
标题: Cadence Allegro SPB V16.60补丁Hotfix_SPB16.60.002_wint_1of1 [打印本页]

作者: phonse    时间: 2013-1-27 09:50
标题: Cadence Allegro SPB V16.60补丁Hotfix_SPB16.60.002_wint_1of1
Cadence Allegro SPB V16.60的S002补丁0 r7 T" t  G8 C6 h- v% t2 C1 ]

& }* \  U0 K- H% N6 U) b下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=200179&uk=2735076803
8 y; {- ^3 E- F  d! r0 P: t( ^* s安装成功。4 v7 M, Z# n, g( ?: h  g

0 x, o+ L, G7 O8 n* l
作者: cxyjoe    时间: 2013-1-27 10:03
作者: cxyjoe    时间: 2013-1-27 10:03
作者: phonse    时间: 2013-1-27 10:36
cxyjoe 发表于 2013-1-27 10:03
: k/ \& V% n$ }非常感谢!能传个16.50.036么?
3 ?% B+ `0 Z4 B1 w7 R% {
: ?* M9 [+ s: {0 k0 }- P这里面不是有的下吗?
4 Q  O" |6 L+ G
作者: cxyjoe    时间: 2013-1-27 10:43
本帖最后由 cxyjoe 于 2013-1-27 10:46 编辑 8 {$ m6 q) v( ?0 p: a; u+ T. Z
phonse 发表于 2013-1-27 10:36
: I  W! o1 u$ }  e$ k. nhttps://www.eda365.com/thread-82935-1-1.html; }# m+ M' d4 E9 Z& f
- X$ I8 H4 |) `3 m- x

