
标题: 全世界所有的semiconductor教授加起来都比不上他 [打印本页]

作者: stupid    时间: 2011-10-10 15:07
标题: 全世界所有的semiconductor教授加起来都比不上他
本帖最后由 stupid 于 2011-10-10 17:10 编辑
9 {1 D' P1 D8 P% r0 X0 ]
0 ]3 F7 ~: H$ u" B4 x9 h: q
! @8 _; l% S* U& w0 w/ X! q+ [. c4 y
" U% [' e7 I- j( Q8 n5 qJeff L. Sonntag % C' `5 \. b, p, l  ]3 d2 b+ m
For leadership in the development of new Lucent Microelectronics businesses by advancing and applying the state-of-the-art in baseband communications architecture and analog circuit design.
* O1 R: R/ h) g9 m2 A* O6 q  t: G1 G/ J
Jeff Sonntag has shown remarkable depth in the areas of baseband communications, analog and digital circuit design for integrated circuits, production test methodology, and business development.# x5 Q) Z/ }5 j1 D; i& ]
/ Y7 t7 d$ k& [* B' O9 e: Q8 Z
His technical leadership of the read-channel product line has spanned the past eight years, and has resulted in over $900 million in sales. It is based on signal processing, computer modelling of communication system architectures, and analog and digital circuit design. He also formed critical relationships with managers and engineers at Quantum Corp., the lead customer for this product line.
7 x) Z, q$ W( [( c& j& l' l& v" C- D8 k7 z( R& |. K
In addition to Sonntag's creation of the read channel product line, he proposed and modelled the physical layer signaling adopted for the100base VG Ethernet standard.
4 q( E0 k+ A8 `2 z5 e3 L$ P
7 W9 A; K  G4 T* T$ b" XHe also contributed to the design of some early modem chips, sigma-delta modulators, T1 interface integrated circuits, timing recovery circuits for 10 Mbit local area network interfaces, and the 100base VG transceiver.6 [0 a/ Q+ p0 N, R# b3 T
* F# k: g/ v0 q3 i0 D" Z
Sonntag received his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 1982, and joined Bell Labs under the one-year-on-campus program. He received his master's in electrical engineering from Cornell University in 1983.4 m, I( s$ L" P  w8 P# t2 r/ u
5 |2 D8 f. g$ c( d: ]0 D3 q4 @
昨晚跟一设计SerDes的人一起吃饭,席间他说起让他佩服得五体投地的Jeff Sonntag,当时他这么说”全世界所有的Semiconductor教授加起来都比不上他“,并介绍了迄今为止,在所有性能上都无法超越的Sontag 设计的SerDes。
$ v1 n6 _6 N- L: S
5 l* _! F7 f  O3 d$ q2 j7 R7 Q CDR for Gigabits.pdf (438.93 KB, 下载次数: 1256) $ M4 I- i. x, P# X8 z9 R

! `  T  M8 i# s1 y( U PAM4 5G backplane tranceiver.pdf (985.62 KB, 下载次数: 1159)
作者: cccccc32    时间: 2011-10-11 11:14
作者: willyeing    时间: 2011-10-11 11:50
作者: niuwa    时间: 2011-10-13 11:18
willyeing 发表于 2011-10-11 11:50 6 g4 N2 [- i# U% |3 l% O

% \; z$ O( k2 h8 K6 c我觉得是他们很单纯地去做一件事情
作者: willyeing    时间: 2011-10-13 15:34
niuwa 发表于 2011-10-13 11:18
. d) ]$ e6 t  z6 T; t' E我觉得是他们很单纯地去做一件事情

