
标题: 请教各位,现使用16.2 ALLGRO出现网表错误,请高手解决,谢谢! [打印本页]

作者: greenough    时间: 2010-5-21 16:09
标题: 请教各位,现使用16.2 ALLGRO出现网表错误,请高手解决,谢谢!
netrev 16.2 Fri May 21 15:48:01 2010! O2 A; K6 M2 }: a4 H. P) X
Cadence Design Systems, Inc., x) Z$ F! H! F5 F- q) }
------ Directives ------
0 i) H, r% ?2 S; C" MRIPUP_ETCH FALSE;
% I. c5 `8 z& }/ u6 ~# WRIPUP_SYMBOLS ALWAYS;0 [/ ^1 ?, h& e9 N/ I) V
Missing symbol has error FALSE;
, _' V# U/ P% C! H, |9 Q6 MSCHEMATIC_DIRECTORY 'I:/W/allegro';
' F3 @* Z3 h; C. _" S5 D$ NBOARD_DIRECTORY '';
1 [) @  s5 c. ~/ NOLD_BOARD_NAME 'I:/W/KT7004orKT7008-V2.0.brd';' U4 p1 m1 q# r3 X& Y
NEW_BOARD_NAME 'I:/W/KT7004orKT7008-V2.0.brd';: _! [, H  G9 Z
CmdLine: netrev -$ -i I:/W/allegro -y 1 -z I:/W/#Taaaaaa03056.tmp
% E6 V5 `& J8 L4 i. W* |" Y------ Preparing to read pst files ------
" _0 ]* o: u6 \" j. uStarting to read I:/W/allegro/pstchip.dat
' X! U# v, Q9 X( b9 s5 y   Finished reading I:/W/allegro/pstchip.dat (00:00:00.12)* @, y( g; H+ h& y/ l! C9 _) a
Starting to read I:/W/allegro/pstxprt.dat 2 ?3 x0 p) F7 y1 g% p$ C
   Finished reading I:/W/allegro/pstxprt.dat (00:00:00.04)
9 X! \+ u8 C6 `( J( i! p% T7 oStarting to read I:/W/allegro/pstxnet.dat " V; P, m( R9 I& E0 R
   Finished reading I:/W/allegro/pstxnet.dat (00:00:00.04)
  M% \/ W3 @! C  G* J, g; `, F/ x3 z------ Oversights/Warnings/Errors ------9 X! U* y# C- A( W

/ k% p( \  D. ?7 S#1   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.1 ?1 x' f- Q) a7 y& L
ERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-6K985%-LT'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='RC0603-6K98±5%-LT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..
# D6 k' J" G' v7 c! ?0 ~ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-6K985%-LT' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.
6 b* ~1 ?* \/ S4 s#2   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.! P9 F( {3 C- a# ~
ERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-5.1K1%-LT'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='RC0603-5.1K±1%-LT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..
# {  z( L9 a1 p* [' dERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-5.1K1%-LT' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.' v; p$ i7 i( c& d  i3 A' T
#3   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.' x3 z0 E' L: B8 W7 \9 i; B
ERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-24K31%-LT'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='RC0603-24K3±1%-LT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..
' W7 r+ n9 p# H! FERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-24K31%-LT' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.& p, A- c, ]! h; M9 }$ V
#4   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.& J. P5 t( E$ `9 R+ ~( E3 s
ERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-4K421%-LT'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='RC0603-4K42±1%-LT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..  ~( W' V* f0 E& Q
ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-4K421%-LT' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.
# @' A, [% c+ a. F#5   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.
7 j0 b- o( {. j, k2 IERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-4K221%-LT'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='RC0603-4K22±1%-LT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..7 d4 c; b" r7 k) ~$ ^) X8 Z5 ~
ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-4K221%-LT' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.' q, z% U1 i; b' n  I
#6   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.
5 l* U: u' D) }ERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-3K151%-NT'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='RC0603-3K15±1%-NT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..+ p3 D" T# q7 L/ J8 `) G8 C
ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-3K151%-NT' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.- W: k& t/ z6 W; }8 {, U3 J
#7   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.1 T* S" C  l3 d( G4 o
ERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-100K1%-LT'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='RC0603-100K±1%-LT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..+ o; f( s3 M$ X1 R  T- M) Z
ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'R-0603_R0603_RC0603-100K1%-LT' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.
$ [3 E/ L: V1 B8 |4 g( W6 d#8   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.
7 e  Q& w& V5 p! L* V" eERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'R_R0603_RC0603-10K1%-LT'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='RC0603-10K±1%-LT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..1 M; k4 J: I6 w: j3 I; q
ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'R_R0603_RC0603-10K1%-LT' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.
8 B3 D+ v. |  ^* Q7 x2 J) T#9   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.
8 U- d& y" \) Q( K  HERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'INDUCTOR_L0805_RC0805-0R5-L'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='RC0805-0R±5%-LT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..
/ u1 b* c& G9 C' C5 |: I$ wERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'INDUCTOR_L0805_RC0805-0R5-L' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.( {( L" U0 I3 h, W2 B
#10  ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.
) {6 x6 v  Y5 y, ?/ k5 JERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'C0805_C0805_CT0805-X7R-4.7UF\16'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='CT0805-X7R-4.7uF\16V-20%~+80%-NT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..
' u& {0 Q  \, h2 w8 jERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'C0805_C0805_CT0805-X7R-4.7UF\16' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.
/ r" m6 U7 n, \( q#11  ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.
& F  u% E! x- t( e; u8 g; pERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem '0805C_C0805_CT0805-X7R-2.2UF\25'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='CT0805-X7R-2.2uF\25V-20%~+80%-NT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..
0 n: Q/ H) D2 I( V& s2 |ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device '0805C_C0805_CT0805-X7R-2.2UF\25' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.6 l  h; ?% m5 T1 N7 e; I: E# E" W; Y' e
#12  ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.3 S1 S" x$ s7 A1 E( R' Y0 \
ERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'C1206_C1206_CT1206-X7R-10UF\16V'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='CT1206-X7R-10uF\16V±10%-T'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..
* u1 h8 x0 E1 m$ u  B' O6 KERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'C1206_C1206_CT1206-X7R-10UF\16V' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.' u; _4 \0 w/ }4 x8 x- T$ g  p
#13  ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.# W5 f1 g# B8 g% `. m
ERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'CAP6_CAP6_CDP6.35.5-47UF\16V'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='CDP6.3×5.5-47uF\16V±20%-T'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..# ]9 V5 S' B3 W' t! j1 i
ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'CAP6_CAP6_CDP6.35.5-47UF\16V' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.# N. {. ?( G1 G/ }, v
#14  ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.
( M) M2 |& T5 Y9 S# s( v. W6 nERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'C_C0603_CT0603-Y5V-2.2UF\10V2'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='CT0603-Y5V-2.2uF\10V-20%~+80%-NT'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..  j0 H2 j" J# e+ E2 ~
ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'C_C0603_CT0603-Y5V-2.2UF\10V2' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.' n# ~$ ?+ d& y' s6 s5 v; o3 i
#15  ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.! H% H( k+ W' v* ?$ {" t- h& _
ERROR(SPMHNI-190): Device problem 'CAP6_CAP6_CDP6.35.5-100UF\16V'. Package property error: 'VALUE'='CDP6.3×5.5-100uF\16V±20%-T'. Illegal character(s) present in the name or value..
! z0 I  X( a( `) ^ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'CAP6_CAP6_CDP6.35.5-100UF\16V' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.3 q" D+ t5 ]3 Q8 R0 p; [. l
------ Summary Statistics ------* w! X* }, L! m

