
标题: Hotfix_SPB16.60.009_wint_1of1(9号补丁) [打印本页]

作者: dsws    时间: 2013-5-13 23:41
标题: Hotfix_SPB16.60.009_wint_1of1(9号补丁)
5 _+ `0 [' F, z2 [( Z: ^0 ~& _" c! d. J6 N* [3 z$ n6 e% s
http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=418583&uk=3826038294! v: l6 C- u" \. o+ |9 _

, ^* B, d. V% }" k3 G/ j+ t" R
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/ ^- K- T5 ~9 }6 q& T* t* |' f3 TDATE: 05-9-2013    HOTFIX VERSION: 009
, x: p5 O: p: U===================================================================================================================================
; g# k0 c1 z* L1 z. W. |CCRID   PRODUCT        PRODUCTLEVEL2   TITLE: B" q+ R% C; W% T
6 T4 ^) i0 O, B% Q5 X0 R' N4 ?2 L  y961420  ALLEGRO_EDITOR PLACEMENT        Regardless of the aspect ratio for room of side The QuickPlace by room command could be placed comp7 e5 S( h! m3 Q$ a2 H
1079862 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SKILL            Ability to create IPC2581 layer mapping file by Allegro Skill function
2 j/ F6 H% o) O( {9 Y1 \& E" V7 w8 a1080734 CONCEPT_HDL    CORE             Repainting of grid lines during pan or by moving window show as solid white lines instead of gray da3 U+ O+ |' g% v/ q1 v/ r6 o
1104145 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SCHEM_FTB        User defined properties do not appear in PCB
- _$ E  X- K/ I  Y6 R  B) ]1107547 SCM            OTHER            v15.5.1 tcl/tk code not recognised in 16.6, V6 L( n1 [7 x9 D) R% L$ j
1110209 CONCEPT_HDL    OTHER            We can move symbols and wires off grid despite the site.cpm grid lock) Z+ a$ \; [$ E8 Y+ Y3 d% ?. C
1117825 CONCEPT_HDL    OTHER            SHOW_CONSOLE_ON_LAUNCH throws an unrecognized directive warning in the schematic editor0 L: J- D9 B4 V: |
1118874 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERFACES       Oblong pad shapes are not shown with correct orientation after DXF export from Allegro: q) o+ {6 K/ o  o+ @! @
1121873 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERFACE_DESIGN Importing Bundles from Net Groups does not allow any further editing.: n! g  \# q8 U5 B9 E4 a
1122933 CONCEPT_HDL    CORE             Newly added Toolbars are getting invisible after re-staring Concepthdl1 t2 c7 q, o: e8 c, n
1124587 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV       The Shape Expansion/Contraction command should also be available in EE mode.) I, l7 V9 \# ^" S5 s" R# m8 s- d" A
1125895 SIP_LAYOUT     LEFDEF_IF        Tool crash while moving the slider in the Filter options Macro tab form of the co-design die library manager0 P, k( c5 |& p# x! `
1125962 F2B            DESIGNVARI       Custom Text in Variant Details dialog box is inconsistent
: r- r/ q- k9 J7 W$ |1126096 SCM            REPORTS          Two nets missing in report
% d* |# F! q4 t1 y( \1126134 SIG_INTEGRITY  GEOMETRY_EXTRACT Attempting to extract topology hangs APD# w. |& `1 z- z- T3 a
1126182 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR       Shape fillet DRC in same net thru via to thru via was removed after update DRC.+ F, ?8 S) T2 A& c$ E
1130280 ALLEGRO_EDITOR MANUFACT         stream_out command in 16.6 seems hard coded to look for a design called stream_out.brd
) x6 M. f/ a! V: ]1 v; S1130737 F2B            PACKAGERXL       Error - pxl.exe has stopped working
1 P9 C8 g) i% {  d" `; C1131650 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PLOTTING         PDF Publisher doesnot display few component defination properties in Property parameters/ ?6 ?; @( [% s# d- S$ k* [2 `
1131764 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCH        Line segment will not slide using the New Slide.
1 S9 c% P9 g) N# r! O" E$ a  N1132638 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DFA              'dfa_update' crashes when running the utility on the attached foder.4 G. Z- c0 r* a4 j, x9 \" _
1133311 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SKILL            ?origin switch is not working correctly with axlTransformObject while rotating shapes; l# e8 i1 m8 l" f9 s3 ]! ]6 E
1133893 SIP_LAYOUT     IMPORT_DATA      netlist-In Wizard crashes
作者: mengshang    时间: 2013-5-14 06:51
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作者: wolfshiao    时间: 2013-5-14 09:08
唷!!這麼快又來9 號了..
# Q4 O, T3 h# ~$ ]$ n, U感謝大大的分享囉!!!!
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谢谢楼主,求win8 64位的破解方式
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更新了原有LICENSE 不能用了怎么办啊??!!
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更新了原有LICENSE 不能用了怎么办啊??!!:'(:'(:'(
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作者: txqtomton    时间: 2013-6-6 19:51
楼主能给发一份吗* U6 Q% C/ U& E6 Z- S* N
* c9 u% B9 F* d' m7 }5 JHotfix_SPB16.60.007
( W( k" b+ z) L" `5 A; J, v* P7 ^/ N- D+ X
作者: zuoyamvp    时间: 2013-6-8 11:00

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