超级狗已经解释的很详细了..... |
我非电子专业的,大哥,只是工作中要用到,才请教的,所以,你不必来嘲笑我,呵呵 |
晕死!楼主是个大白菜啊!!!!人家告诉你这个你又问怎么计算来的,那整个你就不明白运算放大器啊,真怀疑你是第一次看规格书!! |
A(V)(dB)=20lg(Vo/Vi);电压增益 A(I)(dB)=20lg(Io/Ii);电流增益 Ap(dB)=10lg(Po/Pi);功率增益; `' z9 y; m; K d" `9 r9 c! J, t0 { 刚才那个Avlc是根据哪个公式计算出来的呢?也就是说闭环增益是哪个增益,电压?电流?功率? |
就是将运放的反馈那个电阻直接用导线代替构成的电路就叫闭环嘛。 |
超级狗,你就直接告诉我Avcl是什么意思?稍微解释下就可以了。 |
The Inverting Amplifier% m: [, s1 F# d( ] Fig. 6.7.3 shows the inverting amplifier, in this configuration the signal input is applied to the inverting (−) input to produce an anti-phase output signal whose amplitude is Vin x Avcl where Avcl is the closed loop gain of the op amp. Negative feedback is used to reduce the op amp’s very high maximum gain to the required level. The closed loop gain (Avcl) is set simply by the ratio of Rf to Rin. |
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