
标题: ORCAD生成网表时出现属性错误,请大家帮忙看看 [打印本页]

作者: zslic78    时间: 2011-6-12 18:10
标题: ORCAD生成网表时出现属性错误,请大家帮忙看看
ORCAD生成网表出现如下错误,不知道该怎么解决了,请大家帮忙看看。, A# D! w' k1 D6 b  D  R
#86 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on F5 and F2 for part "0451005MRL".  C0 w9 ~% z# I0 N& n: O1 k6 S% p6 r5 g" Y
+ `# I. l$ o/ c#87 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on J20 and J19 for part "HW_20_15_S_D_328_SM_A_TR".
9 d% |, D) N# w              VALUE
/ K% P7 v# W* J- B#88 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on LB2 and LB1 for part "MGGB2012U101HT_LF".# o, b" ]0 m. n! f- M
              VALUE. r/ r0 D* Y9 F/ |
#89 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on LB28 and LB27 for part "MGLB2012_220T_LF".
$ W0 l+ b3 {/ a, ~' W* o# u! _, D              VALUE2 s4 L1 [& [' J  z( p
#90 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on LB29 and LB27 for part "MGLB2012_220T_LF".
  `! W! [1 J' b* A& r              VALUE
# e: N* L/ B3 [& C#91 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values o
) E. e, f" w8 _" B4 R1 o9 Xf following Component Definition properties found on LB3 and LB1 for part "MGGB2012U101HT_LF".5 @3 d9 |, F# T( {) ]
- y& f+ Z5 H9 E  i( Z( ?#92 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on LB4 and LB1 for part "MGGB2012U101HT_LF".% n% ^, u# v$ d( E% D' C: K2 K
              VALUE" ^( S1 d$ O+ A1 {, ?
#93 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R1021 and R1017 for part "RC0603JR_0710K".( U7 j% W+ _: Q& s% ?9 X% S( d
3 u7 I) p; u4 u  d2 G8 s#94 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R1022 and R1017 for part "RC0603JR_0710K".
1 I, |; p1 S% E1 U; K1 M9 u              VALUE: z5 @# f  B/ P, ^
#95 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R1026 and R1012 for part "RC0603JR_074K7L".( l! a( V0 X- e! P& h3 g
+ b5 M6 _& a8 I$ w3 M0 M#96 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R14 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R".
& m; c8 y+ f4 f2 o" g) n, e              VALUE  q* \3 c- }! ]. B: a
#97 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R15 and R12 for " }: C5 `* r8 T" v2 W/ g
part "RC0603JR_0733R".
1 p- \% M+ F0 I9 s) Q              VALUE
4 u- m% y6 |. _  L( [  R#98 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R16 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R"./ T2 A2 C! O3 X) z! `- A4 E3 {1 d
5 z! |8 N- p2 ]7 c+ G+ c7 k#99 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R165 and R1012 for part "RC0603JR_074K7L".6 d( k6 k9 X$ U; P3 \6 Q
              VALUE/ X9 C, M, g4 s% h
#100 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R17 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R".
) c3 G( C% I% y1 s7 b              VALUE$ K1 C& k$ ^7 P* s+ |3 r2 m
#101 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R170 and R1012 for part "RC0603JR_074K7L".( }- F( {  Z  _9 j( Z
6 \. i: b+ j/ `; z) [$ [* h#102 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R18 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R".2 q5 l9 H/ m$ x( Z1 m
              VALUE* Z" y# `/ k2 [& ~6 d* i: l( H
#103 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R19 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R".6 {! }4 G, g( H6 J
5 F8 n( _* D7 q& r- `, h4 ]+ m#104 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R193 and R192 for part "RK73H2ATTD1781F".- Z: _9 X# q) [0 o3 `; G2 J
1 X1 Z' ], Z8 o#105 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R194 and R192 for part "RK73H2ATTD1781F".& X5 U& N: s/ k) k
) B% U/ p+ F2 p+ V) j3 L#106 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R195 and R192 for part "RK73H2ATTD1781F"." x* u( ^8 r" \, t; S) S9 u
