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5 [% F" s$ b$ C6 {3 F) n( )* {$ k; N3 }5 h* H8 K) s
/ r* |2 C9 O: H8 ?/ j( )
0 [7 b/ I* w- P/ O( Drawing : MSI-1358_V1_1-key.brd )( Z( Y3 P( f% s# z9 Q
( Software Version : unreleased )
( R# z: h6 V7 W7 p* B( N. C( Date/Time : Thu May 16 21:19:25 2013 )
q% R$ F: s4 Q) L2 x9 C9 x) P. q( ). Y' M2 X2 Z2 M- T
(------------------------------------------------------------)/ {( L- }" X6 L& d6 {: [1 G
" @- Q: `; `7 B
M) f; X/ f% `3 C, I( J
, F9 V/ Q1 |7 u% R' C ******************************************
; D/ d8 D2 I. D! q WARNING: DRC OUT OF DATE on this layout.
0 X, L8 H& o# ^! H. D. y! [ ******************************************
. C8 N: X/ u; [3 m% r+ N
& M: T! t& D& ^' O: h ---- Photoplot outline rectangle not found ... using drawing extents
8 |9 W, l* t, }- u! s% [( ~) U0 y, n9 W
6 [) S7 l' f9 F' N6 m
6 J8 G8 b, B* F& R6 m1 B
Results from parameter file ...
g7 ?8 Y. W' F# u0 o7 d DEVICE-TYPE GERBER_RS274X, y# Y' P" F/ T8 R: w7 T
OUTPUT-UNITS INCHES: U6 M! U) y6 T1 u- b9 X2 ~
FILM-SIZE 24000 16000
9 Z* V, y" d7 A) h8 N6 N) {; r FORMAT 5.3/ o0 ^ s |1 r: @% H9 R; Y
2 K ]0 f; M2 ? SCALE 1# f- C; Z! e% u _! D$ l
3 |& `" n {4 J0 ~ UNDEF-APT-CONT NO- m7 @: g7 I9 y" a+ U6 ?
% D( Q7 g* d5 ?; T
WARNING: for raster artwork formats, artwork accuracy must be
& S" ~+ O6 L' ~$ o8 F# e! q( _ at least one place greater than the database accuracy, up
6 N. R* O1 S% P9 g1 h8 m3 l to the maximum accuracy allowed by the selected output format.! b8 I- C9 L& Q3 _" G& g ]
|% g- [) M, J5 F" f$ ^
Increase the accuracy by increasing the "Decimal Places" in
- q# z/ `1 @5 I& P" C6 z# Z( v the FORMAT section of the artwork parameters and then rerun9 L+ G9 U: X) X8 G/ ]
" O+ O3 @! h" I! t
% T# ~/ J% X: l. q% e' b. Y The current output is rounding down the data. Failure to change
2 S6 }+ R1 {8 J* r4 W8 `1 N+ J the format may result in inaccurate arc coordinates in the output0 X; k5 P0 _; Z
files and possible shape/void plotting failures.
; e; ^& G0 B6 ]9 u4 }3 f y+ r4 K/ W5 J! a& k' @
0 u5 w# p5 N+ i( I* p
================================================================# X+ h4 l) f& W4 ^" u
PROCESSING FILM < drill ># H+ | j" N# U
TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/drill.art > ...6 a. s+ y9 G- n8 M P
1 _( X' Z* X9 S' |" O+ N$ d1 {
) _' ~8 ^) I1 T4 k FILM PARAMETERS :6 l* ~1 P: W, Y/ n+ i
---------------------------------------------------------+ ?" b" Y1 [# d, v$ a
Undefined line width 5.006 f. V9 m8 L9 z: }1 d) l
Mirror code NONE
) r2 r, G/ K2 ~8 T# A Rotate angle NONE
& A0 ]% s/ [$ V* k* z, i Offset x: 0.00
" P2 A3 ?, Z7 J! { Offset y: 0.00, \ L3 L; ?! q7 b! M2 D
Plot negative NO) n, j3 x- Y7 o8 [0 S
Suppress unconnected internal pads NO) y# T7 G$ ~, [! }! B4 f/ }
+ O, [) S& D, u6 v5 n- d* f WARNING: 0 width line found at (17257.00 7693.00)8 ]5 a7 o& o# d
... using undefined line width of 5.00, E7 Y9 m9 J* B
2 x/ r1 U* p+ K4 } h0 ~
WARNING: Multiple 0 width lines; all will be treated the same as the first.! T4 g U c2 w6 X
... using undefined line width of 5.008 r5 G" p; u4 ]6 n
: h. G4 Z6 s- _: ?* K1 S2 q; r
WARNING: text composed 0 width line found at (17706.50 10596.50)8 ]. P, V j3 g( b
... using undefined line width of 5.00
4 C, _* u( w+ P3 i
% A% {3 u* C) D4 @% K. i, q WARNING: text having Multiple 0 width lines; all will be treated the same as the first.7 ?! {7 P% K4 b, B0 F
... using undefined line width of 5.00" w+ s0 N: J. l+ \ K! @
0 X, N2 G4 A* Z+ v
1 F% i( i7 p8 T9 H
T+ M3 g* F% Y0 \, S( k APERTURES USED:
* P, `; G6 V$ A4 `' q1 K6 j' Y ---------------------------------------------------------
' x- h0 L0 e% R w) s TYPE SIZE/NAME ROT MIRROR MODE ' g T' g* q6 S# {' x( f
2 {( U3 f; o+ G% g- M CIRCLE 0.00500 DARK
; J" }- T, Q* D0 r* k4 W1 U7 E$ @9 {! W" V- O" M; z# U
drill created with warnings
% S* |# R5 {& L$ @0 T4 h- o" m! I$ O1 `, f
( i0 @( {, K4 p& J================================================================
' V5 [4 ]8 o" g" q PROCESSING FILM < solder_bot >
+ ^$ W7 C9 Z( T" E3 X, \5 Y TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/solder_bot.art > ...
! `2 N( ]: O. k5 k( Z" l) m& l================================================================" J+ i5 T& t) U ~ m9 F
" c H, ^9 Y" y/ W' `: t1 L' x FILM PARAMETERS :3 s7 h3 [) r2 S/ x q7 D" x
% l! [' P. E$ t) m5 O Undefined line width 5.00* H" {" b. T/ F( W) x
Mirror code NONE4 V) v% P2 i1 z8 t+ K2 M' t
Rotate angle NONE
( E( t. c# F1 q6 E Offset x: 0.00
C- f* [9 Q5 L' q4 n" ? Offset y: 0.00
5 S7 T$ o6 A5 C& ]7 j- w" p Plot negative NO) E( I; I4 {& `+ b; P
Suppress unconnected internal pads NO% E2 W& g2 ?! s, ?5 q
- a1 y9 Y9 K& m
: H, f# A. x* q5 ~% P- e) G/ g4 w8 D
APERTURES USED:& C4 C8 {; f" B0 @. ]# [1 O; h
# C, m: _- N& W& N2 S; ?# J' X ---------------------------------------------------------
, K7 b1 y3 t5 ?+ D7 k CIRCLE 0.00500 DARK
9 M- T4 F' K0 V; J( x( g CIRCLE 0.03000 DARK a" s' c1 G0 @, Y( g+ L4 ~
CIRCLE 0.04330 DARK 2 l; |* Q. s% y- ~: H$ ~' Z
CIRCLE 0.04600 DARK 8 r9 T7 B) j! F2 Z! e
CIRCLE 0.04900 DARK 5 ^, y: b, E0 n
3 m6 ] K3 D+ Z0 a6 } CIRCLE 0.06000 DARK
! R9 a1 t. G# U/ q r CIRCLE 0.06100 DARK : Z4 R# j+ }) J- ^. K9 F" k+ G
SQUARE 0.04200 0.000 NO DARK
% m7 s, c' X2 B& g. ?% m SQUARE 0.04600 0.000 NO DARK
# i9 J& E3 k# d* b5 U RECTANGLE 0.02600 x 0.03000 0.000 NO DARK
5 C5 ], _' A# v RECTANGLE 0.02600 x 0.03000 90.000 NO DARK $ c; a8 e% K+ o- W8 z! m2 @
RECTANGLE 0.03800 x 0.02600 0.000 NO DARK
+ G8 u8 |" j* Z v: g! y" X RECTANGLE 0.04000 x 0.03600 0.000 NO DARK 1 d: i8 C0 }: j$ M- ]6 J
RECTANGLE 0.04000 x 0.03600 90.000 NO DARK
8 @4 Q; d# b/ z& H e) Z3 s7 b RECTANGLE 0.04200 x 0.05600 0.000 NO DARK 3 U- {; _6 @: m2 c% r
RECTANGLE 0.19685 x 0.19685 90.000 NO DARK # T U) c+ t# F- ]: |8 x
OBLONG 0.01378 x 0.04331 0.000 NO DARK 9 R4 ~& P" f# h$ w0 g
OBLONG 0.01378 x 0.04331 90.000 NO DARK ' C- x9 g7 _" H2 z t6 J4 [; a$ I ?
OBLONG 0.01600 x 0.03600 0.000 NO DARK # q/ U: X9 ?( k5 O, `5 A0 I+ X
OBLONG 0.01600 x 0.03600 90.000 NO DARK - J! C5 |3 q$ k! [" I
OBLONG 0.06000 x 0.15900 0.000 NO DARK - l) O2 M% Y9 M. z% N
OBLONG 0.07100 x 0.14400 0.000 NO DARK 1 z% I) V2 x, F, }1 A' A/ K
OBLONG 0.07100 x 0.16700 0.000 NO DARK
5 i k& K# ?/ n2 z( V$ H. J# J OBLONG 0.07500 x 0.15600 0.000 NO DARK 8 l) D* }% |' d0 h& J
PAD SHAPE SHAPE26X34 90.000 YES DARK 2 Z# m2 n4 v" t) p5 l8 b
PAD SHAPE SHAPE26X34 270.000 YES DARK 3 p) ^4 S! d2 ?. L
( Q( |0 Q, r' O# i
solder_bot created with warnings) n" J: Y3 {, Y$ a
3 k; h8 i8 Q. [! I6 P/ E1 ~9 U5 l9 V+ n" D7 {% O2 O. i
- P8 \5 G Q8 Y& `) y& y$ x PROCESSING FILM < solder_top >6 F+ X$ l/ d% g$ D( a+ U+ M$ Y* j
TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/solder_top.art > ...
