
标题: 关于LVDS未使用的输入端 [打印本页]

作者: 小谢青枫    时间: 2014-1-2 16:56
标题: 关于LVDS未使用的输入端
请教大家,LVDS不使用的输入端大家怎么处理的,悬空么?论坛里有篇文档里面写着要悬空,但是不知道这个说法出自哪里?协议里我草草翻了一下没看见呀~~) F) h- \. @9 u. W0 [
作者: wq_463    时间: 2014-1-2 21:51
作者: bluskly    时间: 2014-1-2 22:01
作者: gu_simple    时间: 2014-2-9 10:50
1 o" n, O( H! x% T" Q0 ], l
作者: ZM218wri    时间: 2014-2-22 23:28
作者: 超級狗    时间: 2014-2-24 08:29
本帖最后由 超級狗 于 2014-2-24 08:33 编辑 8 h. \& |! l5 C- \

1 A3 v9 f3 b5 i# Y- X/ j" z因為您沒講得很清楚是訊號端(LVDS Side)或邏輯端(Logic Side)的輸入。
1 G$ A, U' X1 P% E! p+ Q# q) F; {: k: w+ n  ^" o  W, u

) x# g3 B, R; i$ O, j# [7 u4 R$ b4 p$ u  F+ V
Unused pins0 n" P& |9 y" |+ }) r; R4 k2 f3 @0 |
% {0 p. C. J+ y" Y1 n: O! a+ L
LVDS inputs - Leave unused LVDS receiver inputs open (floating) for LVDS receivers unless directed differently by the specific component’s datasheet. Their internal failsafe feature will provide sufficient biasing to put the outputs in a known state. These unused receiver inputs should not be connected to noise sources such as cables or long PCB traces - float them near the pin. LVDS receivers are high-speed, high-gain devices, and only a small amount of noise, if picked up differentially will cause the receiver to respond. This causes false transitions on the output and increases power consumption.& c& [. U  Z9 }" r
4 Z2 o: \8 P& L& ^
LVDS and TTL outputs - Leave all unused LVDS and TTL outputs open (floating) to conserve power.Do not tie them to ground.4 o( w+ @. N0 N: i* C; Z: j

. Y5 k$ N5 Q  G. e8 f6 X! KTTL inputs - Tie unused TTL transmitter/driver inputs and control/enable signals to power or ground or in certain cases they may be left open if the datasheet supports this condition. Some devices provide internal pull down (or up) devices to bias the pins. Again, consult the datasheet for information regarding the device’s features. This type of information is typically included in the pin description table.8 r/ q$ J& p+ U; I: C

8 o$ a5 N& \# ]" X
作者: 0601    时间: 2014-2-24 14:11

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