0 w) l: m$ f- v5 s; Y这个下的是有问题的,安装不了,文件太小了,466M,应该有645兆左右
作者: mengshang    时间: 2013-1-27 12:07
作者: wangshilei    时间: 2013-1-27 13:29
好样的,16.6用着真舒服,走线功能快和EE有一拼了  安装了S001,暂时还没发现有什么BUG
作者: waiwai788    时间: 2013-1-27 21:28
作者: MentorUser    时间: 2013-1-27 21:57
phonse !! Thanks for your sharing ... {:soso_e183:}
作者: yinkzhdmi    时间: 2013-1-27 22:09
作者: elm99    时间: 2013-1-27 22:27
作者: steven.ning    时间: 2013-1-28 08:24
作者: willyeing    时间: 2013-1-28 08:53
作者: phonse    时间: 2013-1-28 09:35
willyeing 发表于 2013-1-28 08:53
9 v% z: y' {0 U1 @6 X- slz,是否装002的补丁,001的补丁就不用装了,具备002的所有功能了
1 }/ H/ k7 `* W0 R! B* X
作者: micdot    时间: 2013-1-28 10:29
willyeing 发表于 2013-1-28 08:53
. b' t$ Y: t  Ylz,是否装002的补丁,001的补丁就不用装了,具备002的所有功能了
* s5 S; j/ [! `
作者: micdot    时间: 2013-1-28 10:36
) G: R; H7 K+ r8 R1 nhttp://www.orcad.nl/patches/Hotfix_SPB16.60.002_wint_1of1.exe. S7 J, l+ x8 W. c
0 Z' _; r! K1 n
Cadence SPB16.6 SuperHotfix002发布,具体修复问题如下:$ r: D7 }3 e2 y
DATE: 12-21-2012   HOTFIX VERSION: 002* y8 n; K; v& ?3 s& m8 [# h
% k  l$ o/ v; ^9 vCCRID   PRODUCT        PRODUCTLEVEL2   TITLE
" J$ X) a9 ]$ q) p( e( s===================================================================================================================================' p2 v& y. J4 {, `& c/ l9 m; H! m
491042  CONCEPT_HDL    SECTION          Prevent PackagerXL from changing visibility on SEC attribute
  b/ r0 p' O& C  V# H1 J$ `863928  ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV       Segment over void higlights false "nets with arc"6 a7 u3 q; N4 u# D! J" I6 I
1067272 PCB_LIBRARIAN  CORE             Unable to retain the symbol outline changes
. m, @, D6 H: F6 U2 S# G1074820 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS         losing infinite cursor tracking after selecting the add text command with opengl enable4 f/ ]" g8 Q0 `) f; j
1075622 CONCEPT_HDL    CORE             PDV Edit Symbol in DE-HDL all editing functions disabled since Hotfix 33& ?! L- S: V, e% s0 d+ Y
1076986 APD            WIREBOND         Wirebond Adjust Min DRC does not maintain the finger position in the same sequence9 g4 O2 F9 U1 E2 J) V9 G$ A! Q
1078031 SIG_INTEGRITY  REPORTS          Requesting improvement to progress indicator for report generator
+ f4 M& R6 V  w7 u( n; Y1080213 SIP_LAYOUT     WIREBOND         Wrong behavior of Redistribute Fingers Command
' N' Y$ t# U8 n5 ?6 \( U3 H' F, H1080667 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS         Allegro lines with fonts not displayed correctly in 16.6
* i( B' a( Z( c% {" g% `- l7 }( U1080982 CONCEPT_HDL    CORE             Crash of Allegro Design Entry during a copy of a note.
% o. Q* ]1 v  z0 Y  F2 m. [1081200 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHER            In the DIFF_PAIR worksheets various Analysis seem to take a long time to complete.
4 L1 M' }% q5 {$ M- q1081553 CONCEPT_HDL    OTHER            Model Assignment can not translate M (Milli-ohm) property value of DE HDL.
% [: ?) ?, p+ k8 o; n; @& |: I1081696 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV       Compose shape not working when radius is set to 1.05 M; o/ ~" _! T( b8 G
1082595 ALLEGRO_EDITOR COLOR            Infinite cursor remains white even we change background to white* N  Z* p! M; R8 j9 A
1082704 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS         infinite cursor disappears when using Display>Measure
# Z$ Z4 R% M1 Z: u, a, o; A- g/ [1082715 SIG_EXPLORER   INTERACTIV       Single line impedance for BOTTOM Layer is not calculated in cross section upon changing the thickness of dielectic layer7 t3 e& M9 q& X3 r+ H' o, X) k
1082774 ALLEGRO_EDITOR TECHFILE         Import techfile command terminates abnormally when importing a generic techfile.
3 D# `7 W4 [) y: t" R1082820 CONSTRAINT_MGR UI_FORMS         The configure generic cross-section pull downs do not work.
# v* {7 e1 ]  Z$ \) E5 j/ D1083133 SIP_LAYOUT     INTERACTIVE      SiP will crash when using the beta Pad Rename command to change a BGA pads name.
8 K* q5 `4 ?+ a. }  T1083158 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS         The cursor chage to Arrow head for Shape Select is more sensitive to location in SPB 16.6  L' i" E; @  N
