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7 w0 O, G O8 l: k
* D: s% u; m' ?$ E) D# |* E6 j! G4 n& I" I) W; M2 f' w. I0 L s
不能点击打开,但是按F1打开。其实也就是在线帮助。内容如下:4 @" j g i& A+ ^* c
) Z, L+ g) A& A" K/ s- T& s
. ? o# v% i ?8 v/ L" wDialog Box | Procedures7 _0 b& H3 ]6 r9 u, z
0 V4 \* u, f( g7 {$ d) dGenerates customized NC drill output files that reflect the parameters you set in the NC Parameters Dialog Box using the ncdrill param command.
6 g' c9 W. Y" a5 I [7 q9 R" E/ o0 U- k
If you choose Enhanced Excellon format on the NC Parameters dialog box, NC Drill generates a header in its output file that more fully uses the Excellon commands. The header starts with M48 and ends with % and lists tool specifications, the appropriate INCH/METRIC command appears, and LZ/TZ as required for padding the leading or trailing zeros in the data section. The Tnn tool-diameter specification codes expand to a TnnC.xxx format to specify the required router bit size.
2 M7 K. [4 g1 J1 V0 e$ _/ k6 I5 p2 i& @
5 q+ I1 R& f1 x; k% B6 K- Q [) ^In output files generated for same-size holes with identical plating but different tolerances, a different tool code is used.
' }8 d" R! n& z, b3 n
, j& R; N6 Q2 @* z Z" w0 XNC Drill output only applies to (circular) drill holes; use the ncroute command for slot holes. You can also run this command in batch mode using the nctape command.; M$ k7 J* t! X$ N& |$ r. G
1 M4 h+ @4 G' n, [& ^For additional information, see the Preparing Manufacturing Data user guide in your documentation set.
/ e0 ]% g, v/ H: z7 O
( [1 `0 F6 ?7 v) H* C3 W& @Menu Path6 ]+ f5 b& v8 j# q% s) C
0 k3 \7 m1 {7 t
Manufacture - NC - NC Drill" p) S6 g2 R; Q9 |
3 C2 t. `% p% x% U
NC Drill Dialog Box- \* v2 D" |. N
9 O9 j' x3 |, u, n6 ERoot File Name
& M$ O& O" B: B3 ^, D- jEnter a base filename for output text files before any appended extension. If you do not specify a filename extension, .drl is the default, which you can change by setting the ext_drill environment variable in the User Preferences Editor, available by choosing Setup - User Preferences (enved command).The filename defaults to <design name>-<l1>-<l2>.drl, where <l1> and <l2> are the two drilled layers.( P6 b% D0 U+ N) G1 o
When you choose to generate separate files for plated and non-plated holes, non-plated filenames are <design name>-np-<l1>-<l2>.drl.
2 R) J2 k0 Q& C: k# [) Q0 K4 xHoles defined on the Padstack Designer with Non-standard Drill types of Laser, Plasma, Punch, and Other output to separate files named <design name>-laser, <design name>-plasma, <design name>-punch, <design name>-other. For example, for non-plated holes that use non-standard drilling, the filename is <design name>-laser-np-1-2.drl., N" k0 P; n5 h
The naming conventions for backdrill files are drill-bd-top-<l2>.drl and drill-bd-bottom-<l2>.drl; for By Layer files, drill-bl-<l1>-<l2>.& C* _% D9 Q8 J) {0 O0 W5 n- C
Scale Factor
. M2 d2 b! p3 I0 \! PIndicates the value by which all drill locations in the output drill files are multiplied, to scale the X and Y drill locations.
R1 ?6 s3 h! F' D' N) N. ]Tool Sequence% R$ K w+ R& L: ~# z! F
Specifies whether the tool sequence starts with the smallest drill size and increases, or with the largest drill size and decreases. The default is Increasing.3 m: J5 q7 J9 N! J$ v
Auto Tool Select
; F+ E2 G: w- B% }' g0 zInserts Tnn tool-select codes into the data portion of the Excellon-format output file, instead of M00 stop codes for manual tool changing. Tnn codes automatically generate in sequence (for example, T01, T02, … Tnn).