; |/ R* ~( U8 ?' f2 j/ N0 z================================================================
6 e' w/ `8 h! {+ \0 }; z* Z2 u5 U( ]8 A q3 v, I
- b* \0 F( }5 r ---------------------------------------------------------5 c+ B4 T& i" k" j
Undefined line width 5.00
1 F6 w* E% P; @! B/ N Mirror code NONE
& o& K& u% B' i8 w Rotate angle NONE: m+ u4 S* T$ V( c2 g
Offset x: 0.00
% I, n. d/ M( h8 J Offset y: 0.009 Y: n. f" b5 _- V
Plot negative NO
" d* x8 C7 D: D6 Z8 ]7 j Suppress unconnected internal pads NO
; k5 t! l7 `/ H, F% {! H5 u6 p" p, c0 N$ f9 ?! ~+ G
3 R: U8 C, T" P _+ t
2 S* A3 U: {5 k! N APERTURES USED:
. R" X+ v4 V6 `) f ---------------------------------------------------------% v! c- n( H6 j2 L. s$ {! v' I* O6 `4 m
TYPE SIZE/NAME ROT MIRROR MODE & P! J, K. K$ M( A+ w, r& p; B6 C) v
% i$ i& r1 \- |/ {, v7 i CIRCLE 0.00500 DARK
- |7 ?% E! j6 ~: Z7 S* l CIRCLE 0.03000 DARK ! p+ z2 B- A ~% L
CIRCLE 0.04600 DARK ! r7 l T" ]$ d2 `
CIRCLE 0.04724 DARK 9 w9 q! A1 l) V1 e( g- I- z
CIRCLE 0.04900 DARK : i! A6 m$ y0 W3 G8 f3 X. ?2 C
CIRCLE 0.05300 DARK 8 c2 `6 s5 g; j
CIRCLE 0.06100 DARK , C4 K" H* d7 f
SQUARE 0.04600 0.000 NO DARK
- W* s; b2 O- T) ? E* }+ O9 d RECTANGLE 0.01600 x 0.05300 0.000 NO DARK & ^7 Z/ C" A! x/ ]5 X* T" ~
RECTANGLE 0.01700 x 0.10800 0.000 NO DARK
4 ^0 L) v: k% ^& b: b; t RECTANGLE 0.03600 x 0.10400 0.000 NO DARK 2 ^( x9 v1 U r! J7 h1 X8 B/ W! J, h
RECTANGLE 0.03800 x 0.10400 0.000 NO DARK & j, S) J9 W1 c) N' f8 J
RECTANGLE 0.04900 x 0.10400 0.000 NO DARK
) y/ s* ]2 r7 o. n. ]4 u RECTANGLE 0.05500 x 0.10400 0.000 NO DARK - V& V$ A- u- h$ }" G: J: e
RECTANGLE 0.06300 x 0.08900 0.000 NO DARK
. t" g3 g4 p% A% |$ X RECTANGLE 0.06500 x 0.08500 0.000 NO DARK
- R3 R. b& [4 H- w7 F RECTANGLE 0.07100 x 0.08100 0.000 NO DARK 8 P) F% ~$ H- K3 R% K) @0 D! J
RECTANGLE 0.09300 x 0.14400 0.000 NO DARK
& G# K3 J6 b( g6 b OBLONG 0.03100 x 0.08100 0.000 NO DARK
% m, V* Q* J' }+ e1 X6 ~1 X' G OBLONG 0.04100 x 0.08100 0.000 NO DARK ) O" s6 [2 y, s+ u( }
OBLONG 0.06000 x 0.15900 0.000 NO DARK
0 P7 P4 c& J2 ~1 ~. i; m5 s OBLONG 0.07100 x 0.14400 0.000 NO DARK
# i% w0 P0 j, ~! o/ Z9 O; d OBLONG 0.07100 x 0.16700 0.000 NO DARK . c5 P' Z; {2 Y& S' L2 k) X7 y1 P
OBLONG 0.07500 x 0.15600 0.000 NO DARK ; o" k3 G$ t% q* f
OBLONG 0.08394 x 0.03346 0.000 NO DARK
; Z& d ~0 x0 v% r, X: }/ o. `! [0 U PAD SHAPE SHAPE26X34 0.000 NO DARK
1 m5 F5 N! X3 c* Y) w! P PAD SHAPE SHAPE26X34 180.000 NO DARK
$ {+ f6 B0 f3 o6 r; R) N2 T6 [6 L9 y0 f! D% c
solder_top created with warnings4 W4 S& C; `8 }9 J) ]7 Z, z% k% ~
/ }2 \3 z" K6 ?8 p8 ?) s, q% [$ w' _8 F2 W, Q; T% f0 x
================================================================ \: `2 k1 t6 E
PROCESSING FILM < paste_bot >2 }' X0 ~8 G7 V3 U& L: d, ]6 F
TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/paste_bot.art > ...9 {6 v! N# P8 Q `$ P F! ]
================================================================) W! ^3 K+ _% [
# b. y& N+ W3 i- W
0 c- V0 P) m) L- s ---------------------------------------------------------
7 m1 i, ^* a$ x: j Undefined line width 5.006 Q2 T7 L" l2 B8 Q
Mirror code NONE
- n' p2 m% o' [6 w6 T1 ^" d Rotate angle NONE
. y5 H p* x9 `" w+ } Offset x: 0.00, x! f6 I) L) r
Offset y: 0.007 O+ f( |! T2 p
Plot negative NO+ D, t" `) ]: @, H2 z
Suppress unconnected internal pads NO
; e, o H# M. @; n) a/ `4 G, ]/ w6 F% Z0 N2 o- X+ Q$ V g
& r5 E& x. u" t2 C
6 H6 ~4 \- s+ w6 u/ Z, s APERTURES USED:. V) W+ A& ^0 J
$ f M$ S$ ~6 @! e& Z) v ---------------------------------------------------------- K$ ?9 ]6 y; E# S
+ N& G- Y! r# Y CIRCLE 0.03940 DARK + Q- Q5 ?7 U* J8 a
CIRCLE 0.06000 DARK . J& u- X* Q: z
SQUARE 0.03600 0.000 NO DARK
# _. o' J# g" v( d RECTANGLE 0.02000 x 0.02400 0.000 NO DARK
. M% s( I q1 l# @3 f- t. \1 \ RECTANGLE 0.02000 x 0.02400 90.000 NO DARK 7 N0 `" M6 D$ {2 i2 D* J! W5 K
RECTANGLE 0.03200 x 0.02000 0.000 NO DARK
6 y$ R: J# S1 `& R2 v/ z* h% _ RECTANGLE 0.03400 x 0.03000 0.000 NO DARK 7 C$ {# r8 E* U o/ s M
RECTANGLE 0.03400 x 0.03000 90.000 NO DARK S4 \; U' n, v. r% u, A
RECTANGLE 0.03600 x 0.05000 0.000 NO DARK
& Y, B4 V4 P. X- f5 ] OBLONG 0.00984 x 0.03937 0.000 NO DARK
; T8 j- r% Q$ R1 g; b OBLONG 0.00984 x 0.03937 90.000 NO DARK 4 W) Y' k+ D" h9 r3 m! R
OBLONG 0.01200 x 0.03200 0.000 NO DARK ; Y6 }) p$ o: ~6 O
OBLONG 0.01200 x 0.03200 90.000 NO DARK
* ?7 P6 U" `3 V; J h6 X. R3 J1 b OBLONG 0.19291 x 0.19291 90.000 NO DARK * b! G5 E2 W4 t7 x K
PAD SHAPE SHAPE20X28 90.000 YES DARK ) F, R: q# A; M- B5 A0 z5 K0 b: _
/ a, B/ R/ N6 V9 e- I
. K7 W7 I# v3 _# T. p paste_bot created with warnings! \8 ]3 H3 L4 _( h
/ @9 E8 ]. C2 F
9 L5 r8 ^" k$ p; O% Y( f4 c================================================================
& A6 E) X( r3 i) K& X& D% K, ?3 I PROCESSING FILM < paste_top >
6 h7 F# R; h/ K: E! q0 A2 H TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/paste_top.art > ...7 N, x& C) U4 p& [/ p, Z
. u3 z- q/ @9 O5 j/ M2 j/ j: L; @9 L; \. B* ?0 d3 |6 \
2 ]) u* }4 r$ D" ]: F' D$ D* \" N ---------------------------------------------------------' G( v( F8 b- _
Undefined line width 5.00
2 E) y) q+ A% E: H; w- v# E Mirror code NONE: s/ v4 E, l6 R! ~+ A# ^6 s7 c
Rotate angle NONE; `7 J$ C- Y4 M( b+ G" B$ {
Offset x: 0.00
& l, a1 `5 C8 ]: T4 U% t- k Offset y: 0.00
0 A- N" h/ Q/ |$ p% p Plot negative NO
$ F8 N( w1 o8 `7 |. B Suppress unconnected internal pads NO
1 w4 d% u4 H: }: ?9 B- ~4 P# ?1 a. A/ r0 e# h+ V; Y$ y( f2 P2 z
, V* r9 T; }: r& C9 }" @) D
: R4 `" \9 o# F! y; T. Y
/ `5 G+ ^# g' j% { ---------------------------------------------------------
3 B# ~* [& y8 t/ d, P TYPE SIZE/NAME ROT MIRROR MODE m/ T7 I: Q; _0 t3 @5 ^& |6 ?6 @9 ^
---------------------------------------------------------, m3 \$ r- P9 [
CIRCLE 0.00500 DARK $ ~: H1 f9 h. N+ K* w/ }
Q, w3 b) @8 j; a! w3 |0 e3 V CIRCLE 0.04724 DARK 0 y! i% F+ \5 q: o
CIRCLE 0.05500 DARK : |! u$ l4 p" T7 J. P U/ d! c
SQUARE 0.04000 0.000 NO DARK
, o+ M- M; p9 b4 E0 b RECTANGLE 0.01000 x 0.04700 0.000 NO DARK
3 R& u5 J1 M* v0 j' S/ ^ RECTANGLE 0.01100 x 0.10200 0.000 NO DARK
8 x/ q3 t( C! a- Q6 O RECTANGLE 0.03000 x 0.09800 0.000 NO DARK + N5 f7 i$ t2 e8 S2 l; n; ^
RECTANGLE 0.03200 x 0.09800 0.000 NO DARK . E, U; S1 z8 T/ f# ^
RECTANGLE 0.04300 x 0.09800 0.000 NO DARK ' f% E( s% {5 o' k7 m6 ]( ^% A
RECTANGLE 0.04900 x 0.09800 0.000 NO DARK
' f7 m) @" N# w- U% g" F7 w5 Q RECTANGLE 0.05700 x 0.08300 0.000 NO DARK 7 X2 x2 [0 o# b" }* q7 ^
RECTANGLE 0.05900 x 0.07900 0.000 NO DARK
4 O0 I8 G7 } ^, I RECTANGLE 0.06500 x 0.07500 0.000 NO DARK
2 R8 e4 G( P' T0 I& _# V# Q; v RECTANGLE 0.08700 x 0.13800 0.000 NO DARK ; m! g/ k! ]$ j3 g+ ]/ K
OBLONG 0.02500 x 0.07500 0.000 NO DARK 3 |) e8 l3 v% L
