
标题: Zigbee 傳輸協定名稱由來 [打印本页]

作者: 超級狗    时间: 2017-9-21 14:32
标题: Zigbee 傳輸協定名稱由來
3 M' F1 Z) q/ C8 W% F; a$ O2 ~. S0 I3 S
說法一. A4 o0 F5 L4 G- d: ^: Y
當一個 ZigBee 網路節點被移除或是斷訊,其周遭的 ZigBee 裝置能夠透過 ZigZag(蜿蜒曲折)的傳輸方式、如同大黃蜂那樣的連接到其目的地(Zigzag like a Bee),這也就是 ZigBee 的名稱由來。4 J7 w! a' w( g. S; N- c5 I
資料來源:DigiTimes - 智慧家庭的物聯網連接:論 ZigBee 技術與應用: l4 ~9 Z2 J4 I, |( X

# H( D4 [: L0 |5 D: X1 D- z說法二
: I8 \+ G4 a- s: y, {Zigbee 是挪威傳說中的一個小精靈,沉默寡言但非常可靠。每當村民有危險時,都會出手拯救或發出聲音警告。協會以此命名,用以比喻該協定的可靠及安全。
; d* d) U6 i$ A9 }1 u+ `5 s資料來源:Bob Heile, Ph.D. (Chairman, ZigBee Alliance) - Zigbee Wireless Network
; I: G+ s0 e4 r- L
5 q0 s+ t1 a- u1 m! Y$ U說法三
/ R1 m$ c- n7 a( M3 h1 P當蜜蜂發現新的花蜜採集地點時,會以蜿蜒(Zigzag)跳動的方式來告知同伴,這種通訊方式能精確地傳遞相關訊息給對方。協會以此命名,用以比喻該協定簡單、迅速及正確。 ( T9 _+ W; y9 a. w2 X
資料來源:Jennifer Leah Stong-Michas - The Buzz on ZigBee
5 N( X( F6 \( S1 K2 u9 ~" o) Z# E; n* w, E+ V3 Z' ]8 r
& I- O: _3 _+ `/ r
6 E) k# P7 p  U" `7 Z- P' w' [9 B

作者: Haiting32451    时间: 2017-9-21 16:39
作者: chenlaipi    时间: 2017-9-21 16:41
作者: 超級狗    时间: 2017-9-25 21:24
chenlaipi 发表于 2017-9-21 16:41
: _0 z( X; l% v; L, [- x6 T# o; b选三,因为英文只知道bee是蜜蜂
% V5 l2 d% W0 n+ `4 A( S
我發現那幾個唬爛的講法,應該也是因為邪惡的美帝,只認識 Zig 和 Bee 兩個字。% _) ~7 c* t6 N( p
' _2 S9 Z! c3 i* O! x# P9 D" ^

: s. ^+ A& _, _$ D
作者: 超級狗    时间: 2017-9-26 08:24
阿波羅九號(Apollo_9)︰& U* W7 k% P# u
1 |, g' r# V# r5 Q, n4 }
; [$ U$ [! ?3 [1 h+ l: R) Y: K* F$ C- C9 N  u: H+ G% q

作者: 超級狗    时间: 2017-10-26 10:09
感謝大家參與投票,本問題小弟沒有標準答案,只不過說法二的作者,曾任 Zigbee 協會主席,可信度應該較高。(呼攏大家應該會被打成豬頭吧!)1 z+ r. K  P, C
! t( u- N+ Z) p6 R
下面洋文兒是 Bob Heile, Ph.D. (Chairman, ZigBee Alliance) 在 Zigbee Wireless Network 書中的原文:
  P7 G$ g6 W5 ~6 j! r5 d# Z5 N: X+ Q! @
A Norwegian legend speaks of a little troll by the name of ZigBee, who lived in the village of Vik far inland on the fjord of Sogn. Now, Norwegian trolls aren’t the big, nasty and smelly, hard-as-rock variety often told of in other tales, at least not always. ZigBee was a kindly, quiet little troll, who didn’t speak much, but when he did speak it was always reliable. A person could count on ZigBee.
: _. U6 s6 p' P+ a9 ]: U: u
- s' Y2 ^& U. |One time, ZigBee sensed that a decomposing pile of hay stacked up against a barn had become too hot and had begun to smolder. ZigBee, in no time at all, sounded the alarm to every house in the village, and the villagers were able to put out the fire before the barn was lost.& e# e- R9 [5 \/ k( W% d; e# x
. V5 b" [& W* q+ I6 n
Another day, a grandfather left the port of Vik i Sogn in his small fishing boat to catch Salmon with his granddaughter Brita. This day, unlike other days, Brita was not being careful. Bestefar (that is the name Norwegians give to their grandfathers) didn’t notice when Brita fell overboard as he was busy hauling in a net full of fish off the stern of the little boat. ZigBee, sensing immediately that Brita had fallen, alerted Bestefar who was able to save her from drowning." O8 G# G) S0 t  _$ V

' a8 w# Q( A% a- M3 y! w

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