szc1983 发表于 2012-4-9 16:55 ![]()
; Creates a file with pick and place data that can be
; backannotated into Capture/Capture CIS
; ------------------------------------------
; The program runs from the open allegro board
; To run the program type "pickdata" on the Allegro
; command line
; The program extracts the following properties into a file
; pickdata.swp
; REF_DES : Reference Designator
; SYM_CENTER_X : Components center x-origin (BODY_CENTER)
; SYM_CENTER_Y : Components center y-origin (BODY_CENTER)
; SYM_ROTATION : Components rotation
; SYM_MIRROR : YES if component is mirror, otherwise NO
; The properties are backannotated into the following properties
; in Capture. The properties can be renamed, look in the code.
; REF_DES : Does not get back into Capture but is used
; : to find the correct component to update
; SYM_ROTATION : Pick_Rotation
; SYM_MIRROR : Pick_Mirror
; 1. Open board in Allegro (make sure the skill program pickdata.il
; is loaded
; 2. Write pickdata at the prompt and press ENTER to generate file
; 3. The file is called pickdata.swp - it is placed in the current
; directory
; 4. In Capture - open the correct project
; 5. Tools - Backannotate
; 6. Select the Layout tab
; 7. Browse and select the pickdata.swp file
; 8. Press OK and look in the session log to see that all is well
; 9. Now open the schematic design and look at properties on parts
; 10. The pick and place data can now be included in reports
; To run the program type "pickdata" on the Allegro
; command line.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; Tested on Allegro 14.1
; The program is delivered as is and no responisibility is taken.
; Use at own risk
; Written by:
; Ole Ejlersen
; Technical Service Manager
; Nordcad Systems A/S - Representing Cadence in Denmark
; I can be reached at the following address:
; E-Mail: oe@nordcad.dk
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun pickdata ()
extract1_exists = nil
new_name = axlCurrentDesign()
; Create extract command file
outport = outfile("skill_extract_views.txt")
fprintf( outport , "%s\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s\n" ,
"REFDES != ''" , "SYM_CENTER_X != ''" ,
"SYM_CENTER_Y != ''" , "SYM_ROTATE != ''" , "SYM_MIRROR != ''" ,
close( outport)
;extract data from board with extract file
;extract1 = strcat("extract -s -q " new_name " skill_extract_views skill_extract_pickdata")
;shell( extract1 )
axlExtractToFile( "skill_extract_views" "skill_extract_pickdata")
inport = infile("skill_extract_pickdata.txt")
outport = outfile("pickdata.swp")
;Generate header for swap file
fprintf(outport , ";**************************************************\n")
fprintf(outport , ";Backannotation file with pick and place data\n")
fprintf(outport , ";from Cadence Allegro to Capture and Capture CIS\n")
fprintf(outport , ";**************************************************\n")
fprintf( outport , ".Section3 UpdateProperties Parts\n")
;If you want the pick and place data backannotated to other property names than the default
;then you need to change the names in the next line
fprintf( outport , "\"{Reference}\" \"Pick_X\" \"Pick_Y\" \"Pick_Rotation\" \"Pick_Mirror\"\n")
count = 0
count2 = 100
when( inport
while(gets( nextline inport)
nextline = parseString(nextline "!")
when(car(nextline) == "S"
refdes = nth(1,nextline)
fprintf( outport, "\"")
fprintf( outport, "%s", refdes)
fprintf( outport, "\" ")
x1 = atof(nth(2 nextline))
fprintf( outport, "\"")
fprintf( outport, "%n", x1)
fprintf( outport, "\" ")
y1 = atof(nth(3 nextline))
fprintf( outport, "\"")
fprintf( outport, "%n", y1)
fprintf( outport, "\" ")
rot = atof(nth(4 nextline))
fprintf( outport, "\"")
fprintf( outport, "%n", rot)
fprintf( outport, "\" ")
mirrorside = nth(5,nextline)
fprintf( outport, "\"")
fprintf( outport, "%s", mirrorside)
fprintf( outport, "\" ")
fprintf( outport, "\n")
; Counter that reports the number of records created
if( eq(count 100) then
printf("\n%n%s\n" , count2, " Records Generated.")
) ; end of if
) ; end of while
) ; end of when
fprintf( outport ,".End\n")
; Writes the final component count to the log window
printf("\n%n%s\n" , count2, " Records Generated.")
close( inport)
close( outport)
; Register pickdata program in Allegro
axlCmdRegister( "pickdata" `pickdata) |