
标题: 把DXF文件导入Allegro时报错 [打印本页]

作者: lucy_lala2009    时间: 2009-9-22 11:31
标题: 把DXF文件导入Allegro时报错
- O  C: j* Y" |3 u; c, l  h4 v2 D1 E8 _5 u; Z& I7 D7 C  T
Reading Layer Conversion File 2 ^8 u0 |1 W5 B* [
Reading DXF file...
, y4 S; n: Q5 m( w8 `NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *Model_Space.
7 z/ i: ~/ y3 vNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *Paper_Space." a  Y  m, X  l) ?
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D9.
# J# V+ w6 C5 F! tNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D10.4 e, n" B: S5 D0 Z* O
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D11.
* F* T/ |0 I: \  qNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D12.6 k% z2 Z6 B. ~% t
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D13.
7 K9 o# \. L/ Q5 V9 c6 C5 nNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D14.
* y( D9 Z* ]1 [  s8 h0 r! ]5 N1 {" fNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D15.
$ T9 B; [5 f3 |( lNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D16.& d5 r' b3 n, g; ^; u0 [
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D17.9 ]3 m8 v' x' n4 x# A" N
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D18.( t5 @: G- N5 W6 j' P' T+ D
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D19.) N& q8 i8 b: ?* q0 t  O: O
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D20.
+ N( h/ `, [" ]1 o. e- CNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D21.
% @7 q* F6 F; |) _9 }7 kNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D22.
1 @% _& p7 C, H/ u9 |% `8 xNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D23.% d7 c: p# ]+ k! e/ L0 j
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D24.
$ f' q4 f/ k" k# P; O. J/ @NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D25., D5 t' }8 F& @# J$ w
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D26.. c3 \6 w/ N0 ^
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D27.$ `8 _' f8 x% ~$ k: u
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D28.
( z  q' R" e6 C4 KNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D29.! b# ~/ g0 W/ D8 m& s
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D30.
' B' _, C, J: _( I( P7 [8 V- x7 oNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D31.$ f, s, m4 r. X
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D32.7 o/ T! s4 b( u9 k, b
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D33.
: r1 W9 |+ }% N4 L# {' {; rNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D34.
3 Z8 Y8 P6 D2 q2 W0 |% H+ NNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D35.5 m3 `4 j5 w3 ]' n
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D36.
) N; t0 x2 }0 p; b! hNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D37.
/ L  _2 X5 ~. A5 WNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D38.
9 }- |( g6 r- D" e; p( f' vNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D39.( T" O9 W4 V5 o& g8 t& {3 Y: X
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D40.0 x  X* R5 u. M7 \" V8 S
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D41.
5 Y" b, K1 m- O% \" |9 UNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D42.
  [% M7 v+ \4 T) n9 K4 D7 ~NOTE: Replacing illegal character $ with X in A$C699D59C1.
; }; |: p$ C4 E+ iNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D19.( h8 a" ?2 D( E& I) u5 p7 e9 K( E
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D20.
4 h) e: B$ ~4 l6 J% w/ l+ m" q5 aNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D12.
7 u2 [4 ]/ P3 K: |& `& [' p4 H9 CNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D21.
7 R& d$ i% ]6 e+ SNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D22.5 J- Q5 w3 u4 B+ r% P4 s) n* ^
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D23.
. c8 O: I, q1 s! F8 aNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D24.
7 C2 u* _5 S& V5 L2 |* d2 G+ B  pNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D25.+ g) @" n* L3 i1 N
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D26.
& _6 u" g2 ?; {7 lNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D27.8 T% M5 ~( }. {" ^* n9 i, x
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D28.2 Z+ a7 Q$ P0 D7 L% O
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D29.
8 y: z- g) v% n% y1 GNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D15.% c+ j4 r/ q2 J. O
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D16.! t* q9 M9 ~. H2 _& B% V
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D17.0 b% d$ G# P- a# u: [/ j( ^$ H
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D18.: e- E7 U2 D6 j3 j6 {9 Q5 ^
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D9.9 z! D4 |5 o( h% l' Z* M- e
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D10.
  w' A# ]: ]0 X( ~( I" C% v/ Y; |NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D11.
. S  D, e5 }+ @: a$ aNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D30.
& w  |; h3 z! L( |) c* p1 ENOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D31.
0 r5 k4 N! r* d0 O1 aNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D32.
8 i" L; ~) w# b2 r# n/ U1 gNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D13.
/ \  v# F; J8 W  G+ ]/ e1 s! ~NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D14.$ N) [& c( s' [2 A- `4 d
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D33.
, Z7 f( w# @+ ^0 a0 {6 \% C% mNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D34.
5 R% X+ B, Y+ F& A2 ^% |5 oNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D35.
/ B' }* s* G% C' eNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D36.6 G. H& e6 {5 i% q/ `8 W* }
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D38.
8 M' [1 J- w8 X# Y2 w; l/ iNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D39.$ A. n! m  s6 b1 Z0 g+ |
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D40.6 Y. Q6 G+ y$ Q) o
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D41.
" _' j7 v; u' F0 D) h' `9 d9 D) TNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D42.
4 s: ?, E' g; |NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D37.
; W0 ]8 }5 [8 t( zNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D44.
8 Q# n0 a. ~: `7 oNOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D45.0 h% i: \( I# ?/ p# S$ B) H9 c# d
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D46.
) M: v$ ]" Y2 q9 r# K0 |done.* M8 V8 H3 E5 E, p! x
& H4 F  B7 `' aERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 23502
2 p1 v8 \2 V! D# fDBERROR: ARC SEGMENT OUT OF EXTENTS+ k) ]: @4 }, a6 F6 ]4 J5 D
ERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 235224 z" @7 b, C9 a) v
  e: u2 k8 ~, q/ [ERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 23682
7 N* _- a; H6 @! Q2 ^ERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 23848
8 \: ~$ q+ q: n- l+ o$ eDBERROR: ARC SEGMENT OUT OF EXTENTS+ X( o+ s1 P* Z, j9 K! {! G
ERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 24008% @* k6 G, i* {1 p0 g
: Z' p. T) l- ]- x. z. L9 OERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 25240
2 X3 H% T7 n$ k7 }ERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 257782 l1 L1 }) q7 p/ k+ x9 W
DBERROR: ARC SEGMENT OUT OF EXTENTS) o: K1 m* {" E! b7 F" K+ c, ?$ w% J
ERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 25798+ v) ?  M- j; H" o
ERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 258184 \6 q+ Y% i( r+ G( |4 H) S
! H0 T7 t# L: L$ Q  F& nERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 274984 b1 s' D3 g; X# [1 H1 |- F- p  E$ m9 y5 z
) }$ `& Q6 o- M# }( U4 w7 B( HERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 27518
0 [' z! A* ^' G8 N" t' KDBERROR: ARC SEGMENT OUT OF EXTENTS4 J8 E) [% I4 b
ERROR: Failed to add CIRCLE on line number 27538
! V# K5 d8 I" @; f- G- W; mWARNING: Ignoring zero length segment at (20559.1044, 8310.5104)( p" Q) ~/ L. a/ u* n' \2 z
WARNING: Ignoring zero length segment at (20541.0186, 8231.7347)2 ?+ P+ P( R2 C0 D  R! J6 m0 r
WARNING: Ignoring zero length segment at (20541.0186, 8222.9717)1 @! R2 m8 L; {
WARNING: Ignoring zero length segment at (20512.0174, 8299.7451)
% W  s. e9 M# H* ^  T3 SLayer conversion file: e8 v1 01-3 T-0922_l.cnv
: n! }" B* p  Q5 {DXF file: e8 v1 01-3 T-0922.dxf
$ B( l0 z" C, {5 YBRD file: F:/查库/e8/#Taaaaaa04068.dra$ g" _; T/ Y! ~& I  q: }. V1 ^- K9 G
Update existing design?: NO
3 N( Q8 z" i/ a+ E! A; rUse default text?: NO) v2 B* `! W( \3 s! X( M6 J, Y! Q% l
% H& Y: C* T- @8 xDesign units: MILLIMETERS
/ C7 Q4 G8 i6 R! b! j, O- nDesign precision: 4
" X" m! n7 w* d" p- _" ydxf2a complete.' J$ p& R2 s5 @- Q- f' O) c- A8 E. v
6 ~* t7 [- |' S

