Provide your own customization menu via CDS_SITE. Replace the Cadence provided menu (.men file) with your own.
Advantages: Relatively easy and no Skill programming required.
Disadvantages: For new releases need to merge your menu changes with new Cadence menus. May need to modify multiple menus
Overload your menu customizations on Cadence menus via Skill axlUIMenuRegister.
Advantages: Relatively easy with minimal Skill programming. Depending on your site's additions may be immune to many Cadence menu changes.
Disadvantages: Cannot delete Cadence menu items or restrict your changes to a one Cadence menu.
Register a axl menu Trigger notification via axlTriggerSet.
Advantages: Almost as much flexibility as overriding the default menu file including targeting specific menus.
Disadvantages: Need to examine your Skill code with new Cadence releases. Requires much more Skill programming knowledge.
This allows you to register menu items to be loaded when Allegro loads a new menu. It is a combination of axlUIMenuFind and axlUIMenuInsert.
If more elaborate menu configuration is required consider calling axlTriggerSet directly.