OBLONG 0.03500 x 0.07500 0.000 NO DARK 9 |- H0 U6 j4 g" H
OBLONG 0.05400 x 0.15300 0.000 NO DARK
3 A1 i, Q( w: x4 h2 q3 y% M OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.13800 0.000 NO DARK " D% o! W: T+ i( u8 ~9 K: h a: L- T
OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.16100 0.000 NO DARK 7 K" h! p4 m, z' \1 {; Y7 @
OBLONG 0.06900 x 0.15000 0.000 NO DARK 0 Q0 ~! B$ x6 O* U
OBLONG 0.08000 x 0.02953 0.000 NO DARK
# ]" A2 N, A/ d K PAD SHAPE SHAPE20X28 0.000 NO DARK , |8 r, }$ q& |) O2 v) j4 I, P
PAD SHAPE SHAPE20X28 180.000 NO DARK / x3 |4 M" V4 G( _# h) }$ m
f. O' @ K* V* J
paste_top created with warnings- p% x" z" J9 e( f7 F+ U0 T
j, L* s+ l, ]8 A
' h/ C1 i+ y3 k6 b7 v2 n" N================================================================
! e- k5 o/ s \7 z5 } PROCESSING FILM < SILK_BOT >6 U( J, Z O$ D! m
TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/SILK_BOT.art > ...+ q/ ?: i$ j8 g( o
# {0 W! U6 j! c* A7 C: k8 y+ A8 e/ H |* f; s3 d2 t- S
FILM PARAMETERS :5 i5 c, ^3 Y7 S& S
---------------------------------------------------------9 e1 o( J1 E2 U
Undefined line width 5.00
5 H0 n9 w# V& x% q9 ] Mirror code NONE2 D4 ^/ s$ e! f1 f0 ]8 V3 A
Rotate angle NONE7 B1 v( J( _. J. L8 M, D( ?
Offset x: 0.00
0 R( P" N6 U) L$ B Offset y: 0.00
! P# u# |$ E" ^; t2 E J6 f) J' A$ v Plot negative NO% [# _; H9 [# y4 O A" U
Suppress unconnected internal pads NO7 a3 N" D+ Z/ M1 x
0 P/ {8 }" u4 L, i- ~/ [
9 E/ Z) R3 V6 I6 ?' U& f4 k" l. A W
: @$ m/ j. W0 R( X! Q6 }9 h ---------------------------------------------------------
& ^, u7 @& j5 o: B ---------------------------------------------------------. p$ b2 } w U$ j' k! l/ Q
CIRCLE 0.00390 DARK 4 y. ?) |% w: e9 d! Q& y
9 v: P; ~( N3 y/ J! I4 Y
L, ]( W/ K( h$ C' | SILK_BOT created with warnings
5 ~; F" I J+ ~3 ^8 i3 K% `5 |( h* x$ a
1 h1 B' R0 c# Z6 J+ v& X5 z
================================================================" u* X9 h' H6 q3 g9 O3 n
0 B8 A1 d6 |& ^- R TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/SILK_TOP.art > ...
9 }3 p% h' o# ~% p: U================================================================
4 j# N# x3 j" N; Y- M* @
7 P, W; t) i8 r( U FILM PARAMETERS :
; R8 r8 X8 R! c/ x# ] ---------------------------------------------------------4 M a5 ~- f" e0 ^' I0 y0 S
Undefined line width 5.00- j3 H" J3 B1 ?$ L/ h9 {
Mirror code NONE2 z: Q( f, e, o& C; E% I$ o6 x
Rotate angle NONE
$ E: t0 y6 h6 Y Offset x: 0.008 ]' E9 \& O9 h! h4 U' P
Offset y: 0.00
% g( l4 y$ P& R Plot negative NO
8 h5 ~3 R& Q5 k& E Suppress unconnected internal pads NO
8 Q0 w! E7 A0 i5 I/ }& J+ H
0 K. O _: [" b$ u3 j WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at, h8 J+ r" E7 a' ?( W( X
(9516.44 9028.15) will be ignored. Increasing output
9 }2 Q* O, w! ^9 |4 v. u# B accuracy may allow segment to be generated.7 ^& V5 g8 c' Q- u& n1 t
% a% t7 M" _0 m WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
7 G$ c' }* e8 |) M (9526.69 9029.69) will be ignored. Increasing output$ t$ I) U) ]; q0 ]* M/ o
accuracy may allow segment to be generated. j7 b u* |& a9 U6 z
) I) N; n0 C% c# p; i
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
7 t ^5 n! Q$ B& g' U, K (10127.72 9269.39) will be ignored. Increasing output. w1 ?; N% I$ f0 o
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
: w8 p' v9 |; w% t9 R0 }* p: P, s2 G3 x2 } b S) A1 [, u
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at" K! k( `+ {* r5 u0 I& E. E
(10141.97 9283.34) will be ignored. Increasing output
* I5 `1 G' X$ r accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
# E: n4 S l0 L# s/ i3 K% y" L- F2 w" F" H- C3 P/ o4 L
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
' o& @4 V. ^& B (10127.72 9298.79) will be ignored. Increasing output
- n. z% I* e( l accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
6 @* B2 \7 L# R, |6 W/ j7 M+ @! d0 z! b) O: E! Z$ ~
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
3 P+ I% ^1 P8 A+ c* k" k. N (10142.84 9284.05) will be ignored. Increasing output
& x O, \" X. b/ W) h5 N accuracy may allow segment to be generated.9 Q2 b# r" n6 h" ]
' u5 e& u5 ]) i& b! b# j
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at: F9 T I1 @' E
(10128.02 9269.09) will be ignored. Increasing output
' ~0 R5 J8 q F accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
" O* [- f9 a- z5 V9 t0 J! r
5 k. a4 c7 M; |' G- @7 Z WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at2 x5 q) w# n& ?: } u& X
(14925.41 7863.94) will be ignored. Increasing output. a" L) G4 C& U: G$ ?' ~/ c) x K' \
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.! h2 t* R. y9 p5 D6 o, p# ~' N- ~2 o# J
1 k/ e& D+ D2 c5 {( f d9 M2 S
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at4 g- P2 t1 I4 c) g* d
(13755.58 7716.52) will be ignored. Increasing output2 n$ Q+ |3 c0 C& u6 V
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
( Q! l& G8 g9 J- ]' N# y. b5 k+ O/ v
1 o% r* _' F% l5 S5 i
+ v* U1 t1 c) D( p- l1 b APERTURES USED:' ~, T; G9 m8 w C: A
$ N4 N6 [4 \& N, h8 ], ~6 X TYPE SIZE/NAME ROT MIRROR MODE
: \& y2 ~5 X" e% y ---------------------------------------------------------
! N# F C/ Z4 M& s; l7 [ l CIRCLE 0.00500 DARK
3 X. b3 T; \+ {" f" \ CIRCLE 0.00600 DARK 3 M8 N! @( A! k: q1 G7 n! x
* W7 i2 T% d. }; P' T g CIRCLE 0.00800 DARK
U4 n- p; a% [& I! O# k4 P1 S7 r+ k2 n1 y5 q; q: P H
SILK_TOP created with warnings; r; ?$ n* T" ^+ ]. k! j
! y9 N; ?6 g) Q, _8 n6 f3 _0 g) C9 F& M+ q
================================================================7 r* q/ U1 z3 I' l! O0 ~
PROCESSING FILM < BOTTOM >5 O3 s2 p- b5 K0 d+ n6 S
TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/BOTTOM.art > ...
5 ^- t! h P: ?: v# o================================================================9 a% ^4 t4 Y, f8 O
% p" o; H- i0 s( c FILM PARAMETERS :
+ N. i% z0 M- F T7 H ---------------------------------------------------------
5 ?8 e! c7 W6 ]7 @2 X! a8 k Undefined line width 5.006 U1 V% e9 a2 V! j( |2 e# v: N
Mirror code NONE
3 ?! U- L" [0 d6 p! F/ C) J Rotate angle NONE
# T8 b4 u5 q0 f/ z( b2 s Offset x: 0.006 ]9 g" r% W6 p3 ~( E
Offset y: 0.00
$ c: u- U: S! |2 s2 c7 ~4 u# ? Plot negative NO2 R$ I9 q/ D3 g; D& J
Suppress unconnected internal pads NO- g H7 S# o" y% x' h
$ ~7 b0 q* e+ R ^# o5 [4 k6 i# k5 O! K4 |& E( \1 K, |, w
ERROR: aborting film - Shape with first seg=(11210.08 7727.26) [layer=BOTTOM]
4 |4 r! n9 {4 D8 v1 L1 k5 S7 k" \ has a void with extents [(12294.72 7788.51) (12369.76 7959.55)] that touches
# G J U) [+ Z9 w9 s8 @1 Y another shape with first seg=(11210.08 7727.26). Manually resolve problem.1 v# M/ Q4 j( l8 a( d' n
; T# ]) g0 n" y. n* F e
ERROR: aborting film - artwork will not be generated!