1083533 CONCEPT_HDL    CONSTRAINT_MGR   Bug -Net-count under few of the netclasses are not in sync between Schematics & Layout7 E( L8 {, _$ o( W* l: x/ S) Z" s
1083637 PCB_LIBRARIAN  CORE             Save As is not renaming the NAME in the symbol.css file( ]1 C+ R  O+ a
1083934 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PAD_EDITOR       Error(SPMHUT-41): File selected is not of type Drawing.
1 r& I1 c3 U1 X1084148 CONCEPT_HDL    CHECKPLUS        The CheckPlus hasProperty predicate fails in the Physical environment.8 d3 k1 \3 B2 K! T( g
1084166 SIP_LAYOUT     DIE_ABSTRACT_IF  Updating sip layout with new die abstract doesn't properly update IC_DESIGN_CELL* properties2 f  O. @' \3 ~; @5 i8 ^) K* @
1084285 CONCEPT_HDL    INFRA            Corrupted dcf was never fixed and caused PXL error" t+ [. T8 |% Z+ |# D
1084441 CONCEPT_HDL    CORE             Assigned net property value changes to numeric
' L% R7 t! q% D" s  b2 L  n1084542 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRAFTING         Dimensions associated with frect doesn't rotate with the symbol.
; W( g" j  I+ ~6 Z) G$ @1084736 APD            IMPORT_DATA      Import SPD2 file from UPD-L shape Pad and text issue  c/ G/ n4 t( A' o$ h
1085008 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV       Relative (from last pick) option in the Pick dialog not working for pick command
/ o: b3 T$ m; U1 t4 V) t# C1085139 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS         Infinite Cursor disappear during Add Connect if Infinite_cursor_bug_nt is enabled
9 J; z4 q# R% q4 K/ {1085187 SIP_LAYOUT     INTERFACE_PLANNE netrev with overwrite constraints fatal error
6 Y8 f, Q: Y& @! F5 a' \- n+ y$ d1086402 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS         Infinite cursor dissapear when using command like add connect or Place manually with opengl enabled.
- h( {+ [( F$ N& _8 s- m1086905 PSPICE         SIMULATOR        PSpice crash while simulating circuit file with BREAK function
5 H- F( W  Y' Z( Q. p0 l( J( c& w1087770 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCH        Allegro crashes on a pick with the slide command./ x: Y) {3 f$ k% y/ K7 i6 z
1088412 SCM            CONCEPT_IMPORT   why reimport block adds _1 to the netnames?
! `5 |6 x- l9 }5 [+ F1088958 CONSTRAINT_MGR INTERACTIV       annot create Differential Pairs out of nets that belongs to a Net Group
  J# z) ~3 V2 j' I, h  F) L1089336 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS         infinite cursor and pcb_cursor_angle* Q& _  @' Q' J+ C, t
1090689 ADW            LRM              LRM: Unable to select any Row regardless of Status$ H" M  \1 X. }4 T; i3 i
1090955 ALLEGRO_EDITOR OTHER            Cancel command crashes PCB Editor when add rectangle8 `1 R' [  a4 R' H" o7 g
1091047 ALLEGRO_EDITOR REPORTS          The "Dangling Lines Via and Antenna� report seems to be missing vias that are antennas.) Y) D5 X/ M' ~& G5 W
1091218 ADW            LRM              LRM is not worked for the block design of included project( @5 X2 Y+ |0 [) `" u
1091443 ALLEGRO_EDITOR OTHER            Crash when toggling suppress pads
9 L5 X' m* A5 i+ w; ]; w7 D; m1091706 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCH        Allegro crash while routing after setting variable acon_no_impedance_width8 V% h1 P; y+ l
1092916 CAPTURE        OTHER            Capture crash
' U* l2 H7 X& c# _6 ?1093573 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE         team design opening workflow manager crashes allegro.  possibly corrupt database4 Q* D7 Q. y3 j5 j% b
7 a$ j1 d2 `( C: F
+ x7 A; I; f4 L- E5 }# W! O+ a

作者: amaryllis    时间: 2013-1-28 11:12
周末发的新补丁,都不休息的呀5 C, j+ A" d! B0 B; a. L6 x3 N# v

1 D9 n2 U9 B4 G5 m2 a7 u( [谢谢楼主
作者: willyeing    时间: 2013-1-28 11:54
micdot 发表于 2013-1-28 10:29
( J+ X  y3 N) Z8 F0 S* T我所理解的,根据有关网友的介绍以及自己的试验,只装002的补丁即可,001的补丁就不用装了。
" v+ G/ X+ g( D( q9 E" I, J
作者: steven.ning    时间: 2013-1-28 13:25
作者: noway    时间: 2013-1-29 09:11
作者: tzljbj    时间: 2013-2-2 10:44
作者: Divingbear    时间: 2013-2-2 10:59
作者: ksvhxd    时间: 2013-2-5 22:12
下载下来再说,谢谢分享; [1 [2 Z" Y" W2 n7 t: b3 W

作者: 皓月星光    时间: 2013-2-7 10:39
作者: wxmcumtb    时间: 2013-2-19 09:25
作者: rasytc    时间: 2013-3-4 10:39
作者: phonse    时间: 2013-3-9 12:09

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