8 G- l' B* B4 K6 O4 @' g* Y2 E- U#107 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R20 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R".
: f( A( T# Q8 u# V0 C+ x              VALUE7 }- m  B2 T2 x4 N% D/ U& W4 \
#108 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R21 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R".4 h; L( Y9 w; t7 v" g+ Q. v7 J3 O
6 ^) O  G  P6 q/ p, q" i#109 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R22 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R".7 ?. T" L$ Z3 d# ]9 g1 d
; ~* ]3 d( `, J8 q; P1 [) [#110 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R226 and R1011 for part "RC0603JR_071K".1 G3 q9 t0 I3 r& l) e6 C# F/ e  X/ Q" Z
. L- h% |7 w, `* k3 [LUE
! M$ B- M- y' l9 H#111 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R227 and R1011 for part "RC0603JR_071K".5 e' i* R" D; M
, T! \  J$ N7 l8 ], P, S#112 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R23 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R".
! ^; l) L9 w4 F8 J7 c$ P              VALUE
7 }9 u; s: f+ _6 ~2 g#113 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R232 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R".
2 s& R  A7 m9 d' i0 o( b3 U              VALUE" w% ^; @# S/ X0 A( t1 W  z1 g
#114 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R235 and R1011 for part "RC0603JR_071K".
6 J4 }' l; s3 D: D) P4 M              VALUE* w( ?) b/ n1 y$ p" m% Q6 m" ]
#115 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R24 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R".; o4 v( z- T# j. S# F1 y2 U. E
              VALUE3 z% _5 a) B* m+ _/ s
#116 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R241 and R240 for part "RC0603JR_071KL".
/ g2 i. D" h# _3 D  E( t              VALUE+ z% v- L0 I5 H2 b; B8 m. O5 @
#117 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R242 and R240 for part "RC0603JR_071KL".
7 H: c/ N! K" a/ C              VALUE
# z; X/ @4 K) D; V1 H#118 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R243 and R240 for part "RC0603JR_071KL".
# l5 Q9 r, o2 b              VALUE, l. F  X+ l: G6 {' p5 Q; e
#119 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R244 and R240 for part "RC0603JR_071KL".
$ E" q( g& B! E" \, H  |3 {              VALUE0 H, @: z5 t; ?& E6 o
#120 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R245 and R240 for part "RC0603JR_071KL".  y+ |+ L% u, m
$ C1 L8 P( J1 w6 n( M5 ~#121 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R246 and R240 for part "RC0603JR_071KL".5 o: Y+ r. G. v' x/ d
9 h  o  M/ |* \+ _* w' l9 Y* i* A* [9 u( ]#122 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R247 and R240 for part "RC0603JR_071KL".+ Q0 I. E$ a, b. \& f
1 I. F4 g9 B7 N4 @; K, C#123 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R249 and R1008 for part "RC0603JR_070RL".
9 C- H5 ^+ v) {! p: Y3 a5 j
+ i, n6 E: D9 x             VALUE4 ^6 V7 Y3 {- i: f* M0 X
#124 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R25 and R12 for part "RC0603JR_0733R".
- r6 m4 L- U$ h! {' W+ j' M              VALUE
2 a- }9 T3 @% n#125 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R250 and R1008 for part "RC0603JR_070RL".0 ?0 p- J6 Z% |& @
& W8 D, O6 _& ?8 S1 K3 U3 T#126 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on R251 and R1008 for part "RC0603JR_070RL".
0 s. z8 N6 a( l) n* B# ]" y& N              VALUE- I3 O' r1 _% m8 x: v* g( ~' Y3 Y

: M: n8 ~: U) e$ J
作者: loven28    时间: 2011-9-19 16:38
作者: pengsandy    时间: 2012-11-8 11:16

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