




Library Services 中的Import from功能灰色的,怎样激活

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发布时间: 2018-5-7 12:45


我用的EE版本为7.93,不知为何Library Services 中的Import from功能灰色的,怎样激活?请高手指点,先谢了。 6 k; Y0 D% p5 ~ 6 s- ?- M3 H  E6 e. i. E4 \8 c


sunshan 发表于 2018-5-7 13:43
RPA 发表于 2018-5-8 14:35
哦,VX系列的ASCII file也灰了。
老吴PCB 发表于 2018-5-7 15:34
VX 系列截图

1.png (12.77 KB, 下载次数: 0)

RPA 发表于 2018-5-7 14:03
UltraLibrarian中关于导入库数据是这样描述的:% K* h. q  D4 l$ l, v2 d/ L
To import your new library part to Expedition:) b0 `6 f8 E0 o: s/ ?* U
1. Start the Expedition Library Manager.
1 ]+ a9 H0 O3 S/ q% b2. Select File/New or File/Open from the menu (depending on whether you wish to start a new library or add to an existing program).
; Q: ]) Q4 B. R: {3. Select the library services icon.% H: S1 O% F5 h  c  m
4. Select Padstacks, Ascii and Import.
  C* s" P; E7 {7 [5. Browse for the file we sent.  By default some versions look for a *.txt extension, however we are providing the *.hkp extension which will need to be changed at the bottom of the screen.  You will be looking for the Pads.hkp file.
6 L! F  a' G! j# E+ q6. Select the double arrow for moving all of the padstacks from the left side of the screen to the right.  Now say apply.
2 M7 }% h( w* n! g! V  ?: R/ u5 a7. Repeat steps 4-6 for symbols, cells and part, if these are included in your exported files.$ e: X: J3 z3 i8 ^2 g- y) J# ~

7 r* N% O% {, i& S: ]% u) E& WWARNING! Mentor now requires an encryption license to import any data into/ ~! D7 g: R* L* A5 v4 p  U9 ?
thier library system.  Therefore we are providing the normal ASCII formatted library files and special files indicating they are encrypted.  In most cases you shoudl ne importing the encrypted files.
  _0 h6 G+ t" I4 n6 f3 ^7 g1 a% H
RPA 发表于 2018-5-7 14:02

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