! _, O% ~' f, ^2 j" \( _ Error in BOTTOM--halting output. Artwork file not generated.. X% d Q: X/ H( n+ D( X, v
*** ERROR with BOTTOM* v0 ^$ s; K: d; Q4 S; ? l
9 G3 Q, G3 p0 \& l6 _; c) Q; y' K' Q* W3 j
9 R' ]: K4 a( O8 Z$ r' c0 z* _7 v5 g5 h4 g& d
================================================================$ m. Q+ h! I1 |9 _- ^6 h9 F4 n
; F; {; _1 n3 ~: Q( n- R+ C! J/ [4 y TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/GND2.art > ...
& A3 G) A" l: v" |! v3 K, X# S================================================================5 }5 v6 Q$ g' Y
! A5 a0 _9 i; T3 [% b7 j FILM PARAMETERS :1 i7 x6 U, }+ i" z8 I
---------------------------------------------------------; p$ d: }/ B* Q3 {, X [+ b7 c
Undefined line width 5.00
& w- i' B& |) N Mirror code NONE
- R" {1 l2 k- _. q, L% r+ Z6 U Rotate angle NONE" ^/ y) @7 E, q. G; p; l) [7 L; P
Offset x: 0.003 Y5 ]: E2 q1 {6 e' f
Offset y: 0.00& n; Q+ U L0 B
Plot negative NO- W! }6 A) f( v$ Q4 m
Suppress unconnected internal pads NO9 N* o }- m3 Z8 ] {
g- E% X" x! G( ^! K5 |! o
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at0 p5 g' h- n* s1 t' R/ J
(12333.42 8070.95) will be ignored. Increasing output! D, M8 j, d/ z1 Y1 C
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.6 Q; Y* K. n* Z ?; b2 a* k" |
: I. W- k2 |+ a1 u WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
. ~7 F* V0 m3 F (13689.30 8070.96) will be ignored. Increasing output% N: r3 N' H8 V2 N0 K9 f
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
% U3 Y& U" c' v, v0 B; C! d
5 w I5 n/ Z+ u0 d- v
* N( D' O- {5 d% D: f- M7 ~8 Q% D5 K- M$ {
APERTURES USED:+ o) e1 P. |. W' b
- N7 t: T. I0 M( l5 a& l ---------------------------------------------------------
4 ]/ W" J, V) ]1 @7 x; h# @4 P CIRCLE 0.00500 DARK
5 l9 ]# J* u* R! O, n CIRCLE 0.02000 DARK
6 m1 l3 u3 M0 K# M H$ l. L CIRCLE 0.02400 DARK : d0 u) m1 X# P8 N8 b# |
CIRCLE 0.04000 DARK , u3 v7 d! F1 E0 ^. x* L7 D
CIRCLE 0.04300 DARK $ |& W: s+ ~" T' N* g' Z
CIRCLE 0.04700 DARK ! [4 `6 l+ |3 I6 l* d9 f3 D& `
CIRCLE 0.05500 DARK 3 ?2 C1 H( c P7 n/ }
3 p% _4 I: N2 d OBLONG 0.05400 x 0.12800 0.000 NO DARK 5 P% C; k0 f3 U" s& J2 I
OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.11300 0.000 NO DARK / R% P" d7 L/ |- V# { t
OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.13600 0.000 NO DARK
/ d* n- R! E" @, z7 F9 C H OBLONG 0.06900 x 0.12500 0.000 NO DARK
6 U' W: A! d9 s1 H) Y
9 v$ ^- Z, ]. M" v4 g GND2 created with warnings
; p! F7 b* k4 X: g1 z" M7 @5 `4 z; ^* t% d9 q
, Z( x8 }0 p- a( | \. ]. ?9 a$ [5 O
. X; p+ W* n3 @' M) K) n$ h PROCESSING FILM < SIG >
9 c6 `0 ~$ ?1 S- g" i$ @ TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/SIG.art > ...
& j$ H- c/ Z8 ^================================================================
: h1 q& ?, |6 R1 \
9 U' }1 s/ a$ ]( m$ q FILM PARAMETERS :
8 S/ X7 p% l1 ]0 o: Q ---------------------------------------------------------
. L; v, @$ M5 H8 R Undefined line width 5.00! ^' Q" D$ H; `/ j$ N4 J2 Q! B5 B
Mirror code NONE
* T) Z5 @8 h4 y9 X9 C3 g5 A Rotate angle NONE: m/ i9 d5 f) I
Offset x: 0.00
; d" o- G9 g1 l/ p Offset y: 0.009 @$ N i6 e4 Y: \: z
Plot negative NO7 X0 \' E1 A' E& U! d1 i
Suppress unconnected internal pads NO
$ ^$ @" P" o8 Q" z# P+ Z% m3 `
; A7 X5 r' J' u WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at+ p! F+ N, K ~2 d% q
(10849.82 8267.53) will be ignored. Increasing output
g6 G8 v( Z! k/ H! A) `+ G accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
I- @/ I8 N) L }" j+ @: q! r1 T/ P0 e# x
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at3 }; e- w- E3 T. b/ h: m& K0 E2 m
(10849.69 8268.11) will be ignored. Increasing output
2 S+ B+ X: _: W% Y7 }8 T, e accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
! [1 o2 F- r% e: b+ h% L& n) T* ]1 M% I ]* r7 U* s
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at% o+ S N' w/ V- @* B' H% `/ Y7 e
(10831.89 8250.31) will be ignored. Increasing output4 x1 F+ { k$ s& j" x, p
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
9 A( z+ Y* h3 B/ C' _0 r/ T) z% ?
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
) z5 S# d- e8 V2 d( @ (10831.89 8190.31) will be ignored. Increasing output
. D( r4 Y; Y9 K, l9 u% x: U accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
3 w3 o; X* v9 N" s) i: N0 e; ^" ^$ V r4 w! u
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
* m9 E" e' g3 B, N2 w (10874.89 8009.20) will be ignored. Increasing output( N; [: k0 c% j: V
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.7 W9 _& k- W" d: G' C( f
0 H: R0 I5 K% l, E WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
0 v# b" c* R3 D0 P (10874.89 8009.19) will be ignored. Increasing output
# u6 r- }# r( A2 u- ^7 g4 b accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
% u# ]0 p2 s0 X0 P3 t+ k- Y- T) O7 k
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
) {' U1 o) g+ H" C' W' `8 R% y (12333.42 8070.95) will be ignored. Increasing output
$ C& I, Z1 T5 H" x. V accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
1 \# A- o& S) w7 k# L4 Q3 J$ r8 ^: C. y N1 G F* z$ n% {8 i% c; x a
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at3 O2 O4 v) R8 O$ H# k) h7 a: Q: b
(13689.30 8070.96) will be ignored. Increasing output
' t) ~6 r, D/ I: \& \0 o, c accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
: w/ O; R, y F8 L+ H+ e3 R; T* r7 j c6 a3 Z3 \! N5 r
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
- `1 p7 X6 W I (15022.82 7964.66) will be ignored. Increasing output6 d$ \' X# {8 K; {7 w# x
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
3 K/ J! k- `1 ]" h l/ y9 q7 l
2 h2 T5 a! a' s ^9 f- u: t4 S WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
6 Y& P1 X! \8 Z- ?2 C% O (10618.75 7691.98) will be ignored. Increasing output( {/ Z6 Z% m' ]" C
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.. g7 V( t, t) N
5 n7 Z- P0 f+ g/ r& a. r
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at5 M+ ^/ B/ Q2 ~$ ^1 w
(10562.38 7691.98) will be ignored. Increasing output
4 x8 h r$ l$ B accuracy may allow segment to be generated.8 m, n S0 U4 ]% }* a
9 V% h( f @4 u
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
' }% r" r- r @* [; L (10562.37 7691.98) will be ignored. Increasing output4 L4 q% j1 G: {9 B$ d# R
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
; }# W9 l& v8 p7 I. a5 j6 B7 c$ }# u; I# K7 G& ?