' f# O, C! L6 B8 g1 {#16  Run stopped because errors were detected; v& J- Q5 I9 d* ?0 E4 m' v
netrev run on May 21 15:48:01 2010
  ]3 ^" S. I/ j  e   DESIGN NAME : 'KT7004ORKT7008-V2'" _, X/ }+ J8 \: P* J
   PACKAGING ON Jan 13 2009 22:23:03
. s% R0 s6 P; f7 e   COMPILE 'logic'* M; i3 o7 ^$ m" w6 r
. a7 U  z1 [1 x3 S0 h% y0 W6 }8 c   CROSS_REFERENCE OFF
0 n& L; f; ?% X4 n4 q   FEEDBACK OFF
1 ?6 t/ A8 P9 X. [   INCREMENTAL OFF
" m4 E  B' t6 t- b; y$ S   INTERFACE_TYPE PHYSICAL
9 ?7 ^7 b: O. J1 e   MAX_ERRORS 500
$ z- m# E$ o# M& v# V   MERGE_MINIMUM 55 d" J! b+ q# h/ y: W& L
   NET_NAME_CHARS '#%&()*+-./:=>?@[]^_`|'
% I4 }# G( |1 U   NET_NAME_LENGTH 24
3 Y! C0 C. H/ ^7 V, b, {   OVERSIGHTS ON* G6 u/ n" N5 t5 N
   REPLACE_CHECK OFF6 F* O/ ^- N) U& J) _
   SINGLE_NODE_NETS ON; r' \5 K1 [, v& L7 m
   SPLIT_MINIMUM 0  V" e% l) P# v& w
   SUPPRESS   20
" p# T, M0 S9 l   WARNINGS ON
3 a# O: n/ H. i/ x+ f* w 16 errors detected
# t! N8 I( O9 T& I9 _# d5 h No oversight detected
1 y* K8 N; u, `0 a No warning detected; F1 w$ g3 A' N9 @6 {4 x# I
cpu time      0:01:466 Y0 l1 o0 ~9 U- j" {; m
elapsed time  0:00:00
作者: candice1107    时间: 2010-5-22 09:47
第一条:Device library error detected.莫非是元件库路径设置出问题;: D  w; F1 J2 f" ~" j
第二条:Illegal character(s) present in the name or value.莫非是包装属性中的名称或value值中出现了allegro不允许的非法字符。" I$ R! _! ]# H6 T3 p  ^
作者: greenough    时间: 2010-5-22 11:29
作者: sharpcolin    时间: 2010-5-22 14:06

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