% q1 m" K- S1 b8 [, ?5 I; _是的,没办法把脑子集中在一个地方使,否则我干了十几年该是专家水平了
作者: pads-tseng    时间: 2011-11-3 14:42
作者: stupid    时间: 2011-11-3 17:22
有一个关于此公的笑话。据说Sonntag看到邻居养鱼突然就动了养鱼的心思,于是也养了一池,结果邻居的鱼都死光了,而他的一池鱼活的好好的。大家都啧啧称奇,结果贝尔实验室的一个人就过来说了一句,就算Sonntag 养了一池公鱼,结果还有了鱼仔也没什么好惊奇的,哈哈。
2 l8 f$ q, |: Y  n( V) h. i3 U0 Q5 @2 ^3 _$ M" u1 L/ ?
传这么神乎其神,我就不服,问既然在05年Sonntag 就设计出来举世无双的SerDes,为什么现在倒听不到什么声音啦,牛人回答既然他玩通了SerDes,这种设计对他来说再无什么挑战,他就玩儿别的去啦。5 M2 R# @. d) u1 K& T" e# X- q8 K! G
7 u! R3 `1 K+ l/ _9 z
作者: zglak    时间: 2011-11-3 22:50
作者: zll    时间: 2011-11-4 22:48
作者: xegl    时间: 2011-11-6 11:40
作者: xaibaojian2010    时间: 2011-11-15 14:34
作者: babadashagua    时间: 2011-11-15 23:25
作者: cast_2011    时间: 2012-2-24 23:05
作者: eric.zhou    时间: 2012-2-25 12:49
作者: hudan050408707    时间: 2012-2-28 21:08
作者: mhb318    时间: 2012-3-11 14:23
作者: mhb318    时间: 2012-3-11 14:23
作者: daicy    时间: 2012-3-12 09:27
stupid 发表于 2011-11-3 17:22 ! Q0 l6 U# L! X# ]: O2 [; Y% L
有一个关于此公的笑话。据说Sonntag看到邻居养鱼突然就动了养鱼的心思,于是也养了一池,结果邻居的鱼都死光 ...
- L0 h! c" B- {  q2 h3 g
作者: mehardworking    时间: 2012-3-18 15:25
作者: ymz000    时间: 2012-3-19 13:03
哈哈哈 这么牛B啊
作者: 蛋炒翻    时间: 2012-3-29 22:47
作者: s59710210    时间: 2012-6-29 17:48

5 A% A. x- R' R) K( @牛!
作者: stupid    时间: 2012-6-30 08:28
本帖最后由 stupid 于 2012-6-30 08:34 编辑
- y: ^* z% R- \( K4 [$ _+ U: y& T0 L: P, f* S# e) T5 s) b; f
关于此公的后续,他目前就职于Si Labs,Si Labs这两年在硅振荡器以及CDR上非常激进。+ p8 @. L0 H0 Q) {% R
5 ^1 M4 q  j' h5 o) q
Si5040 10 Gbps XFP transceiver8 u+ I; r% y9 A0 G/ N9 l0 b) O" @
The Si5040 is a high-performance, protocol-agnostic 10 Gbps XFP transceiver featuring integrated jitter attenuating capability based on Silicon Labs' proven DSPLL technology. The Si5040 provides industry-leading jitter performance for all telecom and datacom protocols between 9.9 and 11.4 Gbps, including OC-192/STM-64, 10GE, 10G Fiber Channel and their associated forward error correction (FEC) data rates.
! c9 d- ]7 j* T5 \The device, is packaged in a 5 x 5 mm LGA package and only consumes 575 mW typ. It is designed to perform reshaping, reamplifying and retiming of the bidirectional 10 Gbps serial data by integrating two independent Clock and Data Recovery units (CDRs), two DSPLL-based Clock Multiplier Units (CMUs), and data retimers in both transmit and receive directions." `  ?1 U1 j: h0 P) r6 Y
3 e& f- {( X! l) A/ }, J

作者: calabazas    时间: 2013-2-14 17:19
8 x( S- h( Y. Q8 O4 b$ U# c# l

作者: stupid    时间: 2013-2-15 08:55
calabazas 发表于 2013-2-14 17:19

% ?4 s' W4 B' i$ n& \9 V' n. O非常清楚的履历,果不然Si Labs的有线业务是由此公主持,怪不得这几年他们的产品横空出世。
作者: sleeper2008    时间: 2013-2-21 15:30
作者: APP_13654789878    时间: 2019-3-19 15:20
作者: APP_13654789878    时间: 2019-3-19 15:21
蛋炒翻 发表于 2012-03-29 22:47:10


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