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发表于 2013-3-23 22:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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我在转TI的一个USB收发器的IBIS文件是,Parse没有问题。但是在转换成IBIS文件是却不OK,我现在将Log File 粘贴在下面
8 p2 d, ], ^2 j1 T) M4 t; D" ?2 j) a1 k

) T  A. l- s; |4 J) g
8 y4 F" A% I* _; I4 H6 b( ERUNNING IBISCHK COMMAND: ibischk4 "E:\tusb.ibs"7 u$ h/ i& M3 ~+ u! H1 I4 G, E( g
  @3 ~/ q5 ?( Y: ~
/ l3 N: o1 T# MChecking E:\tusb.ibs for IBIS 4.2 Compatibility...
+ A/ l2 ]+ N% z
6 [! K- B' F0 l% t- A" A/ `4 RWARNING - Model FZP18_PD_PI_10P_3P3 Pulldown Minimum data is non-monotonic1 g! y8 n/ x! h8 I! A+ S
WARNING - Model FZP18_PD_PI_5P_3P3 Pulldown Minimum data is non-monotonic
7 {) S; Y( g# N: w, Y; }$ SWARNING - Model FZP18_PU_PI_10P_3P3 Pulldown Minimum data is non-monotonic( S- S) Z# k; l; U3 l5 a2 H
WARNING - Model FZP18_PU_PI_5P_3P3 Pulldown Minimum data is non-monotonic( `$ P, ]# V5 `- ?
WARNING - Model HYPBFZP18_PI_10P_3P3 Pulldown Minimum data is non-monotonic, D; H. d7 c" [5 j9 w% q& u. {0 y
WARNING - Model HYPBFZP18_PI_5P_3P3 Pulldown Minimum data is non-monotonic" m8 n! ]" T8 a- f5 x- `) i
WARNING - Model usb3_WODE: The [Rising Waveform] " x5 h$ Y1 l7 c. ?9 Q
      with [R_fixture]=50 Ohms and [V_fixture_max]=1.155V
% _* a$ ^. r* z6 ]8 W      has MAX column DC endpoints of  0.60V and  1.12v, but& Q+ s) e; o! o) H
      an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields$ ^+ W4 ^7 w2 S/ G- F1 d: u
      different voltages ( 0.61V and  1.12V),
/ d) X2 Q1 N$ {, r3 R      a difference of  2.74% and  0.09%, respectively.
  F$ e/ Q8 w% A6 w5 e" \) [/ qWARNING - Model usb3_WODE: The [Falling Waveform] ; X3 h# x6 H) o) b* u9 |* z5 v6 `  K
      with [R_fixture]=50 Ohms and [V_fixture_max]=1.155V: l# l& u( Y: ^6 j' X
      has MAX column DC endpoints of  0.60V and  1.12v, but
, [. @2 b6 r# ^# F, U# G7 V- Q7 k+ v      an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields" [5 b3 E# S' r* U8 z4 U
      different voltages ( 0.61V and  1.12V),- a9 `9 s* X2 l) G5 Z* z: ~
      a difference of  2.66% and  0.06%, respectively.
" d5 ?/ h! E; S- ZWARNING - Model usb2_LS_RC Pullup Minimum data is non-monotonic5 A2 I- k0 ?7 {$ ~
WARNING - Model usb2_LS_R Pullup Minimum data is non-monotonic8 H2 a, t$ X( |1 K: O" A

4 t5 y! r# L9 H$ JErrors  : 09 f) r5 _' x3 N3 @9 q  q5 s
Warnings: 10
; X, Y+ w* R* R2 w1 x1 [4 c3 m: k6 ^, Y  Y" r
File Passed
) l5 s8 \' }4 Z0 _" u$ ~) u' k4 i, [% z2 d$ v& Z
END OF IBISCHK COMMAND OUTPUT# f0 d8 W/ I# p( u6 r% r9 s

1 u8 ~1 P  q+ p( v
4 ^0 A1 q& g& y9 B+ g! C8 IREADING IBIS FILE E:\tusb.ibs
# g( z+ t: g5 L! t: M
! w, A+ }. P3 ~, M* N' iERROR @line 44: Syntax error after parsing the token <Driver Schedule> :
. A) X; \0 J+ @    The previous token began on line 44 and was <[>
9 C. _4 i5 {) M
; X4 k2 \+ z( h5 Q. {RUNNING DMLCHECK for E:\tusb.dml! U5 X/ [9 g- o2 K; A
$ a3 t; q( t  g3 w: j; r  J7 Y  H

8 ?  \1 [' t# L& ~( w. [! ~Translation failed due to IBIS2DML errors.
# y+ Y! N& n/ s% @/ d' C0 eOutput saved as E:\tusb.dml.txt.
1 }% P! p6 F( }3 h- U& B, ^* R$ IRun ibis2signoise -d, a DML will be generated.
4 Z1 j& l5 _' U3 c0 SExamine it with line numbers from the log message.  
+ B# c8 I) U5 A0 w$ N  ^
  ^6 |1 s4 ^, [1 V) O' E
- R2 A+ E- d' a; }! i8 ^! c5 U/ K
2 _1 t) y: S/ f, ?1 U) P6 N/ I7 I8 w
上面说 Line 44 有语法问题,我把 Line 44 的内容页粘贴如下,谢谢!! 下面第一行就是Line 44 !!* {/ Q! t4 w9 N, R  J9 {

& T# ~% u8 E) D; y[Driver Schedule] keyword. For example, using HSPICE, refer DE_hspice.sp' C) Y) J- g) @) \3 j3 p
                in the correlation report
* s. t' y6 p) V2 ?2 h                - To test USB2/USB3 IBIS models using HSPICE look for spice set up files + ?; \; q) d1 J+ V
                inside the TUSB8040 correlation report        \
" t5 O  o, Q0 o1 ]                - Digital Buffer models are from SR60 standard cell library for TUSB8040
8 y8 A3 ^3 A7 K                - Non-Monotonic pulldown warnings related to digital buffers is per+ Y1 w7 C6 Y3 V. {* H
                simulations     " e, g, F, s3 F) t
+ M0 P. o, T& e2 i* o+ J' w8 r9 W
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