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Ten lessons from 25 years of teaching electrical design.
9 h4 R/ B( o j- R; Q' A% R9 s( {4 u8 `8 l$ D! H3 t
I’ve been writing about, lecturing and teaching signal integrity topics for more than 25 years. I’ve taught more than 7,000 engineers
& N7 ^7 U: ?/ F) }% Eand personally mentored more than 30. Along the way, I’ve developed some sayings that crystallize important rules to consider when' C/ j- X' c/ s% R- o6 V$ l7 i
working on signal integrity projects. Of course, these rules apply to more than just signal integrity.
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I received a note from a recent student who jotted down my “rules.” He sent me a copy. This month, I thought I would share some of
7 K3 Z$ V& L9 P) x; Uthe list:
8 m% F* G# o( ?& ?3 \! }7 `1 C# Q4 V( Q: s8 A
1.The most common answer to all signal integrity questions is “it depends.” And, the way to answer all “it depends” questions is. Q1 w& r/ s) a4 s
by “putting in the numbers” using rules of thumb, approximations, numerical simulations and measurements.
/ }, D( N& S; T7 a$ p" l; o$ ^' m: K+ _0 M% J
2.The way to separate myth from reality is by “putting in the numbers,” using rules of thumb, approximations, numerical; S9 ^3 d! G9 d, }( D* K, u
simulation tools and measurements. All these processes are equally important and should be in the tool box of every engineer.& N" _; A2 D0 t$ I
They each have a different balance between accuracy and cost to get an answer (cost as measured by time, money and4 r9 Y r7 S! f+ K' y: Y3 e
expertise). Use the process for each problem appropriate to your budget.- B+ _. b0 W* O; I. r* A. z
' g* [2 ?2 m. {& c) [6 B3.Watch out for the “Whac-a-Mole” effect. Often, changing one design feature to improve a performance metric has a negative( h6 Y1 S9 g. q* K- ?9 h- y
impact on another performance metric. It is like the Whac-a-Mole arcade game. For example, bringing the signal path closer to
+ t3 Y) w5 w- F$ u# G6 G! ythe return path decreases ground bounce, but at some point, this will reduce the impedance of the interconnect and cause
( s4 K, ]3 }/ xexcessive reflection noise.
! Q Y" k# f; t1 O. b" a- B- h- k& G
4.The most efficient way to solve a signal integrity problem is to find its root cause. If you don’t know the root cause of a7 O* X8 f1 y' U+ G$ ^0 s
problem, and it goes away when you try something, you have no idea if this was a coincidence or if this problem will creep
" I0 g1 y7 B1 m& u# G" kback in.- Z6 O% p: g( I. e
/ j" A. n' V+ Y7 r
5.Use the Youngman Principle to turn a root cause into a design guideline. This is named after Henny Youngman, a famous
3 f* C# `+ g/ L5 k& G7 k7 Wcomedian of the 20th Century. One of his jokes was, “A man goes into a doctor’s office and says, ‘Doctor, my arm hurts when I. O& Z0 g4 [- g( P
raise it. What should I do?’ The doctor replies, ‘Don’t raise your arm.’ ” If design feature A causes problem B, to eliminate2 D# O, e6 b4 n* D& c
problem B, eliminate design feature A. For example, if reflection noise is caused when the instantaneous impedance the signal' I0 Z9 Z5 K2 V3 y
sees changes, engineer the instantaneous impedance to be constant down the entire interconnect.
8 c# W. a+ j! c8 |3 i* @: `2 u
5 i$ Z5 J* F' `' J n6.Sometimes an OK answer NOW is better than a good answer later. You often have to make decisions without all the0 [! M7 l+ w5 f" e7 J3 g5 F
information you would like. This is where rough estimates are important. What is the bandwidth of an 800 Mbps DDR3 signal?
: n0 ? u4 Z+ C5 M; h$ S& I. l) @( SIt depends on the rise time, of course, but if you don’t know the rise time, do you sit and wait until someone can measure it? If3 ]. `- c" v! |+ E. H
you need an answer NOW!, you can use the rule of thumb that the bandwidth is about the 5th harmonic of the clock. The: |$ s& h% J2 c' V0 P
clock is 400 MHz and the 5th harmonic is 2 GHz.: w+ u% B4 c! I' }. p& G
3 i2 i; a `& S/ ?7.Always evaluate the bang for the buck from a design change using a “virtual prototype.” This is a parameterized model for; N6 R% X% N: [7 t, v2 c
your system, and a way of simulating its performance using this model. It will help you answer “what if” questions, and lets you+ n" ~( ?* s8 h2 E0 Y. A `5 d
measure the expected performance gain for the extra cost of a new material, design or component, before you commit to9 L( L# D% o4 p! G4 w) b5 q1 i
hardware.! f. Z" ?/ b- I( b
. a3 n* p) b- f+ B" |
8.Watch out for “mink holes.” A rat hole is a convoluted path you detour down that takes away from the real goal. A mink hole is* _- B# C) A. F' e; E) y
a rat hole lined in mink: It feels really good while you are in it. Engineers love technical puzzles. Resist the temptation to track
9 R) ]0 P" L z8 Z& P- rdown every little detail, or get that model bandwidth to just another few GHz. More important problems are always awaiting
# U% ]2 Z- Z. @3 a/ r% B( nattention.% d# ]% g- k" C( c
$ g! ?- Q: w, B# ?! h9 S' C- f
9.Never perform a simulation or a measurement without anticipating what you expect to see. If you are wrong, something is off in, r" K2 b5 o, k, b
the problem setup, the tool accuracy, or your intuition. Either way, you will learn something by tracking down the discrepancy.! X, b3 n2 r! _9 \0 U
If you are right, and you see what you expect, you get a nice, warm feeling that maybe you really do understand what is going' q! _7 A- [0 v( P: B9 `
on.% H) c6 G Z0 v) q6 L0 t5 A
0 r$ ~/ k: j; e- B/ q: k
10.There are two kinds of engineers: those who have signal integrity problems and those who will. The corollary is, there are two7 S$ ^4 J; |, c- L
kinds of designers: those who are designing antennae on purpose and those who aren’t doing it on purpose. |