2 l4 d5 K, m" FTnn tool-diameter specification codes only append to the tool-select code in the header portion of the Excellon-format output file, expanding to a TnnC.xxx format to specify the required router bit size, if you enabled Enhanced Excellon Format in the NC Parameters dialog box. For example, T01C.045 specifies that Tool 1 has a 45-mil diameter.$ ^4 f2 F) Z* n Y- q g. J5 {2 H
You can also opt to associate specific tool sizes with specific Tnn tool codes in an nc_tools.txt file, which is used if it exists; otherwise, NC Drill automatically determines the appropriate tools the design needs and assigns tool codes to them.
2 Z' e! _4 Q! hAn nc_tools_auto.txt file is created for reference. A warning message appears when an nc_tools.txt file is not found.7 \! ]% Y, n" }
Separate Files for Plated/Non-plated holes
0 G' K7 s K1 U1 F6 e e* H8 \ " @2 v* n F* k
Choose to generate separate files for plated and non-plated holes.
) C: Y1 `2 T8 U0 Q# hRepeat Codes* t0 X' Z% e6 J4 Z
Specifies whether your drill supports repeat codes. Enabled by default.
: g; U, v- u* T0 sOptimize Drill Head Travel1 n( a& J+ K B% p4 L1 }: l
+ W; V' O% ~8 Z$ ^$ c2 k! x
Choose to optimize drill travel on the NC Drill output files.+ c6 z. s2 j1 D# F4 d5 Y, K" I& P
) t7 l. r3 q; K& dEach execution of this command generates one of the following drill output files, depending on which you have chosen. Layer Pair and By Layer drill-output files are mutually exclusive. Generating one type removes the other if it exists in the design.
( ?4 J, J% k$ N TLayer Pair! f& v# X2 P7 u3 T( q h9 {: {
Choose to generate drill output files that represent the holes to drill according to combinations of layer pairs.+ V: o& C8 p* R* D- u
For example, for a four-layer board using thru via technology, this option represents the via that spans layers one through four as existing on the layer pair "1-4."7 \$ C& Q5 _5 f9 t
By Layer1 w1 ]3 V2 ^" Q7 k" h6 s4 H0 \
Choose to generate multiple drill output files that represent each hole to drill for each via as existing between one entry layer and one exit layer, typically used to meet microvia technology requirements.( M \2 ^ d6 d2 A
For example, for a four-layer board, this option represents the via that spans layers one through four as existing on layer "1-2," layer "2-3," and layer "3-4" and displays it in three different drill output files. Note that no output appears for layer "1-4." An <n> layer board therefore always has one fewer drill output files than the total number of layers, or <n-1>, because a hole starting on one layer has to at least appear on the next layer as well, and a hole never appears on only one layer.
' Q* F2 c6 O8 ~Drill
' P1 r; u: k# ~- t0 pClick to generate output files.
. L) K5 S* f3 g) {NC Parameters7 `0 z9 p7 ?) F% g; s/ f4 {
Click to access the NC Parameters Dialog Box dialog box./ E! N; v$ Q9 Y
. ~, Y! ^9 z6 h4 q4 L& u$ MClick to save changes and exit the dialog box.. N9 L1 [9 [! C7 D6 i: c9 n
Cancel1 W8 n( j0 h4 O+ X9 H0 x* l" J% F
Click to close the dialog box without generating an output file.
6 J4 ^3 x; }; A; iView Log. f, n7 J7 d2 w7 |( w' T x" T) L
Click to view details concerning the nctape.log file, including tool number information.$ b5 u6 c5 A9 `
Procedures5 [+ X5 ]% T- x+ [
- V8 M) p( Z. A( A0 S }( {' c% T
Preparing to Create Drill File Output
' F1 x& R" C1 ]* |: [1 l W
. J: t1 ]$ J7 y8 {1.8 n* O6 ?# b. P) e: A$ K" A& j3 I
Run the ncdrill param command.* Z) ~ N6 i, J6 G
; C3 S1 R+ j3 |. T# KComplete the NC Parameters Dialog Box.
u# x2 Y$ `0 H& H3.
