed circuit by left-clicking, shift-clicking, or window selecting.
% m0 v+ r! X3 i6 e
# M: W. H+ V- k! z4. Right-click and choose Place Replicate Create from the pop-up menu that appears.. Q* Y; Q* d1 o/ Q2 T
I' j! f! s7 k. F& yThe console window prompts you to select/de-select the additional etch elements for the seed circuit. After you have completed the selection, right-click and choose Done.
1 L7 ]# T) a3 t1 T" u
+ e* `5 e6 t+ Y6 l5. The console command window prompts to Pick origin or use right-click to Use Snap to functionality:
8 Q0 p- s" z+ {6 `* o9 j$ ~1 e7 I7 U9 \. s
Click to pick the origin.6 C; S- J$ i3 p( G
9 N6 U. w0 T4 n4 `5 x+ \- kRight-click to Use Snap to, which lets you accurately position pick points with snapping modes.9 e$ R) l1 S4 v* p0 U) j0 E
% {7 ]3 P9 H7 M$ L* K
6. The Placement Replicate Create dialog box appears. Enter a name for the place replicate module definition database file (.mdd). 1 }: I2 P' A8 i
1 E8 ?; I: d9 @8 d3 L$ |3 t
7. Click Save the File to save the.mdd file to disk for use on other boards.
1 P6 u" R+ U9 U' M; e r
0 X. z9 [. [9 ]0 l" ]+ N' M- i8. Click OK to save the.mdd file to the current design database and close the dialog box.
+ W8 G- A" _1 s) @9 ]! I2 ?/ x" D* O' x! s6 e2 n
9. Window select the components targeted for replication. Limiting the selection to relevant members reduces processing time.
r4 j }# }7 s) E S
' q. x: P3 ^! h8 i10. To apply the.mdd file, right-click and choose Place Replicate Apply from the pop-up menu. See the place replicate apply command for additional procedures. |