
标题: 写了一个skill,在一个板子中可以运行,在另一个板子中会报错,为什么? [打印本页]

作者: scc_yangy    时间: 2015-8-15 20:18
标题: 写了一个skill,在一个板子中可以运行,在另一个板子中会报错,为什么?

作者: deargds    时间: 2015-8-17 09:51
作者: scc_yangy    时间: 2015-8-17 13:22
deargds 发表于 2015-8-17 09:51

用axlRenameNet()修改网络名,修改后的长度大于31位有的板子就不行,可是help文件中说net name的最大长度支持31^4啊。
请问这个可以在哪里设置吗?有的板子net name可以超过31位,而有的不行,图片是在help中找到的关于net name长度的说法,没搞懂怎么做,求指点一下,非常感谢

作者: motofatfat    时间: 2015-8-17 13:46
作者: talient    时间: 2015-8-17 14:05

1 Allows lower case for general text unless on a special layer where it may adhere to more restrictive rules; for example, many layers show Refdes.

2 File names adhere to operating systems restrictions except if they are stored in the database, where they assume the least common denominator. For example, a .psm file becomes a package symbol in the database so its least common denominator is the package name restriction. Spaces in the name are not supported. It is strongly suggested that you use lower case, especially for those names stored in the tool database.

3 Directory names follow operating system limitations. The layout editor supports spaces in directory names on Windows.

4 The default maximum number of characters is 31. You can set the initial length for new designs to a maximum length of 255 by using the allegro_long_name_size environment variable (choose Setup - User Preferences (enved command)). You can change the size in existing designs by choosing Setup - Design Parameters (prmed command) and specifying a new maximum for the Long Name Size parameter in the Design tab.

作者: deargds    时间: 2015-8-17 14:56
作者: scc_yangy    时间: 2015-8-17 17:38
现在原因找到了:allegro_long_name_size这个东西在setup->user Preferences和setup->design parameters中都有,按help说到design parameters中没发现(可能是眼力太差),就直接写在了env里,其实这个参数写在env中对当前的设计文件是没有效果的,所以程序还是有问题,现在解决了,再次感谢各位的热心解答,以后还要多多学习啊。
作者: scc_yangy    时间: 2015-8-17 18:30
程序前面加一句:axlDBControl('maxNameLength 255)

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