# D# r( x' r9 p9 e* Q& @Click Close.% z4 S" Q" y1 F) Y& |9 L5 p
2 D' ~2 ]! d% Y4 v7 NIf necessary, create nc_tools.txt and nc_exclude.txt files.; P) G& C- y8 a) j5 @, J
For additional information, see the Preparing Manufacturing Data user guide in your documentation set.
+ X% g" t6 ^9 C: I. O: g5.) L$ J, V5 w5 `2 l
Continue with the appropriate instructions, starting with step 2:
, K% |* E) x2 h' ^' _
* I1 u8 Q: r |' \ C9 y9 z" ]Generating Drill File Output with the User Interface below6 M+ H$ x2 Q# m
1 g/ |" O! M- f, E8 {: v
Generating Drill File Output in Batch Mode2 V% D* Y3 ^" E$ N* e0 L$ S/ P
Generating Drill File Output with the User Interface. V% q# ~- U9 E% k0 n1 R. |/ M
# ]: B' N& H" x* J% W( z
1 {1 Z; F/ Q$ z* Z* B- v! gFollow the instructions in Preparing to Create Drill File Output above.! u6 {* k; j, Z4 L6 I# {1 z
2.6 V( `3 G2 D: ]$ A
Run the nctape_full command.8 {" v4 n8 R) k, U) y7 Y9 Y& n* u
3.. p9 |' \0 w1 D0 j9 _
In the NC Drill dialog box, enter the Scale Factor.
" T1 W: Z# ^" i% E' J; E4./ Y2 ^" f9 X' T
Click Drill. The tool creates the output files using the name you specified in the Parameter File field of the NC Parameters Dialog Box.2 K( n# {% i) y7 r
The following message appears in the console window prompt:
) \. j; V; j9 P1 I3 ?) knctape completed successfully - use Viewlog to review the log file.& F- g, l0 |& v% q
5.% a$ \1 s* v3 q7 l
Click Close.
. ~9 g) K D: u: a6.: ?# B& F: w0 m+ B: c
Verify the results with the explot command.* m* Q2 J/ [# }/ w. w: y5 w
Using an output file from the nctape command (the .drl extension is optional), explot generates two files, outputfile.plt and outputfile.ctl. You can use the outputfile.plt file to drive a penplotter.0 O# `+ c6 c3 v. Z8 O- B
4 w1 }) `. z! G i6 cGenerating an NCdrill file in Enhanced Excellon format
4 _7 j$ `+ D5 M3 b" \/ X1 e+ i9 [2 u3 I- C; B9 a% |' j$ G
5 ?" z* E0 n: p% j8 TChoose Manufacture - NC - NC Drill.
! I \, a* |: H9 z8 n e+ ^+ ]2." {7 R. ~7 b" u. x+ m
Click NC Parameters. The NC Parameters dialog box appears.
; U- @: } d1 l- [- h p3.
8 a9 h' e1 j! N: F* {Enable Enhanced Excellon format to generate a header in the NC Drill and NC Route output files that uses Excellon commands to a greater extent. The header starts with M48, lists the appropriate units (INCH or METRIC), and the Tnn tool-diameter specification codes expand to TnnC.xxx format to specify the required router bit size and end with %.! g; ?$ `% r- @; U
7 b2 _3 z# W, w* P! ?* h9 FClick Close to save the settings.' ^5 j h W5 ?. `0 p
5.# l9 v0 ?! n4 Y
Enable Auto Tool Select in the NC Drill dialog box to insert Tnn tool-select codes into the data portion of the Excellon-format output file, instead of M00 stop codes for manual tool changing. Tnn codes automatically generate in sequence (for example, T01, T02, ... Tnn).
0 C6 `& a% T/ ~; y% Q5 {6.
' v+ k) n% s, B2 R* x1 x" w4 _* DClick Drill.
9 |" S2 I& k) U: KYou can also associate specific tool sizes with specific Tnn tool codes in an nc_tools.txt file, which is used if it exists; otherwise, NC Drill automatically determines the appropriate tools the design needs and assigns tool codes to them. An nc_tools_auto.txt file is created for reference. A warning message appears when an nc_tools.txt file is not found in the ncdrill.log. |