; G9 Y2 p+ N2 |! i6 A请问一下这个问题怎么解决呢?
作者: deargds    时间: 2009-9-22 11:41
作者: lara_bxc    时间: 2009-9-22 13:00
作者: lucy_lala2009    时间: 2009-9-22 16:15
文件肯定没有放在中文目录下;0 S. S4 i; y+ A0 J
作者: lpch8    时间: 2009-9-22 17:41
作者: lucy_lala2009    时间: 2009-9-23 09:17
作者: mingzhesong    时间: 2009-9-23 14:50
作者: edadesign    时间: 2012-12-27 17:30
作者: iaiping    时间: 2012-12-27 22:38
' c4 e9 o# T) _% B; g+ d# i1、文件中的中文导入.brd中会是*号,*内容对layout没有参考价值的话这种报错不用理它;
8 Q) `  z- W8 j) s, b$ _: R6 I3 Z2、有些报错是因为有些结构需要冻结在一起才能导入,比如一些大的部件,如液晶屏模块等,结构一般会冻结在一起;
8 Q0 F% c' E: f6 d- N! \! R" X3、还有一些是很小的结构模块,如果冻结在一起,反而无法导入.brd中,或者导入后形变较大,如小圆弧可能导进去后会朝反向;6 ^  ?9 M1 m; u6 X; |
4、结构曲线如边框等要是闭合曲线才可以,且必须是首尾相接;4 ]  `7 C; L* _
作者: xiahang    时间: 2012-12-28 07:27
作者: 爱我的人    时间: 2013-1-14 22:01

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