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
3 g" S% t* U2 @! { (10159.98 8986.71) will be ignored. Increasing output
& h: [* V5 j4 C2 j, ` {# s accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
/ w* x2 Z" w- U' N( ^* Q( q" o, @5 U* }" l" S5 n% ?: ?1 E* i
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at" c% ^" K( P; C5 c- B
(9968.32 9057.48) will be ignored. Increasing output' v, v( R7 U: Q' H: t0 d
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
! p: C. V$ j( t6 m- r0 t `
; J7 u* @' S7 }& M1 Q WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at# ~2 D ]+ W9 b1 d. W
(9488.92 8836.26) will be ignored. Increasing output5 L2 z# U/ ]4 ]1 w+ k: v
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
1 ]6 Y; y! d8 e$ C3 a6 Z6 }% R4 S* n! c K/ T
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at0 ~7 f4 D; \2 H( n9 ~* b, k- k
(9508.59 8856.40) will be ignored. Increasing output' C- p& S" D6 a! r/ B
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.2 ?/ D; Y, S; }7 ^) Y& Y
. B( G* e0 O. E. v: }
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at* a) |9 J' V; i2 G
(9548.59 8866.40) will be ignored. Increasing output$ ~0 m0 G4 H( z5 }% s
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
! v. B0 s1 x0 O( T( d ^! I9 @7 o A/ T
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at1 }/ {$ _2 a/ N8 S5 T: o
(10555.87 9195.08) will be ignored. Increasing output
0 S$ P, [1 b) F1 J% R. B0 u accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
4 V A3 W3 R. I ]6 p) h P3 D
5 l3 f& H" i' S) N; z9 `9 o& v4 C WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
4 r/ ^3 ]; D9 a (10498.74 9183.92) will be ignored. Increasing output
& a7 I/ }3 J: t' N) o% a accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
3 v' m+ a0 Z$ Q2 C! q k- l m8 x* J8 d( {' P" y) L
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
7 I# ^2 u: F6 p1 e0 l) T (10456.40 9206.41) will be ignored. Increasing output
: n7 O- Z/ q8 r) ^: _4 j. o* J accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
8 r% l/ S5 _* @: O6 [3 J4 T. B2 z( I6 X' T7 v! Y' a
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at5 P' Z; l9 I' b3 v2 d& h
(10497.28 7856.12) will be ignored. Increasing output
7 a ~4 _0 `' P8 y9 I5 ` accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
& @; l" Q N. D8 ~2 O* X
0 d ^' M% m) T7 S% C$ F) M. l WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
6 P8 s: v/ H* {4 v( | (10563.19 7694.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
- ?( ?5 n3 D0 S$ [ accuracy may allow segment to be generated.( F' u! ]9 ?8 U3 Z/ E& P. j/ \
( F$ K6 T2 @) p4 K8 D r! T& B
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
* w: Z7 r, G( J- |! u (10563.20 7694.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
/ i c R( h* b) @5 g accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
8 {, o/ l9 B( @: o5 D% C' ^0 G2 u9 M2 P' D4 ~% w
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
! x0 P+ q% d+ U+ j. P; g (10617.91 7693.99) will be ignored. Increasing output
& h$ a' i6 E+ W7 z( B! u w accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
5 V9 O: s3 k% B+ ^
# M* ~! Y0 }' f# x4 C* f, ?5 W6 D+ x- Y WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at- t) K: e. i1 Q" G
(10595.12 7749.00) will be ignored. Increasing output d B* Q( O- ]
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
! ~' l* I. ^& K5 N) c7 X5 y# F3 ^2 Z$ _, ^
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at" t% b1 C0 {/ l9 V6 C2 e
(10586.01 7748.99) will be ignored. Increasing output
1 |; Z+ Q& C' ]( `- i accuracy may allow segment to be generated.6 g8 U1 B7 ~" U" z( D- h' C# v
. ?) Y& p2 i# W5 } a
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at; Z6 u/ K! h" T: Y8 M
(10586.00 7749.00) will be ignored. Increasing output3 s' x5 a3 R& ?' ?1 Z! k
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
+ D h2 M/ X' c' b/ R
0 p( d( N5 }) Z# O" a0 ?+ P( \ WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at+ D4 U8 X! p( v2 n; J7 C- J
(10484.27 7850.72) will be ignored. Increasing output
/ G ]. C8 {; K( l U& e0 r accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
4 R+ j; i# v0 J: u( i* G9 }
0 z4 {1 j' ~% l WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at# w- o) P+ z3 Q! s9 M5 A, e9 ?
(10599.68 7738.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
4 t8 ^2 y0 Z, T6 m9 a9 x+ z3 ~ accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
1 }! ]! b1 b8 |* y0 x8 R: `: ?6 n) i! l& @2 k* s" A$ [
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at1 d. E4 Z7 n: l# R0 L" a: M
(10581.45 7737.99) will be ignored. Increasing output! L$ M" W+ V! ?
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
8 c" C' i/ n7 f R" r, H2 j# ~4 D- f
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
6 D6 c3 P2 {) W& O (10581.44 7738.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
- O3 d# u) q( m4 H3 D accuracy may allow segment to be generated.! s" u: ]6 n7 M: b9 [( L
. z% Q( w3 P1 N WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at) X# u, o( H- | r5 ^
(10613.36 7705.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
4 H$ x3 W6 y& Q' ^* ~ accuracy may allow segment to be generated.7 [& l$ B% \3 _+ j2 M# ?8 ?
5 V0 b) w$ o- S6 ?
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at! `$ T5 |# }: F. j* J7 H7 J0 Y
(10567.77 7704.99) will be ignored. Increasing output& S' {# h, ]/ A
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.; U* {3 v1 J9 c3 [2 b4 H) x4 {
: l+ d) M& f2 w5 i G# r; A, U# z WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
+ ~6 I8 C% M. C7 P/ U7 C6 X; b (10567.76 7705.00) will be ignored. Increasing output) m3 A( \" \$ a" v( {
accuracy may allow segment to be generated. r3 \* J- C5 z& E7 m, C! ?" q. C, i
1 v3 B4 d: Q, V7 s' C/ w8 t, B
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
) u# L- w. K2 f# _0 S, V6 B: ^6 R! p (10576.87 7727.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
9 D9 g- y2 k$ C2 Y accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
7 m9 `6 g F# e2 E7 a
9 n% i3 X5 B/ ]& X" k5 y' F C, i WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
, i6 E& d* }+ h3 W8 x (10576.88 7727.00) will be ignored. Increasing output' ]4 p! }0 O' u' S7 Y
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
# O: J; q Y! r9 A* X
$ `# V. P* F" ^4 A6 @3 | WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at2 c* G& P2 Q6 q. x9 G$ W& y6 z: H
(10604.23 7726.99) will be ignored. Increasing output" q5 r' N$ s5 d8 F4 R6 _
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.. B) d, r _ M- P; j; {
- B: d, q6 g+ F& S1 W' s) f WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at* i9 q2 [0 W$ g' |" D
(10572.31 7716.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
7 C! Y. D, U9 U( I accuracy may allow segment to be generated.4 i1 n) I7 |0 M
# B% F' s$ \4 i) o1 v% l, D" r, ?
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at, g) q( S& s; \/ m4 N
(10572.32 7716.00) will be ignored. Increasing output% v, i& s! H4 y6 G1 l2 h, C2 L
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.2 F6 B ^2 f* }! E7 Z [: X _
7 J t( w; a5 \3 u0 Q- Q WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at3 ~; t' Q# u# P; \
(10608.79 7715.99) will be ignored. Increasing output
$ E4 E, |0 y `" y2 \ m& z accuracy may allow segment to be generated.. i) V0 |, Y9 M2 s
7 {6 G* r0 L0 H" t3 r4 Y( c6 I( t7 S' q; m
i* _. [4 R( A. _! d r! L; M8 K
APERTURES USED:4 N2 C& K% w9 t# n$ ^! T
* i( C+ r8 z* \7 R TYPE SIZE/NAME ROT MIRROR MODE ) `0 B( W& }* ~* I J5 s3 l
2 w/ c9 I% p4 g2 o6 {3 @2 d. w CIRCLE 0.00450 DARK 3 p: a7 `' K+ d+ c
+ y- U' W/ M# f% Q, V R8 d CIRCLE 0.00600 DARK
0 D: }9 X2 b \$ A% X" t CIRCLE 0.00800 DARK
k; o3 n# `7 y CIRCLE 0.01500 DARK # t9 T& i( K) |. q# F0 a
' E5 y7 r$ R. ]" ]: q+ x CIRCLE 0.02400 DARK
* T" a/ U/ ]- l CIRCLE 0.03000 DARK
3 Z7 \2 Y V" _/ g4 ` CIRCLE 0.04000 DARK
- i+ I7 s% ^! J& i CIRCLE 0.04300 DARK
" ?$ }7 ]7 @, k' Y8 ~: K; Z& ]# m0 a G CIRCLE 0.04700 DARK
* |: t( J# k7 f6 n5 j CIRCLE 0.05500 DARK
3 i: p& E' I$ N% y3 }1 Y+ W* b CIRCLE 0.06000 DARK
- q m9 b1 _& f OBLONG 0.05400 x 0.12800 0.000 NO DARK 2 B0 r$ [4 I G* N7 D/ C: D$ y
OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.11300 0.000 NO DARK ! X: t4 f$ R0 u6 h$ G$ t
OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.13600 0.000 NO DARK 2 Z8 c- Y3 |' t: J+ T; g
OBLONG 0.06900 x 0.12500 0.000 NO DARK
( {9 @# f( ~4 a; i% D; \& }; d. Q3 c* t; b( ]$ h$ \
SIG created with warnings8 L3 L/ ^/ ^6 z" G
8 P0 A+ r- n( M! N# v: N7 `
4 e. A6 p1 {% F i================================================================" Y! ^* ?& N2 r; X. Q% x
PROCESSING FILM < POWER >8 {/ l \+ r' a
TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/POWER.art > ...
