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上海美资研发中心Senior SI Engineer
" q- n& Q8 ?6 V) p职责:Signal integrity analysis(SpecctraQuest或其它软件),负责board-level and system-level digital signal simulations,Develop and acquire simulation models and perform model verification.$ Y9 b2 |( j2 S4 y2 Q4 C
, R; j7 t% c3 t* q6 S$ ~3 A$ d6 p8 GSI simulation 相关经验(最好是通信背景,非消费电子类)熟悉PCB design, high-speed digital design,若具备HSPICE, IBIS, XTK等经验更佳.最好英语流利,技术强的话英语稍弱些没关系
, Y! Y: |: ]3 {& | X
, K H& {3 y4 k. A- O0 N, ]/ O" t% r1 f& J* D
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