Silkscreen Utilities Help Information
This utility should work for PSD14.2 through to SPB16.3
Setup Tab
'Cadence Silkscreen Setup' - Equivalent to selecting 'Silkscreen...' in the Manufacturing menu.
Spacing Constraints:
'Text Spacing' - Spacing from each text string character to a solder mask object.
Use the "D" button to reset this value to the company default (10mils)
'Faster Text Check' - Check using a bounding box around the whole "word" rather than each vectorised character.
'Shape Spacing' - Spacing from a shape to a solder mask object.
Use the "D" button to reset this value to the company default (10mils)
'Line Spacing' - Spacing from a line to a solder mask object. Can be quite slow.
Use the "D" button to reset this value to the company default (10mils)
'Reference Text Locations' - Check that each reference designator is closest to its own parent symbol.
Checks components of the same class only.
'Note:' - These values are maintained between sessions
Solder Mask Objects to be Checked:
'Pin Pads' - Select this check box to check objects against solder mask pads on pin pads
'Soldered Pads Only' - Select this check box to only check objects against solder mask pads on soldered pins.
This will exclude pads on the non-soldered side of a leaded device.
'Vias' - Select this check box to check objects against solder mask pads on vias
'Shapes' - Select this check box to check objects against solder mask shapes
AutoSilk Layers Shapes Copying:
'Check Spacings button' - Perform drc checks on the Soldermask objects selected in the above group
'Ignore Fixed Status Option' - Ignores the fixed status of objects or their parents when copying shapes
(by deleting any existing AutoSilk layer shapes and replacing them).
'Copy button' - Copy BOARD GEOMETRY and/or PACKAGE GEOMETRY silkscreen shapes to the AutoSilk layers.
Useful for pin 1 markers etc.
Check tab
Use Films:
'Use Films to determine layers to check' - Selected by default if one or more films containing a silk layer is found
Use Silk Layers:
'Auto suggested layer selection' - Selected based on existance of objects on these layers
'Classes' - Only class/subclass combinations with spacing rules objects present are selectable
'Subclasses' - Only one subclass, that has spacing rules objects present, is selectable
'Check sides' - Only check the sides that have been selected
User Selection:
'Class' - User selectable class
'Subclass' - User selectable legal subclass for the selected class
'Check in Window button' - Start checking in the current window.
'Check All button' - Start checking. This may take a several minutes on a large design
'View Log button' - View the list of DRCs created
'Quit button' - Quit this utility
'Help button' - Display this file