" e5 {) j3 o8 w================================================================
3 j1 B$ H# Q2 G
8 Z) Z, j$ y6 [ FILM PARAMETERS :* } A- S: B; Z) Y# S9 A
---------------------------------------------------------& O$ T! f1 a Z
Undefined line width 5.000 F5 P9 H3 O0 D. B+ N2 j& _: f: K& F
Mirror code NONE1 B& ~# E2 `' `) E" S( R
Rotate angle NONE
# N1 A2 R/ }+ Q6 M( |9 k8 a Offset x: 0.00+ r5 {" U. o- J3 x
Offset y: 0.00
$ I/ k# V, u; v. x; i6 K9 m! J Plot negative NO. S9 b( b" m: S+ ?! |( m- n
Suppress unconnected internal pads NO
! g. b( W7 C! y( ?. \% _, j1 {$ C6 x; s2 q5 w$ P- D
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
j+ j) l, b5 L+ n$ @: a% d (12333.42 8070.95) will be ignored. Increasing output/ r, W; D3 S7 k+ \6 M6 G
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
& P o* `2 Z4 I( w0 x) R
' R0 U7 o- F3 r7 ?6 e WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at; W$ ^, A3 Q2 g5 T* m( Q7 m2 I
(13689.30 8070.96) will be ignored. Increasing output2 ~ P+ ]$ t. p3 O3 s% P3 G
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.' ~ N2 G* @1 T8 L+ ~
! e" ?* V" w. E; _2 w" n& _ WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
! ]( t. x/ O9 y4 _$ s- m6 @ (15022.82 7964.66) will be ignored. Increasing output
# Z8 ?4 y5 d O$ v accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
# ~1 O( C! i/ {
! B+ t2 O5 b g WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
! o. s; Y- i9 t$ D2 g \+ l* Y* N d (10229.61 9150.02) will be ignored. Increasing output
) ?, M$ K: c; g accuracy may allow segment to be generated.$ I3 a4 H9 o J( m' @
& u4 B. ~8 A; o" a
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
, i# D, N0 ^4 M2 b( q. U. W (10229.64 9150.02) will be ignored. Increasing output9 `5 `/ S( _. ^7 Y7 f# `- l
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
1 d+ C2 z1 b/ r3 X8 w$ I2 l6 o2 B
3 m3 _/ J$ H- k5 P" U WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at% w! b4 _4 ^; t! J
(10230.36 9150.02) will be ignored. Increasing output C6 q$ r( c5 U; V) J
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
1 x: J, K( J0 g# P% v) S3 s& B
9 n Y2 Y' M& i u' @ WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
$ `. \% M/ \, H4 u% O" z (10255.00 9110.73) will be ignored. Increasing output
v1 O) j# r- P" j accuracy may allow segment to be generated.# w" @( {) q. ^9 u' R
, u F7 V6 U1 `1 M L8 { y
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at& _/ s" @8 s" V1 j& ~
(10255.00 9109.31) will be ignored. Increasing output2 Z. r+ H! r3 v6 K
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.6 b4 D6 a) {, l
7 u+ ~3 V4 O0 R4 i1 F$ \
5 _6 b4 W: K/ Z" l
& z/ J5 W7 }7 @$ Z! `1 v) f APERTURES USED:# ^ [6 A; C( a# {
---------------------------------------------------------; t* b6 G8 Z: v, s# t% Y$ O) G( _
---------------------------------------------------------- Y, {' E2 l$ l7 ?, c
CIRCLE 0.00500 DARK ; X7 _- O3 U# Q! c8 `
; v0 s4 U2 A6 H/ H0 o CIRCLE 0.01500 DARK % [' G Q: k8 O
CIRCLE 0.02000 DARK * H1 f) Y2 o: ^; Y# H
: Q6 l$ _7 r& m I) L. b: { CIRCLE 0.04000 DARK
9 }& z) }0 {, f4 S- r+ w CIRCLE 0.04300 DARK
( f( v. a: _, I' E- c CIRCLE 0.04700 DARK . I- K9 M. ~ c- C
5 n _3 F; u* P+ U/ P CIRCLE 0.06000 DARK + {) }- ^7 g5 j7 K6 Z
OBLONG 0.05400 x 0.12800 0.000 NO DARK 3 T- p1 K" P$ `; [- r0 _
OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.11300 0.000 NO DARK
8 m. D5 J; s& d/ z$ I OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.13600 0.000 NO DARK
+ ~( x) {) e4 D7 D" S+ M& [5 X OBLONG 0.06900 x 0.12500 0.000 NO DARK & Q+ W+ q% `5 e L: E* c' U
% ^6 L7 \. Y- ^5 {: G! f
POWER created with warnings
6 q7 e# P6 [: J: U2 O% x
0 Q9 y' |& b- |/ B% Y9 t" Y) b
6 C* o! \" [6 I' Y" d: d% y2 G================================================================
; A$ {1 a( d" w1 t; t9 b PROCESSING FILM < GND1 >1 _7 H4 n& n9 G# V2 I/ w
TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/GND1.art > ...5 c* h" _1 \" J- |, T' {! g
7 a- Q( p7 N/ b a q/ C
* v8 P- h- H# ?1 | FILM PARAMETERS :+ a0 w; }0 W% m! i
---------------------------------------------------------9 E& {- o/ [1 d' Q# d; S* E7 A
Undefined line width 5.00
4 I% l: C# \; Z' F! k Mirror code NONE2 g. t) I9 N+ I0 C+ u
Rotate angle NONE
! q% P+ P6 R @ Offset x: 0.00 w' W. \2 m: _. \: ?9 c
Offset y: 0.00
% r4 w5 C/ E% b4 n Plot negative NO
! i+ o1 O/ b+ O+ }5 k) z Suppress unconnected internal pads NO; X5 _8 e- M( ^+ e, M; W
. i. x* ]8 N5 U6 }
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
2 Z- M) q, R* L3 w6 W- R' H (12333.42 8070.95) will be ignored. Increasing output
9 B8 U7 `4 S( P! N/ e1 b4 R accuracy may allow segment to be generated.% T/ u+ ?7 t+ `0 l1 y5 K" \
% f$ p% B' ^6 T H' t! S p% K WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
" f- ~& G S, n3 q) h& f (13689.30 8070.96) will be ignored. Increasing output* x9 n9 d6 h5 g( d
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
. Q6 p9 M5 V& g5 u7 h/ B5 L8 U- Y6 H, V6 J# u
& p3 Y/ t O" k- C/ O3 t
; T$ Z* ]2 Y# x5 l" `6 e5 T APERTURES USED:% x8 Q2 O) A+ w
---------------------------------------------------------9 w5 s. A/ F/ i6 H7 V0 I
---------------------------------------------------------, u* i" u3 a0 w, r4 I7 F( L
CIRCLE 0.00500 DARK + d5 l+ D5 x1 t" U. @ E. \. j+ Y
CIRCLE 0.02000 DARK * X. e" ~5 L6 r
CIRCLE 0.02400 DARK 0 C2 p6 |+ b$ p0 [
( s* d3 Q( I# p% z CIRCLE 0.04300 DARK
" @; f. ?* y) J4 r, x! J CIRCLE 0.04700 DARK ! p' P! F# m9 e8 q7 D" i
CIRCLE 0.05500 DARK # ^1 W: T! J) c+ K1 e8 M R- ?5 L, S
( c# N$ f1 P: R* k9 N+ D OBLONG 0.05400 x 0.12800 0.000 NO DARK ^5 C1 b( t/ b
OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.11300 0.000 NO DARK : D4 U0 v. U! U. T, `
OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.13600 0.000 NO DARK 4 j7 ?3 A! p/ s, g- a
OBLONG 0.06900 x 0.12500 0.000 NO DARK ) ^' R% K* m" m& ~) B L7 n
U% r/ m! k; t9 m
GND1 created with warnings9 n& H8 T' a; H5 N6 A1 J
3 I2 q0 Q' S1 |' I
( z, ?/ c" U3 M8 A* y: i) o* W================================================================
* ?8 {$ y2 B$ }2 g3 B) m PROCESSING FILM < TOP >
! U+ ~6 h, \: ], n2 W TO FILE < D:/Documents/Desktop/99/TOP.art > ...
* C( j! t/ E- ]% p4 h& g================================================================+ F+ Q, L- `* y7 @$ g' B
2 B$ U* i# m. I2 o& ?& D FILM PARAMETERS :% Z1 X8 M1 z1 J
---------------------------------------------------------# @/ [! F. m: J1 i j$ [4 K0 _8 Y$ ~
Undefined line width 5.00
# B$ w5 G0 } t! x9 l2 \ Mirror code NONE
) [' J: s' q2 s4 P4 I5 s/ C, t Rotate angle NONE" K, d* O: m7 ~6 l+ w
Offset x: 0.004 u8 N, M% Z; L) [7 k
Offset y: 0.00
* H2 j) ^! p: J* ~8 J Plot negative NO. Z `. f0 H$ ?' ~1 Z7 T
Suppress unconnected internal pads NO
7 x" t/ C _) Y8 Q# a5 ^' e% U, g4 E
WARNING: Film contains DRC error(s).1 ^7 k: u4 u0 L; \ s, n4 G ]
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
8 j X) g4 p' w. k7 [6 ], V) _ (12333.42 8070.95) will be ignored. Increasing output9 _+ j* ?+ G/ h5 N
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
! C! D9 \. R" X) z% x T# v" X
* c8 ]& A. b7 o8 D WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
) {* N4 n& Z( _* l' b3 S% s (13689.30 8070.96) will be ignored. Increasing output
9 R9 z* G( P5 v% n; u5 I6 y/ w accuracy may allow segment to be generated.1 j1 ]- J0 k1 J- Q7 K8 @# G
; H0 M- B5 W. g. H7 M( j WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at6 T5 U* P3 K% s- R
(10837.53 8279.82) will be ignored. Increasing output9 Q6 h' v4 i/ _1 W
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.7 K2 c4 u d! R
" |; }. p7 c2 ` r3 R& E WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
8 ~* D1 K* n$ P6 ]3 x (10838.11 8190.31) will be ignored. Increasing output
. [7 X& E( u; u6 _& J$ E accuracy may allow segment to be generated.7 q3 S; L3 X# [6 E4 n2 a# l
! o0 u) |& h( v! D/ g9 m3 ]# k WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
; u- _# O g" K+ d (10874.76 8008.61) will be ignored. Increasing output
7 a/ t E, ~$ r9 p! [ accuracy may allow segment to be generated.+ _% g- I% P$ e' r8 I! q+ o
3 q/ [4 X9 [* C: E
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at( D: V' y8 B. K* d. j# z0 Y' l1 }
(10251.89 8270.02) will be ignored. Increasing output. ~) i. A2 U: G8 U& B4 C0 k
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
" L( i1 k3 i" I, ^# P
6 }) [. \/ i- e+ D+ Q; a% r9 h WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at8 ?% r/ p/ }- J3 J+ i% y3 M
(10252.31 8275.22) will be ignored. Increasing output
2 s8 I, L: i& y( ]. d9 t) g accuracy may allow segment to be generated.! n/ n% t( v4 ^4 d& x" V
{# \8 O" i( g: b& @1 j* X WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at4 U4 q7 U, \! y# |2 A
(10650.26 8947.01) will be ignored. Increasing output
6 q: y9 x7 G- z, J accuracy may allow segment to be generated.- R( f6 I2 w+ u4 q7 R- W9 I% I% x
( Y4 N& c' ]6 Z F7 ^# V# z
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at* ^& G% V+ g( P$ u
(10685.52 8947.45) will be ignored. Increasing output* W) Z* |6 S: c( \( L( Z
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
A) z$ `+ ^1 [
, Q. P4 }3 t S$ y WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
) u, l# i- n9 _" a. t (9623.74 8638.92) will be ignored. Increasing output3 K2 O3 p% ~: S" }+ a
