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TYPE: GERBER6x00' h( m1 p7 [$ G8 O) r8 p
4 `" y& u- [7 b" MPROCESSING FILM < ART01.art > ...
/ H1 W8 M* ~# S$ e0 L ----------------------------------------
* [# O' F9 t5 _7 j; y6 h0 s) b1 \$ Z1 x4 q9 q( S
Film Parameters :
) D, [0 q. L' p9 Q" I4 T undefined line width ... 5.00. `5 B+ V! i0 k3 A
plot wheels allowed .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 g% E: a6 z4 V/ l# B) g. Y mirror code ..... NONE8 R2 r6 F( w. {" m% P- O& P: A
rotate angle .... NONE
0 R4 e% U2 K7 U8 c offset X: 0.00 Y: 0.00+ y( I- l$ {) a
plot negative ... NO$ F- q: [8 d: F0 p
draw (fill) pads lacking apertures .. NO0 w9 t% ?1 R6 H) G t* e: Q
suppress unconnected internal pads .. NO
" x# w. s" l' ]) s/ u) W make use of rotated apertures ....... NO
' h* y" d# @$ D5 T, q; i5 u; ^) x" h6 v. b( m& ~$ A9 Q/ R0 H# {3 v
ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 20.00 X 25.00 at (3560.00 2580.00) Rotation: 0.073
* J( d4 c& n* h ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 20.00 X 25.00 at (3560.00 2620.00) Rotation: 0.073/ ]' O4 G3 T* ^2 B
ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 20.00 X 25.00 at (3600.00 2580.00) Rotation: 0.073
8 x/ s3 M: H0 Z$ L' C' C/ L9 b ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 20.00 X 25.00 at (3600.00 2620.00) Rotation: 0.073
& z8 [) b1 j+ ^& Z/ u3 A8 h8 h ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 25.00 X 20.00 at (3640.00 2580.00) Rotation: 89.885
4 u* t5 g' O# A/ M ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 25.00 X 20.00 at (3640.00 2620.00) Rotation: 89.8850 ?$ w2 E) m6 K& c
ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 20.00 X 25.00 at (3600.00 2680.00) Rotation: 89.885( J3 q( K2 h' ]5 v& B8 ]
ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 20.00 X 25.00 at (3560.00 2680.00) Rotation: 89.885# }% v/ ?# V% ?+ n; _2 D
6 j9 k @: M3 ^/ V( N* z, \% H
ERROR: Artwork can't use standard geometries to flash 6 c) q5 C% I& \% ]
these odd-rotated (not 0,90,270,180) pads. This
- N8 Q% N3 y& E+ q design requires the use of ROTATED APERTURES.
8 i# n0 i% Y7 ^' e+ D( L# _$ E (PADSTACK NAME) (ROTATION)
' z. s7 y8 x1 S! B! ~1 [ SMD20X25 179.885! V7 z; B& o1 }0 [
SMD20X25 180.073
8 m2 w. G' Y) c6 Y, }/ p! e SMD20X25 269.885
2 {7 Q% U! q4 A
1 T' z$ {% h. q; y2 X RECTANGLE 20 25 89.885 (2) ) f2 u2 |. G) E
RECTANGLE 25 20 89.885 (2)
3 E7 p0 N7 w8 x* C# _ RECTANGLE 20 25 0.073 (4)
& n# Z4 M9 m, f7 s3 W w1 {$ H4 q4 @6 F$ Z
... error in film, proceed to next!0 {' G$ d. p) i
*** ERROR with ART01.art |