dump_libraries -[pdamsflcx] <layout>
-p - dump all padstacks
-d - dump all device files (run create_devices)
-a - dump all package symbols (.dra only)
-m - dump all mechanical symbols (.dra only)
-s - dump all shape/flash symbols (.dra only)
-f - dump all format symbols (.dra only)
-l - dump all signoise device models
-c - create .psm, .bsm, fsm, and .ssm files when dumping symbols
-x - do not dump dependencies
<no options> - dump all elements (equivalent to -pdamsflc)
1) The dependencies of each dumped item will also be dumped. For
example, when dumping padstacks, all shape symbols required by
the padstacks will also be created.
2) The -x option prevents dumping dependancies. By default padstacks
that a dra requires are dumped.
3) The -b option is used by APD to send information from the APD to
the dump_libraries program about the symbol to be dumped. The -b
option causes only one padstack and one particular symbol to be dumped
The -b options have three values:
dump_libraries -b component_refdes -b symbol_name -b padstack_name
This option is quite different from normal behavior.