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
7 P0 N* l, o# K+ t) ?
7 i$ b3 c+ a3 J$ g WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
( }* f1 E5 k: P b2 w (9738.92 8741.26) will be ignored. Increasing output+ K0 i/ s& U7 o- q" i- T
accuracy may allow segment to be generated., }. `3 o. j' {. p8 F( w
* O3 b5 Z! W) e3 I( g( V* p# D
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
1 k. g6 o- ]! P* C (9799.84 8751.38) will be ignored. Increasing output
0 m9 J/ T+ N' X. C8 o) l# n accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
, s- n# G/ w* e. Q' q# V
: S2 R0 ~2 M" |& n f WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
, J' U1 l' b/ [/ H5 m (9805.45 8751.25) will be ignored. Increasing output
/ Y6 k3 ^; g% g, i1 X accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
: o2 S( }9 R7 m& W
! ~" U5 c9 u8 d1 X WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
" @, g9 t4 m6 H3 | {9 r0 A (9859.13 8749.92) will be ignored. Increasing output
* d5 S' U! N1 G/ M u& L3 g) R" z accuracy may allow segment to be generated., m; y6 a/ u# d0 a* u, I* q8 [
$ N1 e9 w: }1 ~; \7 W7 x
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
7 D2 u" M M3 ?4 ?. x( H (10685.74 8725.29) will be ignored. Increasing output8 {7 c& |6 p5 u. a
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
/ |8 x- s) k6 c |( E. m$ p( c _8 ~! e! s
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at( `. L2 N- @! w5 `' Q+ j$ I
(10650.48 8724.85) will be ignored. Increasing output( ^8 U3 U) r, ^/ o" X" t; a
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
$ ?/ B: [- @! @/ \* N6 H! x
( X- |" u0 l% r( @! o/ S. Q: ] WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at- w$ E+ u# a( W& o; s$ x
(10632.02 8770.07) will be ignored. Increasing output
3 w- G0 J! X* m; q accuracy may allow segment to be generated. S6 x1 K+ ?1 N! o
% N* q" |! P0 o' u- s WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at8 T5 T2 z7 {) Y* u9 v
(12617.86 7825.24) will be ignored. Increasing output
5 S0 S5 k% M, Q8 N* L& ?! A accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
. D' A1 j, t7 n% e; p; ] w, ~4 k( {# K9 x& Y5 E( E$ O# ~
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
" Q5 F0 F" t" u8 `$ U7 y8 d (12577.55 7825.11) will be ignored. Increasing output* c$ O1 }+ l) e" r/ ?+ A$ k) g( X
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.# I7 N5 ?- w# B: l3 O
$ p/ X9 A/ O' j: d WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at7 v% r. @' R; {" u( n1 P
(12416.68 7847.50) will be ignored. Increasing output
- I3 j: c4 @8 W* b1 y" `5 V accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
$ R! U, @' m/ }# E
6 @ ]7 ~ ?8 w4 P2 T0 A WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at/ L4 |# \& W" C
(12611.23 7969.61) will be ignored. Increasing output
9 ~# U3 d X2 O$ R/ p1 _+ h accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
0 p& q# ~4 [6 X& F3 e1 a
! {9 _" v1 d- J6 h3 G5 x0 q WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at) l8 p) \2 T: f
(12685.18 7977.53) will be ignored. Increasing output
" p# M/ w* j9 i. R) M7 w accuracy may allow segment to be generated.4 k9 B$ L* u5 T0 y1 s! q: V
2 V# P0 a; o) G- L6 n( ^
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at' G Z% y% K) R8 i. K
(12709.45 7963.32) will be ignored. Increasing output
4 b; O8 Z) K, d; a' C. j$ l- l0 T accuracy may allow segment to be generated.8 t9 t% o: D# H7 Z+ y! [
) w# g9 I* g, S4 @ WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
& R& S. {) m |4 s! t (12748.31 7968.04) will be ignored. Increasing output
5 A$ M, Q/ E# Z accuracy may allow segment to be generated.& s* X2 F. N) x; Y) x
* {3 d- X4 e* m) q7 P
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at- S1 l9 r5 S, F9 ^
(13074.14 7942.98) will be ignored. Increasing output/ [+ Q) J0 R5 }8 s1 R/ E) P
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.0 }8 @5 f* N: g2 I8 \
6 H. i4 Z( n9 Q) n$ H) r6 Q6 X4 I0 ~/ m WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
8 ]- v4 F9 S2 X) I& F' o (12413.82 8006.14) will be ignored. Increasing output
" F2 B. G- h. M& ]7 e% |# } accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
) @6 @: V% `: H9 w& d
0 a: h: u) ~+ H% a7 }5 X6 ~ WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at! e4 j0 M B. N
(14482.52 7744.48) will be ignored. Increasing output6 d( G Y5 Z2 L, k
accuracy may allow segment to be generated./ W: Q) j! P/ f9 Z. m: _! s9 s
( H! b" h/ J/ C. e# p4 ^5 p WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at. k1 p2 t- A/ p. q
(10468.74 8894.25) will be ignored. Increasing output
/ o1 {( U0 U1 L; \: c accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
$ X) m2 G0 l5 L9 u# y% \
& M B$ Y% h4 ~) W3 \6 F8 }4 Y WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at8 f% A0 q, I S. d/ X7 H; d
(10444.86 8963.10) will be ignored. Increasing output
# Q% ^. i9 n7 k" M0 @ accuracy may allow segment to be generated.$ Q2 T! [7 ]. _( @( j% H
4 a/ M& _" B2 Y. m1 M6 `' O0 j WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at- x5 V7 T/ v& ~& S! _
(10193.74 9003.92) will be ignored. Increasing output' d# O, u$ d$ s- J! C7 ~
accuracy may allow segment to be generated., i$ z$ b% D! I3 A. X
+ Z ]& M, N* X
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at. Y$ _& e. S7 D0 ~; b* d
(10168.92 9106.26) will be ignored. Increasing output- @* z' I) C1 L/ x4 M# M
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.# R" n! O! g6 a
7 O8 d7 b* t, o, V
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at; p6 D, t1 s) Y {
(10188.59 9126.40) will be ignored. Increasing output) W+ Z" Q+ u" C, I- Z
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
% z( v3 Q5 z: O8 r# F N/ J( h
o3 T- o5 {+ [/ g4 [ WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
$ z- e: e1 N0 q, N (10555.87 9195.08) will be ignored. Increasing output
0 w; V" a0 d, V# G; O accuracy may allow segment to be generated.' P0 L) v. f1 t) H0 C, [; G
- g" G5 C; z7 ]! B
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at! [# S' }! | b' J6 {
(10530.15 9227.84) will be ignored. Increasing output, \1 P1 F2 k9 P
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
' L2 v4 ?5 o2 k# X7 p0 M) q- o
' j! [+ h- t0 P* l' \ W0 X WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at7 c; A; o- `2 O' y- g# N3 n
(10498.74 9183.92) will be ignored. Increasing output7 \/ L2 K$ p. A# j: v
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.) [3 ^% ?: [ R0 t
" k1 p: Y2 `) ~- {2 ?4 R
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
4 | B7 R1 v4 `0 { (10359.89 9160.81) will be ignored. Increasing output
- J, C" r4 F8 T n' I. M accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
) s+ s, Z) w* ]
) ~6 r1 J' W3 m WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
! Y4 w/ I* Q: V' m2 x (10510.77 9126.24) will be ignored. Increasing output M* e. E* Y B1 x: Q+ n1 d
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.! x) u1 b7 s8 t( A( J- \
$ ^2 F& g! h/ p d6 {. N WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at ~' k$ r9 u* N4 S3 G
(10515.93 9125.66) will be ignored. Increasing output
# u3 C8 J: D9 o1 t accuracy may allow segment to be generated., c/ ~0 x# z# {+ i
/ k$ ~ u8 q- \ WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
0 x) D' w7 a' n# y; T (10626.40 9103.63) will be ignored. Increasing output. x# b$ f" x5 {
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
- M0 j5 s( @6 _* J. J9 Y. u
) v' g0 c. K7 |( V, C- g& ?6 A! `8 P3 c WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at6 M; t2 c8 S3 e4 r9 B' p
(10460.32 8999.40) will be ignored. Increasing output: }& n, z& c# p l2 ?0 n
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.5 B' r2 z' i5 J6 S4 {; [" s. q5 a5 D
Q; c: Q, F7 ~' Z. ^
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
& M& y; Q/ y$ ?8 u (10479.86 8979.81) will be ignored. Increasing output
! w. p9 r! X" e9 f7 K9 B/ A9 t& n accuracy may allow segment to be generated.- w; I$ l; x: b/ e
; b) s% I/ s% W/ ]* N" h# K WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at. n2 C9 B! @% e" O/ g
(10473.90 8893.67) will be ignored. Increasing output# J! S( X8 Z" \" D# g7 \
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.) w: o* T6 d6 s6 f* z9 E
- q) S% k; p4 @" m- f
