; g8 Z' \0 R n( _
3 ` I" s' T. j% z8 Q' \! S E6 AMXM 3.1 adds the following things:1 z" r0 y, s% R# k9 c8 ?' |
- Support for PCI Express 3.0
- Extra Debugging (Mostly to support 3.0)
1 U8 Y! N5 _& ^) d
2 b* h6 r- a9 d) l* }9 THere's also what we know, that mostly this is a validation standard change, there are a few NEW pins used on the connector (They were previously "Reserved") so there is not a physical connector change. 3.0 Cards WILL work in 3.1 slots, and 3.1 Cards WILL work in 3.0 slots. The only change is that if its a 3.1 card it won't work at PCI Express 3.0 speeds (Only 2.0 or 1.0), z/ b% x, t% L
7 q# q3 _: P3 `# F& y8 W- s Now the real question.. Are the P270, and the EM series 3.0 or 3.1 Slots? We don't know yet, as we don't have any 3.1 cards to test them with, and Clevo has been tight lipped about it. I can tell you that the standard has been privatly released for less than 30 days. So the chances of them doing a whole new motherboard spin to support 3.1 (As there is some addition stuff on the motherboard that has to be added to support PCIe 3.0 speeds) are pretty low at the moment. But we'll see once we get new generation cards (Hi AMD) that support PCIe 3.0.$ L% M. u9 \" N0 c2 ~# N
/ [2 T) z% [9 Z: L( X/ @ , |: a, F% L2 w# ?
$ s# G) ~8 E9 k6 M/ F: `$ T! Q
9 B4 G+ A, ^! s2 E- W% j! s" ~ |