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at# s- D; U2 l! K# j' C" ]0 _
(13641.76 8004.98) will be ignored. Increasing output
% ]+ y: c$ d w+ s; R' { accuracy may allow segment to be generated.0 m! p3 n9 I6 n
. @6 J% g/ O& d; p( ]3 c
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
! u4 |( X& `+ y: i% a* U. \ (14216.98 7694.64) will be ignored. Increasing output
) O. w" W0 D$ V2 s- R r+ h accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
) G( t. `& r# g2 q" a' C* G
. t8 a: Y( X1 i3 ? WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
6 e" C1 C# F% {" d; J: x* x J (12425.47 7835.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
+ l: u& v4 \/ Y5 t' @7 t. C accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
9 _# G: u: l9 j2 `( ?7 A) M( B+ N4 `/ J# N+ p. V! ~0 c E
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at7 S% v, y# ?0 k
(12775.00 7975.00) will be ignored. Increasing output9 X, n+ W* p) ^9 ]2 J. u5 C
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
/ `7 D' @( H3 U# ?+ V6 n& {
, a6 U+ j: V& b' E3 h WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
9 ]# L& X0 e* w2 b7 S1 m (10472.50 8970.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
. E& O8 _" |; S accuracy may allow segment to be generated.; _9 r, b1 \ A4 {) R z6 M% h
* F& q& O) s$ G" v! h5 ]9 c
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
6 a4 W4 O% L, F8 e/ Z! t- c% y (12443.85 8095.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
6 n9 L! ?# F* u* b accuracy may allow segment to be generated.. j. \5 \3 Y$ T; Q. l8 `# m
2 }( J. m6 d- H" Y" m
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at' F$ X8 N' l4 x: {( n
(12035.24 8025.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
$ E$ i. C: g- Q6 b7 k% w& a. g9 v. i6 j* S accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
1 q5 w: D' j, j( k( p/ p) Z. x" W+ E$ J6 ]1 s9 r
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
: E* j6 {( d3 f* T& x$ B (11763.48 7785.01) will be ignored. Increasing output; Q! A9 Y: n' s; l- ^0 s. l! B
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.- p# q5 |& [' f$ |" c
% u9 i- R8 r% \2 Y$ x9 d/ \
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at" ^( u3 ^9 m1 o9 E5 `
(11759.32 7795.00) will be ignored. Increasing output
6 Q. Q2 w9 {( n0 z accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
: e; M/ V& B; p! g' Z# p6 Y+ I& N0 N4 g; R
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
9 f$ n+ U7 {( W8 ~ (12039.38 8035.01) will be ignored. Increasing output8 @* R' t' r' a9 B R8 Z
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.3 g% z' {2 ^7 {& a* E
: X, |& L$ M4 ^. r5 C WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at: C2 i. k6 w" _; R! l r8 ^
(12447.99 8105.01) will be ignored. Increasing output
9 Q8 ~+ ~* T' d% j' y( h accuracy may allow segment to be generated.( ]' D7 \! Z) s5 B
* n. ~6 j9 v7 a. h( c: z WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
* ]( v1 v4 L( c A+ y; |$ W (12411.80 8006.96) will be ignored. Increasing output
' A- ]1 k2 M0 H2 C H2 B" K+ e- e accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
: F5 Y! x1 f% k' \/ S* Y4 z ~4 e6 l0 K! k. b: ~5 G1 B* o9 i
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
$ N/ {: z' F6 \9 o1 f* _ (13073.68 7956.00) will be ignored. Increasing output& o( [/ C V; ^$ S2 ]4 Y$ W: B5 k
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
4 J8 q' \. w1 Q- |% O7 y# m
$ J& q K1 O6 v# | WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
* E) A2 M+ Y" w e8 `" L (12400.80 8011.53) will be ignored. Increasing output
. Z& i0 h. Q/ E. O accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
% M1 ]: A4 d/ V! O! c, {
5 s) _! b, x0 q2 f" k n. g" C" h WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at5 z* E) r2 q4 z6 _7 N
(12378.80 8020.65) will be ignored. Increasing output E6 Y9 t* `3 r$ t# a
accuracy may allow segment to be generated." K2 ^+ J O) ]# G5 u5 J* g* u. F5 h
% m/ C% j2 w3 s. A# y# n! ]) _: w, X WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at' `8 f1 Y* ^7 h% p* j# ]
(12389.80 8016.09) will be ignored. Increasing output. l% |) Z' D) d1 W8 ]
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.( @1 t7 l2 Y6 k& T. E- V; u
9 x: y$ M% \% i WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
+ r( m: z& f' b+ M# \* ? I (12026.33 8003.50) will be ignored. Increasing output! `" z& m* F! J" j2 l7 g4 d- T
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.& H5 ]$ ?8 O4 p- H1 b
[/ I" S$ s3 p$ D WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at4 g7 z9 O+ I* c, o$ u
(11772.39 7763.51) will be ignored. Increasing output
, j$ y1 y1 {2 c2 }) F. ~: R accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
9 W- D! Q# W4 q! @ O9 u) F. e5 x; ~& p6 ^; U
WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at% X' K$ Q. H4 I( R/ n4 C4 `" c
(13078.23 7944.99) will be ignored. Increasing output# {! ^7 G; U: u J$ y( N
accuracy may allow segment to be generated.: c$ }5 f+ S0 W! M
% J" @& W3 ]: { } WARNING: Segment with same start and end points at
# A* S [7 y- \! q7 W (10381.34 7936.34) will be ignored. Increasing output
) d$ G5 m: \0 S/ v accuracy may allow segment to be generated.
1 O8 l9 F+ |: z( F7 v3 { p
4 q# ~, [; _/ z# [: ]6 G3 y# p7 q9 e9 ^9 G' v& A* x" J& w9 o
7 D( _2 g; Z* e* j3 u
APERTURES USED:! G1 v4 @! }; [5 x
& d3 M4 U! K! w v0 Z/ G* W TYPE SIZE/NAME ROT MIRROR MODE * b8 e+ D! H1 w; L, r% g2 J* O- u
# e: g, C; S5 N; T4 Q CIRCLE 0.00400 DARK - Q! P& Y2 G$ Z0 e [7 L3 [+ H
8 ^+ k q) A# p! G% d0 w" q6 G CIRCLE 0.00500 DARK
1 @3 n8 H9 C' V! J; A, E+ \" v CIRCLE 0.00600 DARK ' w' G$ n& c) H% c: W+ {
CIRCLE 0.00800 DARK 2 c: L8 [" M7 }
CIRCLE 0.01000 DARK , ~* f# [$ H# a0 G$ U, i3 M
CIRCLE 0.01500 DARK ! i4 U/ I9 o/ T. _# X8 F F$ F
9 x0 [( o) x" v# k CIRCLE 0.02400 DARK # V3 l) Q* J2 C+ g
! }/ G6 @6 W: V CIRCLE 0.04300 DARK , z6 ~( ~0 U o) D9 |, g
5 E) r3 H5 ?9 ?: v0 }( {4 s; ` CIRCLE 0.04724 DARK * R0 A8 G! |7 |( x2 g* J0 A
CIRCLE 0.05500 DARK + ^9 B) z& O. _( }6 y* r! [
SQUARE 0.04000 0.000 NO DARK ( v8 S+ k2 m/ S3 b. |3 i
RECTANGLE 0.01000 x 0.04700 0.000 NO DARK : y* \* L* U: S9 L# }% s
RECTANGLE 0.01100 x 0.10200 0.000 NO DARK 7 A7 Z5 j9 q$ O! a7 P7 p7 X
RECTANGLE 0.03000 x 0.09800 0.000 NO DARK 9 J. Z. m7 |( T
RECTANGLE 0.03200 x 0.09800 0.000 NO DARK
: {- n8 e3 v# G; G$ p: d RECTANGLE 0.04300 x 0.09800 0.000 NO DARK * a* o4 X1 A0 s! M# D0 }
RECTANGLE 0.04900 x 0.09800 0.000 NO DARK
3 |6 ?# Q5 Q) V: o RECTANGLE 0.05700 x 0.08300 0.000 NO DARK
C* D: V9 W7 T/ E& t RECTANGLE 0.05900 x 0.07900 0.000 NO DARK
) V$ U- H! r, k5 P T RECTANGLE 0.06500 x 0.07500 0.000 NO DARK # w0 U9 b! d% `0 g+ b
RECTANGLE 0.08700 x 0.13800 0.000 NO DARK
6 o+ j V5 j* _) x OBLONG 0.02500 x 0.07500 0.000 NO DARK
6 ~+ O! g; ~* f6 m$ W OBLONG 0.03500 x 0.07500 0.000 NO DARK
, J o8 K4 u9 C" y- u3 l' U OBLONG 0.05400 x 0.15300 0.000 NO DARK & Y. O0 o. ~ @; C0 k& {7 i
OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.13800 0.000 NO DARK ' w5 u k/ B$ x4 [2 [2 b* s
OBLONG 0.06500 x 0.16100 0.000 NO DARK 4 W; E; _4 Y0 o5 Z
OBLONG 0.06900 x 0.15000 0.000 NO DARK 2 A0 m) v1 F/ a" Z9 i- C
OBLONG 0.08000 x 0.02953 0.000 NO DARK
& h, h, ^9 }' x" A8 F8 \- k4 \' e; Z PAD SHAPE SHAPE20X28 0.000 NO DARK
7 S4 A/ M* @% n7 ?" W PAD SHAPE SHAPE20X28 180.000 NO DARK
. X; p# M% o8 x* q6 X" n# r8 y5 p8 L$ d6 B6 j7 O; T; t
TOP created with warnings
; b+ z: ^8 ^! o) y5 p& K9 ^
( y0 {9 g$ b+ `* v: `9 ~9 {! I$ q* | N4 @. c) v/ O
------------------------------------------------------' f* @$ i: H: @+ o
SUMMARY:; a1 ^7 @( s4 g) S; l q3 ?
drill created with warnings
: r2 K9 V6 Y* D7 e. k# z8 { solder_bot created with warnings- A5 t1 x8 |" O0 h- H2 e0 C. a$ F( I1 E) H
solder_top created with warnings& h. U8 \" ^7 h- \
paste_bot created with warnings* c9 B% E" S8 Q: F+ {. j- y
paste_top created with warnings5 Q* {7 ]: L" q) c0 ~8 b ~
SILK_BOT created with warnings, \! C1 g. Q0 L
SILK_TOP created with warnings/ l: q. v8 R& w4 e7 n r5 |
*** ERROR with BOTTOM) ~% h- H: I5 D6 |
GND2 created with warnings
0 t$ W0 g7 \% J# ]: U SIG created with warnings
- ^ _- T: N+ p" V9 ~ POWER created with warnings1 H0 r+ M6 N+ q2 ~
GND1 created with warnings
) n# ^2 o6 K- v" S q' M; I TOP created with warnings
& w3 Z+ s! C2 ]5 D6 B ARTWORK Error |